
I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it again: much of the media, especially NY Times, thinks it’s job is to find and publicize the nugget of coherence in a Trump speech (even if they have to edit him to get it) and the error in an otherwise coherent Biden speech. To not be biased or something.
So when Trump says "they aren't paying their dues" they hear that through the elite filter of previous normal candidates upset that NATO members weren't funding *their own* militaries properly, and "correct" him to that framing. But that's not what he's saying, and it's not what he means!
This is wild on the network news. They edit bits of Trump rally speeches into coherent points. Starting from what they presume he's trying to say then working backwards until they can make it sound like that's what he said.
That’s exactly what I’m talking about.
Their editors should win some kind of negative award for parsing his nonsense and convincing people he is sane.
Yesterday NPR played Trump's statement about letting Russia do "whatever the hell they want." A host asked "what does he mean by that?" and a reporter answered that Trump is skeptical of the value of international alliances. And like, no, he means exactly what he's saying, so react accordingly.
Whereas the answer should have been a wide-eyed, "He's crazy?"
well, we voters are going to do whatever the hell *we* want at the ballot box come November and rid us of this orange fart cloud once (again) and for all
that people assume Trump ever thought like a President rather than a mob boss like squatter in the office baffles me he thinks foreign nations should pay HIM directly
Coverage is rife with a timid, flaccid subtext of ‘please don’t yell at us Mr Trump’
Well, that and "Please don't send your fever brained sycophants to dox us, threaten the lives of our children, and show up at our offices with military grade weapons. If you don't we'll print whatever you and your minions want!"
They just can't accept that Trump and his many followers are that dumb and unhinged. There must be a deeper meaning or belief. And no, there's not.
You are in the money, which of course is the ironic part. In trying not to be biased (if indeed they are trying), the NYT has to exhibit a deliberate bias, in addition to lying copiously about things both men said and did. Even if it's for normalcy, that's still a bias. Maybe even the greatest bias.
Right. A normalcy bias isn’t the same as partisan bias. But in a situation with one normal candidate/party, and one very abnormal one, a normalcy bias helps the latter.
Yup. And sadly we cannot entirely rule out partisan bias. Their coverage of trans people leads me to believe that an active and very dark bias is at work in those offices somewhere. Possibly even everywhere.
And conservatives will still hate them. Imagine throwing all integrity and good will you've amassed over years and abandoning your readers just to capitulate to people who don't even know how to read.
I’ve witnessed this mindset firsthand from someone I know in the media. “You know, there actually is some truth to that,” etc. In this case it was management level and the person likes hobnobbing with bigshots way too much.
Is this the result of 50 years of the media trying to avoid accusations of "liberal bias"? Nothing prevents the accusations, but media tended to quote conservatives without context even before Trump, allowing a smear like "far left" into quotes and headlines.
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I wish America would fix its crappy 'democracy', but it just looks very far away right now. So, we must hope the safer, old and confused man wins the election. 🤦🏻‍♂️
At least the people working under him won't be people like Gestapo chief-in-waiting Stephen Miller. The government will remain intact and functional no matter what state of mind Biden is in.
Not even pretending it’s about “not being biased” any more.