
alright as foretold, the update. and i got *another* wave of our SCD panel study back. ive posted this paper before, but we've added a third study to it, showing how "fatalism" lays at core of loss of legitimacy. thread incoming.
Supreme Court legitimacy is so far in the tank right now that it’s crystallizing into a form of fatalism. And we have the data to show it — will post tomorrow. It’s a real doozy.
preliminarily: no change in democrats' diffuse support. supreme court legitimacy is in the proverbial shitter, folks. but, somewhat ironically, even *republicans* are now low key like maybe this thing is off the rails, too.
the big update, here, though, is the introduction in study three of a measure of supreme court "fatalism"...drawing on clinical and social psychology, we attempt to construct a measure of moroseness about the courts outputs. satisfaction measures suck. lets do better measuring specific support.
for a long time, legitimacy theory has argued "see this single item measure of satisfaction or ideological distance is unrelated to diffuse support." but ordinary ppl don't think like this, come'on. instead, this measure of fatalism functions as a summary measure of dissatisfaction.
lo and behold, can you guess what predicts supreme court legitimacy? fatalism. big time. even more so than the sacred cow "rule of law" battery.
so, why the loss of legitimacy among democrats? they look at the supreme court and conclude it sucks, its not changing, and they can't do anything about. not great! now, if we can finally just push this dang paper thru the review process. (cc:,
tagging a couple other folks who might be interested as well:,
Sorry, Nick, but Reviewer #2 is 6 Supreme Court justices stacked up in oversized judge's robes.
in an ironic twist of fate, we finally got positive reviews back just in time for this shit sandwich. only six pages single spaced of things to divine...there goes the summer!
We have never, in our history, had "rule of law". Only "rulers and the ruled"
I wish more people would realise that the Law is only made to serve those in power. Laws that protect the rest of is are simply made to appease the powerless, and fool them into believing the world is fair.
Might be relevant for the study of the Supreme Court in Brazil. Anyone on it around here?
Any explanation for the drop in GOP support over the past year?
maybe the below? it was unexpected guess is that it could be that non-too-online people have caught onto the stank by osmosis.
something like that crossed with a zaller salience thing. the court has basically received sustained, negative press for a year + hitt and searles' work on horse race coverage of court decreasing trust / legitimacy. combo is that it should drive down legitimacy, net, even w sorting out. (i think)
Why is May 23 after Nov 23?
excellent catch: should be Nov 22!
So was the 2022 polling happening due to the midterms?