
The only people who've ever held Trump meaningfully accountable over the last nine years have been ordinary Americans and they've spent that entire time being lectured to and berated by elites who've failed to do anything.
All this nonsense post-2016 about how Trump's victory illustrated the dangers of the democracy when most people voted against him. Twice now. Meanwhile the holy institutions we're all supposed to be praying to and prostrating ourselves before have saved or elevated him at every opportunity.
We can’t punish him for anything. That would infringe on my right to vote against him a third time.
This did ignite some extra “I need to vote against this guy” furor that’s been chilling in my brain
It's absolutely wild that the dumbest and most venal of elites has all the rest of the elites breaking society to keep him from facing even a single consequence for a lifetime of open criminality. The class loyalty and kompromat involved here are epic.
Elite loyalty is often to elite privilege, rather than some unprofitable thing like a constitution or a principle
Im guessing it’s only because of social media why this is so epic to us. It’s probably just a normal course of action in their world.
To a degree, yes. But I think this rally around the Trump phenomenon is unique. The guy committed a violent attempted coup and stole nuclear secrets and is walking around free. Not to mention has decades long documented history of spending time with pedophiles. He's untouchable
I think that someday, when all the books are written, it will be profoundly disturbing to recognize both the scale and the depth of the acts that were documented in the collective Kompromat that Trump... and Putin collected and then used on American Politicians.
Institutions are fundamentally about protecting and serving people! Shared this by Frederick Douglass a bit ago. Society is superior to its forms, the spirit above the letter, the people more than the country and superior to the Constitution. When institutions protect fascists, we go around them.
Which Douglass is this from?
This is from "Sources of Danger to the Republic," a speech given Feb 7, 1867 and published in the St. Louis Missouri Democrat. I got it from Nicholas Buccola's The Essential Douglass.
And there's no chance that he'll get the most votes this time around either. The screwed up EC institution is the only thing that makes him a viable candidate.
Here's to hoping you're right. I was just reading how his bond was now reduced to 170 something mil from the original 454
Still a hefty fine, though...
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yup. they're saving themselves. the ppl with nothing to lose aren't afraid to do it.
I'm interpreting that as "it's the Electoral College's fault we are so worried about his return" and I don't have a problem with that assessment.
And even that victory was only secured by defrauding the voters, as the guilty verdicts today confirmed.
But wait! Allegedly garland and all have some secret plan!
But, Trump is gonna get 46% of the vote *again*, isn't he... (and possibly still win the electoral college.)
Am eager to hear Cy Vance's take on this today.