Brendan Nyhan

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Brendan Nyhan

Dartmouth political scientist and Bright Line Watch co-director. Previously Upshot NYT / CJR contributor, Spinsanity co-founder, All the President's Spin co-author.
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Battlestar Galactica (2004)
Southwest Airlines was spared from today's CrowdStrike catastrophe that grounded or delayed hundreds of flights because they run on Windows 3.1... operating system whose last update was November 8, 1993...
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People focusing on the racism part here, which, yes duh, but let's not sleep on the sexism in the last line, about "that laugh"
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UPDATE: Zero NYT articles about Trump's speech mention his praise for Victor Orban.
Here is a New York Times journalist recognizing a pretty important thing about this speech, and about Trump in general. Do you think it will be the central theme of the Times' speech coverage? If not, what does that say about the Times?
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Trump: And I told China — Do we love Kevin Sorbo, by the way? He was so fantastic in a little film called…And inflation The Media:
Prediction markets now showing Harris as having a better chance of beating Trump than Biden (though still fighting uphill)
If Biden said this, people would have lost their minds: -exceptionally rambling and discursive -seems confused about who is governor of Wisconsin -can't remember the term "Star Wars"
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Leopards etc etc
Extremist supporters of former president Donald Trump are lashing out online against Usha Vance, the wife of Trump’s running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), launching anti-immigrant attacks because of her Indian heritage.
MAGA extremists target J.D. Vance’s wife Usha’s Indian Usha Vance was thrust into the spotlight when her husband, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), was tapped as Donald Trump’s running mate during the Republican National Convention.
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This. C'mon, folks: He's been running as an authoritarian; is it really that hard to understand what "unity" means for authoritarians? It's *entirely* consistent with how he's always talked, not some kind of new theme he's struggling to stick to.
Coverage of Trump needs to be clear that when he says *unity* he means *everyone needs to unite behind me.*
Unfortunately over-determined to play up "unity" as news in coverage: -early print deadlines -> reliance on speech as written -anything non-vitriolic from Trump is unusual -helps press look more even-handed But still insane. He attempted a coup and inspired a violent insurrection 3.5 years ago!
"undone by himself" - this language is infantilizing. He's a 78-year-old man who has behaved this way since he first entered politics! What if we assume he's doing what he wants to do?
A NYT Opinion visual chronology of Trump's first term - really captures the ongoing chaos and authoritarian impulses in a way that text doesn't
Opinion | Donald Trump’s First Term Is a Your guide to the perils of a second Trump era.
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Buried amidst everything, this is very dangerous
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this is true and wouldn't have to be as true if we had more robust political parties that functioned as representative institutions.
Wherever you are on Biden v. Harris v. Some Third Thing, it's extremely concerning that this is being litigated between rich donors and clueless pundits on the basis of extremely problematic polling data.
Probably an early deadline but ... come on
This is professional malpractice, only covering this aspect of the speech.
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Are we going to see three weeks of NYT headlines about the old GOP nominee and his rambling incoherent speeches, or do we not do that?
Anyway my understanding is that Democrats are about to fire their nominee because he's old and gives rambling incoherent speeches
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Here is a New York Times journalist recognizing a pretty important thing about this speech, and about Trump in general. Do you think it will be the central theme of the Times' speech coverage? If not, what does that say about the Times?
This whole article and all the sources included exhibit a vast failure of imagination.
We're at an important moment for reflection on the media practice of turning Trump's rambling soliloquies into semi-coherent narrative accounts. Are reporters going to again fail to convey just how bizarre and discursive this speech is?
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This could be the most important line in Trump's speech, apparently improvised: "And then we had that horrible, horrible result that we’ll never let happen again, the election result. We’re never going to let that happen again. They used COVID to cheat. You’re never going to let it happen again."
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Reporters and pundits know that all these stories he's telling about his presidency are entirely fictional, right? Right?
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Reminder: Political science research shows that conventions play an important role in campaigns. They help people learn about the candidates and remind partisans of their allegiances And then there's ... whatever this is 🤷
Conventions: A great learning opportunity for Why the debate over a lack of news misses the point