
One thing about the “Why I don’t vote” guy that may be especially interesting to journalists from the Washington Post and other outlets is that according to the public Michigan voter file, apparently he does vote
He voted in both 2020 and 2022.
Voter history is public data, something a lot of performative public activists forget.
To be fair, this guy does seem kind of dumb.
not as dumb as the New York Times editorial room, apparently!
I dunno. We're talking about it, and he doesn't seem like the type to be bothered by getting caught in a lie. The question in my mind is, was the NYT just incompetent (never a bad bet) or was that a deliberate choice on their part, too?
You think news orgs should print truths?! You’re nuts! Why should they start?
If it is him in the file, we can be confident this will spur lots of introspection and major papers will invest in verifying that their opinion columnists are not lying in their pieces. Now if you excuse me, I need to finish trepanning myself.
Woah woah woah, an elite opinion writer for the Post and/or Times penned a disingenuous article? In this economy?? On the 4th of July??? Gosh I hope he can weather the Consequences of being a bad writer for the Post
If I can borrow an expression from my English friends, what an absolute *tosser*.
Always with the unwashed judgmental religious asshole dudes from Michigan. Sheesh. (My dad was def in that category too.)
Yes, but only in national elections.