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I am he who will vex you at some point. I'll also figure out how to distill things into this little box at some point in the future and try to describe myself, I'll probably fail.
Over at my son's house hangout out with him and his fiancee. They haven't heard the rice saga so I am about to read the account by to them. They need to know about this.
Could easily rewrite Frank Turner's Thatcher Fucked The Kids as Reagan Fucked Us All.
Reposted byAvatar Wintermute
Suggestion for folks asking for mutual aid support (based on years of experience): There's no need to say you're embarrassed or ashamed or hate to have to ask. That's exactly how capitalism wants you to feel. And it wants you to reinforce the idea that asking for help is shameful.
Reposted byAvatar Wintermute
Celebrating the 4th by sitting on the driveway with sparklers, s'mores being made, and anti-facist music from Woody Guthrie to Dropkick Murphys on the speakers. Fuck fascism, fuck MAGA, and fuck Nazis.
Now that I've made my decision I can be less cryptic. My company has been sold and I'm not happy about the culture at the new company. I have been interviewing and have it narrowed down to two jobs.
Reposted byAvatar Wintermute
I think it’s a very fair point to connect, and ties into the whole approach that people earn “their turn” and once it’s their turn they get to stay as long as they want. Too much of US politics is organized around sinecures.
Reposted byAvatar Wintermute
It is *vital* to support the idea that people can walk away from repugnant views and seek to mend the harm they did instead of throwing them into living damnation. fucking stop this shit immediately. it's unacceptable. Go fix something.
Reposted byAvatar Wintermute
As I've been saying all week, Biden's problems are repairable, but if he can't or won't repair them, he should get out of the way so Harris can
Reposted byAvatar Wintermute
these people do not intend to ever lose power again
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
Reposted byAvatar Wintermute
“…But if the Supreme Court is ever composed of imprudent men or bad citizens, the Union may be plunged into anarchy or civil war.” - Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, 1831
Reposted byAvatar Wintermute
Most *white* Americans. There is no country on earth that imprisons more of its population than the US. Prisoners disproportionately Black. The US leads the world in child executions. Not a typo. Disproportionately Black. Life expectancy for US Black folk lower than for Uighur Chinese. Not a typo
Pretty much. What it mostly boils down to is that most Americans really don’t have the faintest idea what living under modern authoritarian regimes actually looks like, and how it’s often at the same time way more boring and way more scary than they’d imagined.
Reposted byAvatar Wintermute
We just may have to come to grips with the idea we have a king, like Charles I or James II or Richard II.
As much as I am #ACAB I still enjoy SovCit videos. It's definitely a guilty pleasure.
Reposted byAvatar Wintermute
Want voting to go more smoothly in your area? This site will direct you to your local election professionals so you can sign up to be a poll worker.
This is why I work Election Day as a poll worker—managing a voting location and doing anything I legally can to help eligible voters cast whatever vote they want with as little inconvenience as possible.
Poll Worker Resources for Voters | U.S. Election Assistance The EAC encourages those interested in becoming poll workers at the polls on Election Day to learn more about what is required and how to sign up to work with your local election office.
Remove the filibuster, expand the court. Make fascists afraid again. Fucking hell this all sucks.
Reposted byAvatar Wintermute
Homeless people can be arrested for sleeping, Presidents cannot be arrested for rampant graft and corruption done while in office. There is no clearer a summary of "conservative 'law and order'" than this.
Well at least Netchoice was good. The immunity case is a shitshow and unabashedly partisan. They really tried to split a hair on that one and ended up with a decision that could have been worse but not by much. Our judiciary is undeniably compromised. We knew that before today but fuck me.
Reposted byAvatar Wintermute
I am getting involved in local politics because I am hoping that things can change. In the back of my mind there's a voice that keeps pointing out the MLK wouldn't have been successful without the Black Panthers, that US unions were formed from the blood spilled by workers... 1/2
Even awesome people can be wrong on occasion. I love Shiv but this is wrong. I may have to post a week's worth of potato recipes to make up for this existing.
if god wanted us to eat potatoes he wouldnt have hidden them far underground where they couldnt hurt us no good will come of this mark my words
Reposted byAvatar Wintermute
Truly infuriating that we all have to pretend like any of this is normal. Like, yes, Biden is better than Trump on every possible axis of measurement, in the same way a scarecrow, or a small child wearing a blue ribbon, or a person who literally thinks they are a tree would be better on every axis
This is why I follow Shiv (originally because of rice, like a lot of is) but that follow was more than worth it.
reminder that there was a time when they were literally selling radium soft drinks in the USA that were so toxic that the biggest fan of the brand had to be buried in a lead coffin because of how much radiation poisoning he got from them and this death led to the FDA regulations that exist now
This is absolutely correct. That doesn't mean we shouldn't be mad about it. I'm going to complain about "Paw-Paw for President" and the DNC because it's a shit choice and I'm going to cast my vote for Paw-Paw because he doesn't actively want to kill my children. We could do so much better though.
Everybody who said they’d vote for a damp waffle over Trump back in 2020 better put their money where their mouth is this November.
My wife made the grave mistake of talking about how we have two horrible candidates for POTUS on TikTok. She's now discovered the RFK Jr brigade. So much nope.
The debate was an absolute shit show. I have no other thoughts.
Reposted byAvatar Wintermute
At the end of the day, I don't need to be excited about the top of the ticket to be excited about this election. The presidential election is a root canal. Unfun but probably important not to avoid. DOWN BALLOT IS WHERE IT'S AT! Let's codify abortion! Let's kick these bitches off school boards!
Drowning this debate in Tullamore D.E.W., thinking about absent friends, and smoking cigarettes in the rain.
Reposted byAvatar Wintermute
For the love of god stop doing this. Stop trying to erase Christianity's responsibility for your worst members. These are YOUR PEOPLE whether you like it or not. And also, as a Jew whose people have been massacred in the name of Christ for 3000 years, this argument of reads like bullshit to me.
Hmmm... I don't know that they are Christians... More like "Christians in name only". They sure as hell don't follow the teachings of Christ. I say that, simply because I know a significant number of ACTUAL Christians that DO follow those teachings, and they are honestly good humans.
No they aren't the the Taliban. We need to quit using brown people to shame white people. These are Christian Nationalists. They are, by and large, white men. There may be parallels with other extremist groups but we need to call them what they are.