jag (aka j00bar)

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jag (aka j00bar)


Flawed but growing human, doing his best. Staff software engineer @ Hungryroot; co-founder of @seekhealing.org; TEDx speaker; Autist; Formerly Red Hat, Ansible, FSF; he/him; Asheville, North Carolina

Ask me for my Signal username if you want to DM.
Half expecting this to have ended with: "And here's why that's bad for Biden"
The Texas coast was bracing on Sunday for a Category 1 hurricane to hit sometime Monday morning, after the storm, Beryl, tore through the Caribbean. Follow live updates.
Beryl Live Updates: Texas Coast Under Hurricane Warnings as Storm Nearsnyti.ms Currently a tropical storm after smashing through the Caribbean, Beryl is forecast to make landfall as a hurricane early Monday.
Either the Democrats will run Biden, or he'll say he can't continue the campaign and Democrats will run Harris. Either is newsworthy, but neither is nearly as radical as running a pro-insurrection convicted felon with legal immunity he's eager to use.
Do: Share your opinions of their work, integrity, and aptitude to sit on the bench. Do _NOT_: Threaten them with violence or harm.
It's worth considering they intended to provide Trump an avenue to overturn his NY State convictions in a way that SCOTUS could rubber stamp. By casting a wide net of the presumptively immune and precluding evidence of intent or contemporaneous statements, there's not much of a case left.
i think we should see the Trump v. United States ruling as a group of Republican apparatchiks taking their opportunity to vindicate Nixon and write the unitary executive into the Constitution. www.nytimes.com/2024/07/02/o...
Opinion | Your Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card Is Ready, Sirwww.nytimes.com The Nixonian theory of presidential power is now enshrined as constitutional law.
i was just going to make a post about this. if trump decides you are an enemy of the state or a “threat to national security” and has you deported, citizenship or not, there’s nothing you can do to get home. he has full legal power to render you stateless.
Related, if trump is summarily deporting citizens under his new mass deportation regime, citizenship and an ability to appeal to the law isn’t going to get people back in the country. The executive runs border security
Keeping Trump out of the White House isn’t the only thing that needs doing and it isn’t enough to solve all problems facing the country & world but if it isn’t done then all those problems get exponentially worse in ways I don’t even know how to express and it scares me when people pretend otherwise
these people do not intend to ever lose power again
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" www.mediamatters.org/project-2025...
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"www.mediamatters.org
roberts essentially ignores the purpose of separation of powers, which was not to create entirely separate spheres of action but to prevent the emergence of unchecked authority. instead, he says, separation of powers *demands* unchecked authority.
I would like to see Biden give an address to the nation from the Oval Office explaining what the SCOTUS ruling on Presidential immunity means and what its possibilities are. Then hit the campaign trail attacking "the MAGA Court" for shredding the Constitution to give felon Trump license to crime.
With the stated intent to engage in a massive deportation roundup, the option to use the Insurrection Act, and SCOTUS-bestowed immunity, I think it's worth noting how fast the total Trump takeover will occur. Weeks. That's it.
Absolutely wild that the court accuses the dissent of "fearmongering" with "extreme hypotheticals" when the actual basis for the indictment is a coup attempt that led to an attack on the capitol
Here's your reminder, that no matter what SCOTUS ends up ruling on the trump immunity case, they ALREADY handed trump a victory by allowing him to delay this far and effectively preventing the case from going to trial before the election.
Modern journalism needs to evolve. It's used to simply presenting multiple views of the same consensus reality without arbitrating among them. We're now in an era where the Republicans have rejected consensus reality. Journalists must now advocate for the actual truth, and they're bad at it.
Brooks admits upfront his abrogation of journalistic responsibility: "I should emphasize that I wasn’t trying to debate Bannon or rebut his beliefs; I wanted to understand how he sees the current moment." I stopped reading. My Unsettling Interview With Steve Bannon www.nytimes.com/2024/07/01/o...
Opinion | My Unsettling Interview With Steve Bannonwww.nytimes.com On the eve of going to prison, populism’s grand strategist talks about what another Trump presidency would look like and the rise of MAGA-type movements around the world.
I wrote to the Tractor Supply board today. Here is what I sent. Even if you've only ever bought one thing there, I encourage you to write, as a customer.
Fuck. This one's going to sting, but add another company to our boycott list. x.com/TractorSuppl...
There are only two kinds of Trump supporters. 1. Those who like him because of his racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic/xenophobic/etc positions. 2. Those who are willing to look past all of that in order to get something else they care about more. That's it. That's all of them.
In case no one has told you lately: 1. You are strong 2. You are beautiful 3. Sea cucumbers have fish that live in their buttholes and eat their ever-regenerating gonads like some sort of sick undersea Prometheus 4. You are deserving of love
The way LLMs like ChatGPT suddenly emerged and irreparably poisoned all subsequent publishing is going to be looked back on like the way that PFA's ruined all water on earth or how above-ground nuclear tests tainted all steel manufactured since. There's no going back to the before-times.
So imagine a Just Asking Questions guy, except they're on the federal bench.
U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon said she will hold a hearing for Donald Trump’s lawyers to challenge some of the evidence gathered against him for alleged mishandling of classified documents and obstructing government efforts to retrieve them.
Judge Cannon orders hearing for Trump to challenge Mar-a-Lago searchwapo.st U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon rejected one request by Donald Trump but said “further factual development is warranted” related to the search warrant.
Watched a panel of undecided voters last night, and it's an incredible abject failure of the press and the DNP that voters are able to see _any_ sort of equivalency between these two guys.
I drop little French expressions into conversation. My grand-mère spoke French (and Yiddish) in the home, so I picked up the habit. This morning, my girlfriend (who does not speak French) in saying she didn't know something, said: "Juneau St. Paul." It took me a minute to figure it out and it's 🥰.
It's not a bribe. It's a "thank-you" trip on my private jet for an all-expenses paid vacation. Obviously different.
The final SCOTUS decision today is Snyder v. US. Kavanaugh has the court's 6-3 decision on ideological grounds, holding that the Section 666 bribery statute does not apply to "gratuities" given for public officials' *past* acts. Jackson writes the liberals' dissent.
There seems to me some cognitive dissonance in progressives holding true at the same time that: 1. Israel is so beholden to the US that Biden could force Bibi to ____ in Gaza if he wanted to; 2. AIPAC is so pervasively powerful that it putting its finger on the scales can swing elections.
To people for whom it's axiomatic that inconsistency in a moral philosophy is a sign of its weakness (thus highlighting hypocrisy is a rhetorical winner), I remind you that, for MAGA, hypocrisy is a feature - it validates their privilege and exceptionalism. It makes them feel good, not bothered.
New rule: to comment negatively about immigrants, you have to first disclose why your own family members immigrated to the US seeking a better life, and why people facing much worse shouldn’t have the same opportunity. www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/...
Had a perplexing conversation today with a person who was incredulous that I'm not vigilant enough about reducing my carbon footprint (b/c I use paper coffee filters, dryer sheets, etc.), but who is adamant that they're not voting in this year's election because "their vote won't change anything." 🙄
Silver poisoning will be a whole new meaning to the term "blue balls."
good news everyone, M.I.A. is selling underwear to protect your balls from 5g
Lord, give me the confidence of a stubborn, supremely-wrong white guy brazenly opining while out of his element.
It’s not a ban on free speech it’s a ban on software owned by hostile states to disrupt or destroy the US and its people. And they wouldn’t hesitate to do so if they thought it would work. Both platforms have far reaching consequences to our freedoms and security.
A crucial part of this story, by the way, is the recognition that decent people standing up against evil people was essential. It still is. Jackson got through it both based on his strength of character and based on key people not putting up with bad behavior.
Thanks for Reggie Jackson for saying this, and contempt and defiance, in advance, to the worthless shitbirds who will say he shouldn’t have and that he oughta leave if he doesn’t like it. Regrettably those worthless shitbirds are now fairly mainstream. sports.yahoo.com/mlb-at-rickw...
MLB at Rickwood Field: Reggie Jackson recalls racist treatment in Alabama in stunning interviewsports.yahoo.com For three minutes, Mr. October laid out in stunning detail what it was like to be a Black player in Alabama in 1967.