
Wild to watch horserace journalists suggest the most politically suicidal shit and pretend it's savvy.
Sticking with Biden or running Harris would be *far* less risky than dedicating two of the next four months to Democrat infighting, followed by an unprecedented delegate voting process and dubious chances of even getting on the ballot. Knowing this shit is supposed to be these people's job
If you're so concerned about the stakes of this election you could just... spend the next four months writing about the stakes of this election. A constant drip of articles calling the Democratic nominee unfit is also not a great strategy for winning!
"They can't even pick a nominee who doesn't have dementia! His VP pick was so bad they skipped her and had en entire second primary. And we're supposed to trust these people to run the country?"
And endless "democrats in disarray" articles to follow.
I actually think people are getting a bit over their skis on freaking out over Biden! We're talking about one terrible debate performance, something that can be turned around with a few good TV appearances. And bowing out could hurt Dem polling more than it helps.
Staying with Biden is now the most suicidal option. We will lose all 3 branches simultaneously.
We’re talking about five years of worsening decline that everyone can see.
And it's still pretty fresh in people's minds that the Dems were telling everyone that Feinstein was physically fine and up to the job when we could all see that her face was falling off.
Literally no one connects these two things except you, so let’s maybe use a different definition of “fresh in people’s minds”.
Plenty of people connecting these two, as well as RBG. Democrats have a "too old" problem that really pisses people off.
The fact that too many dem loyalists don’t connect RBG, Feinstein, and Biden is a part of why we’re on the brink with this fascist clown car.
I think it’s a very fair point to connect, and ties into the whole approach that people earn “their turn” and once it’s their turn they get to stay as long as they want. Too much of US politics is organized around sinecures.
That’s why I tried to phrase my initial point in a way that didn’t suggest I think you’re wrong. Apologies if it came across differently.
I am terminally online and have seen exactly zero people say this about Feinstein. The RBG thing I’ve seen a lot (and agree she should have stepped down and let Obama replace her).
It was literally just a year ago. Many op-eds were written telling her to step down, many excuses were made why she shouldn’t. Concerns began in 2010 but Ds rallied behind her in 2018. This was all discussed a year ago.
Sorry, I meant: I have seen exactly zero people say that Biden is too old, just like Feinstein. I saw people saying that about her, and I see people saying it about Biden (although interestingly never about Trump, who is the same age). I just don’t ever see people say the two things together.
I saw a LOT of people saying it about DiFi, BUT she had been openly displaying MAJOR symptoms for AGES in a way Biden absolutely has not
FWIW, Emma Vigeland on The Majority Report has made the comparison between Feinstein and Biden multiple times in the past week especially.
Living in California - I heard about Feinstein's issues constantly - especially in the final years. But both sides have always propped up an elderly figure and helped them press the right button on a vote. See Thurmond who was giving scripts to read and who was literally just wheeled in for votes
Mitch McConnell & Chuck Grassley are right there. Washington DC has a "too old" problem. Although, I probably don't care as much about Republicans because the more incapacitated they are, the better.
Feinstein was actively unwell and obviously so, and despite his stammer and debate performance, Biden hasn't been. Ginsburg wasn't unfit for duty; requests for her to step down were about strategic timing, where *now* the timing would be dismal. These are not 3 identical situations.