Stephen Hardwick

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Stephen Hardwick

Appellate public defender. Peace Corps Tunisia. Lowest-level zoning chair. Wolverine in Buckeye land. Election worker. Cyclist. Personal account with personal views only. “On the payroll of the rain garden interests.” he/him
Same here. Many lawyers write badly, but we are *trained* to use repetition, analogies, and storytelling, although training in storytelling has significantly increased over the last 20-30 years.
If a school district replaces regular class with study so kids who leave DURING THE SCHOOL DAY for private religious training won’t miss anything, these not-really-non-profits are taking learning time from students who go to school for, you know, school.
I guess executing those who disagree with you is one way to be “absolutist” about free speech.
Prison rape jokes are still rape jokes. Don't. Just don't.
It is not funny. It is not just. It is not an appropriate part of a carceral sentence. We should not view it as an inevitability and we should not speak of it as "deserved". It is one of the many shames of our carceral system and one of the reasons we need radical prison reform.
Too many people still think rape is good if it's done to a bad person.
Want to know the daily grind of a state supreme court? OK, only a few of you care that much, but those people, the Ohio Supreme Court maintains a list of all filings for the previous 5 days—every single one. A few may be sealed, but you'll get the general description. #AppellateSky #LegalWriting ⚖️
Public Docket Supreme Court of Ohio Online Docket
posting a photo of a depression-curing fountain pen. #JustOneMoreFountainPen
My favorite fountain pen—an Aikin-Lambert pen my father-in-law gave me that, I believe, came from his grandfather. It has an inscription: “From employees to Harry Jacobs, 12-25-16.” That’s *1916.* It’s an eyedropper pen, and I don’t trust the seals, but it’s the coolest pen I have.
This ruling is horrible, so we need people who will explain just how horrible it is, and we also need people to think through how to navigate the decision to make it less horrible in practice.
Judge Glanville is wrong about a lot of things, but at least he’s only screw-up-this-case wrong, not undermine-the-republic wrong.
Things couldn’t have seemed much better to Thurgood Marshall when he started in the 1930s, but he managed to show up to fight for clients in place where he would have been murdered if he spent the night. If he could get through his times, we can get through ours.
Thurgood Marshall: American Revolutionary: Williams, Juan: 9780812932997: Thurgood Marshall: American Revolutionary [Williams, Juan] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Thurgood Marshall: American Revolutionary
Notice that the accessible parking sign behind the goose has a “$500 Fine” sign rubber-banded on. The BOE gives them to us because the city can’t enforce an accessible space restriction unless the sign includes the correct fine, and many old signs have no fine listed or list the old fine of $250.
One vexing problem I couldn’t entirely fix—angry geese near the polling entrance. I hope to have solution by November, because as funny as the problem is, an angry goose could keep voters away. (Everyone seemed to get by them, at least.)
Note: Even if the accessible designation isn’t legally enforceable, it’s socially enforceable. So if you park there and aren’t eligible, you’re still a jerk.
Another little example: When the line started to get long when we were in a church sanctuary, I took the chair, which were stacked against the wall, and made Disney-style turnaround. With parental permission, every kid in line got their “Ohio Votes” sticker early—because bored kids love stickers.
Helping people who use assistance to vote is particularly satisfying—making it clear that it’s an honor to help them cast whatever vote they want at the pace they feel comfortable with. Making sure the attitude is customer service, especially when there’s an issue that requires time to resolve.
Arranging the line so people can wait inside instead of out in the cold. Patiently working with the board of elections when you don’t have e something you need. Saying, “Yes, you can use your unexpired drivers license with your old address.”
One vexing problem I couldn’t entirely fix—angry geese near the polling entrance. I hope to have solution by November, because as funny as the problem is, an angry goose could keep voters away. (Everyone seemed to get by them, at least.)
Geese against democracy.
Yes. And I didn’t want to say that working the polls is the only way to serve. The system needs people doing what you’re doing, as well as much more. Some people can’t do more, but for the rest, there’s an election-related niche to Get Important Stuff Done.
Want voting to go more smoothly in your area? This site will direct you to your local election professionals so you can sign up to be a poll worker.
This is why I work Election Day as a poll worker—managing a voting location and doing anything I legally can to help eligible voters cast whatever vote they want with as little inconvenience as possible.
Poll Worker Resources for Voters | U.S. Election Assistance The EAC encourages those interested in becoming poll workers at the polls on Election Day to learn more about what is required and how to sign up to work with your local election office.
This is why I work Election Day as a poll worker—managing a voting location and doing anything I legally can to help eligible voters cast whatever vote they want with as little inconvenience as possible.
Let me step back from this a bit. This is true short term, but the seeds of today’s right-wing rule were sown in dissents since the Warren Court. Judges and justices on the left need to hone this craft. And people like me shouldn’t throw spit balls from the peanut gallery when they do.
“Great dissent” means the right side lost, and lost big. I hate those words.
“Great dissent” means the right side lost, and lost big. I hate those words.
Looking for a good book to get your mind off of republic-destroying monsters? How about planet-destroying monsters? After finishing book three, I just went back to listen to the first book of Adrian Tchaikovsky’s Shards of Earth series. I also recommend his Children of Time series.
Shards of The Arthur C. Clarke award-winning author of Children of Time brings us an extraordinary space opera about humanity on the brink of extinction, and how one man’s discovery will save or destroy us all....
Nice promise, but I don’t see how it could be binding. If a former president made that promise, and if they’re being criminally prosecuted for in-office crimes, any criminal defense lawyer who represented that ex-president would likely advise them to claim immunity anyway.
As of 12:01 this morning, for the first time in (I think) ten years, I am not on any PTA/PTO board.
I remember Eddie Murphy’s self-deprecating explanation of the awfulness of “Party All the Time”: When you reach a certain level of fame, too many people around you start telling you, “You can do anything.”
Fountain pens are useful tools to fight all sorts of writer's block.
Today, I’m going to sketch out an outline for a brief, so I’m using three pens with different color inks plus a case with spares. I love this 16.5 x 12.5 inch pad for sketching out briefs and oral arguments. It’s a great way to fight writer’s block. #LegalWriting #AppellateSky
I think that's it. A window screen lit up with evening sun is behind it, making the lighting weird. But still, the effect seems more noticeable with this lighter ink. This would be a bad ink if you wanted what you wrote to pop, but it might be perfect for taking notes with nosey people nearby.
There must be some unspecified combination of keys that triggers Word’s This-Line-Shall-Look-Weird function. Then, as you figured out, you must ask friends and then search Google for the magic manual fix.
Looking at this Sailor Manyo Ayame fountain pen ink with my bare eyes, it seems to look darker & greener from angle than when I look strait down. But I can’t reproduce it with a camera. Am I just imagining it? I do like the soft grayish green. The green comes out much more when shading than writing