Naim Matasci

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Naim Matasci

Opinionated evolutionary geneticist, computational biologist, hat wearer · Views are my own · Pronouns: he/his/him
LAX is where all the bad ideas get tested. I really think that when organizations fail so badly, executives should be physically punished.
Airline executives and board members should only be allowed to fly economy. That way they can experience the brilliance of their ideas.
That's my regular "this meeting is on Teams" face
If you use Microsoft Copilot your team will be as excited to be at work as this woman is, no lies detected
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Can't get to a museum? A user-friendly platform allows you to search by artist name, title, date, culture, medium, dimensions, object type, & more Nearly 88,000 Art Images From The Getty Are Now Free To Download and Use How You Like 🏺🧪
Tired: I hope this email finds you well Wired: I hope this email finds you Inspired: This email knows where you live
EBU should stick to Charpentier's Te Deum, because this really ain't it. #eurovision
Latvia was going to enter the Blue Man group, but unfortunately ran out of makeup. #Eurovision
Estonia should have taken a page from Spain and shown more booty. Could have been a winner!
So, the northern lights were just an ad for the Eurovision?
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Soon, the last trustworthy place to look a fact up will be media printed prior to 2020. Hold onto your encyclopedia sets, my friends. They are going to be the low-background metal of the future.
This is the problem. It's often impossible to tell the difference between stuff it's confidently hallucinating and real things. You have to google every answer. Sodium is definitely not a berry, aprium and jostleberries are fruits. (I looked this up).
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Sales email: Let's connect! Me: let us not. Let's pretend we are ships passing in the night, blissfully unaware of each other's existence, just like we were five minutes ago.
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RFK is also a precursor to the Kind of Guy American society is going to be left with in a decade. He's been all in on every raw/natural food trend. It left his body riddled with worms and mercury levels that turned him into the guy from Memento. This is the average Joe Rogan listener in 2037.
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I've attended a couple of those where some graybeard launches into a "more of a comment" tirade.
One common misconception is that the president's job is to run the university. It isn't. It should be, but that's not what they are hired for. A president's job is to secure donations. If you use this framework it all makes sense.
Columbia University just announced that its university-wide commencement on May 15th has been canceled
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Time for a timeline cleanse
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To a beautiful beach on Nantucket A Musk fan planned to Cybertruck it He drove onto the strand And got stuck in the sand So the owner was forced to say fuck it (Photos via the Nantucket Current @ACKCurrent)
BREAKING: major stash of drugs found at Columbia School of Pharmacology lab. 3 NYPD officers hospitalized after spotting a sealed bottle of pentanol and mistaking it for fentanyl.
NYPD dep. commish says he “found a book on terrorism” at Columbia. From the Oxford UP website, the book answers the questions, “What is terrorism? Is it war? Is democracy especially vulnerable to terrorist attacks? What can we do to stop it?” This is how you seed a genocide-justifying moral panic.
To do their job, our police needs less tactical gear and more red foam noses.
Best part of this is … have you ever actually seen an Oxford VSI? They’re tiny. Wtf is Daughtry holding up there?
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Instead of suspending students and sending in the cops to beat and arrest people at Palestine/Gaza solidarity encampments, more university administrators should follow the lead of Wesleyan president Michael S. Roth.