Greg Lastname

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Greg Lastname


Collecting and dispensing entropy.
Gets me thinking, is anyone running a "secretly a bastard" table? Organized like a death pool.
I expect that'd be a "may beat the rap, can't beat the ride" sort of arrest anyway.
It's a pre-existing button to call an aide into the room, but he just used it for that so often they started bringing one in pre-emptively. It'll make a neat footnote in a history book a couple of decades from now when we're long gone.
Next really good one is in 2027.
I may be forgetting my stats, but wouldn't 1% chance a year mean you'd expect it about every 50 years? I was already aware of the misnomer, from watching Grady Hillhouse videos.
Did you not get webtexts, or was that after your time. Could send out a couple hundred of them a month for free here, so long as you had an active number. Mostly used by teens with pre-pay sims. Free credit for porting your number to another network was huge too.
Looks like red poster paint to me.
You ever eaten any blood sausage? I have zero medical knowledge, but live somewhere it's eaten pretty commonly and assume it's good for iron. Also, because black pudding is a top tier breakfast food that many are unaware of.
As annoying as it might be, I can see the logic in autobanning anyone who gets a ton of reports in a short timeframe. With things like illegal content in mind. It does allow a moderately sized mob, or someone with bots to take anyone down though.
Also, crunchyroll. I think they replaced the files when they went legit though. I'd believe that pirated copies of songs would often be superior to what music labels had on hand though.
You've probably heard already, but there's a specific effort going on now to stop that.
Stop Killing
I don't know if google stopped requiring them to have unlockable bootloaders, but most if not all of them can run regular linux to some degree. (genuinely cool move to reduce e-waste) There's also chromium OS that might support certain devices longer. I think cheap eMMC storage is the main issue.
Not being allowed to download the oldest version of an app that supports an old iOS version is probably the crux of this issue. (some app makers split off a "legacy" version of the app for this reason) Especially when later versions of Xcode/SDKs make it hard to support much older iOS versions.
Third-party appstores only coming to the very latest version of iOS is a balls too.
Is hat a ring or a bandage on their index fingers.
If this is in monetary value, those lines are crossing artificially late.
Yeah, that'd do it. For a time, I made a habit of leaving a 1-star review saying "pestered me to leave a review" on apps that popped up a modal asking me to give them 5 stars. Don't use many play store apps anymore.
It's a damn shame that humans get harmed so bad from ionizing radiation. So much cool technology that's easily possible, but horribly dangerous. Anyone working on drugs as effective as rad-x/radaway?
Looking forward to "milk carton kid" meaning recognizable.
Does google pester you to review places you were near if you have location history turned on or something?
What? Where is this from?
Discord shows prior edits? All I've ever seen is "edited" appended to the timestamp, and thought that was on purpose. Where?
First time I saw these in the wild, I thought it was a knockoff or omegamart-style product. Ergonomically nicer than the normal ones, but the mouth part tears off from use sooner.
I appreciate that bsky is kind of hands-off with it so far, since nothing specifically terrible has happened yet. e.g.:
Hey so we're free from the British, what do we even do now...
Trying to dunk on people online messes with your psyche. I've seen way less of that flavour of posting on this site though.
I wonder if they're gonna keep incrementing by three, or pick whenever they get it done. (I'm sure I could pay them some swiss francs to learn) At the very least, the de facto standard version is free.
He's forgetting that Americans are special, on account of the magic dirt. Famous ones especially.
Keeps some computer illiterate people from reading your posts. I'm sure there's some utility in it, but I doubt it's what anyone planned/expected. The way clearsky handles it is pretty funny if you poke around with inspect-element, I must admit. Like a paywall.
I came here to mention the subreddit of the same name.