
Wild to watch horserace journalists suggest the most politically suicidal shit and pretend it's savvy.
Sticking with Biden or running Harris would be *far* less risky than dedicating two of the next four months to Democrat infighting, followed by an unprecedented delegate voting process and dubious chances of even getting on the ballot. Knowing this shit is supposed to be these people's job
If you're so concerned about the stakes of this election you could just... spend the next four months writing about the stakes of this election. A constant drip of articles calling the Democratic nominee unfit is also not a great strategy for winning!
"They can't even pick a nominee who doesn't have dementia! His VP pick was so bad they skipped her and had en entire second primary. And we're supposed to trust these people to run the country?"
And endless "democrats in disarray" articles to follow.
I actually think people are getting a bit over their skis on freaking out over Biden! We're talking about one terrible debate performance, something that can be turned around with a few good TV appearances. And bowing out could hurt Dem polling more than it helps.
Staying with Biden is now the most suicidal option. We will lose all 3 branches simultaneously.
Giving up the incumbent advantage because a bunch of disingenuous and/or nihilistic journos have condemned Biden like he's an old building seems the dumbest thing imaginable. Biden wasn't my choice in the 2020 primaries, but he's the president now, and just being the president is a big advantage.
Thank you. Keeping the administration in place and running is huge. Also not electing a total fascist seems like a win.
Yeah, but we're in a pick-one scenario here.
He's a deeply unpopular President, against another deeply unpopular former President. This isn't a house seat.
I tend to agree with this, but I also wonder whether the incompetent advantages just a species of low N. These things happen so infrequently I’m not sure you can derive any implications from “data”