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Longtime SFF reader. Higher Ed data cruncher. Married, parent to two adults, one launched and one with intellectual disabilities working on independence. Catholic. In favor of wonder and kindness. She/her. Pic thanks to [email protected] on mastodon.
Reposted byAvatar OtterB
This is galling: Media accounts are noting that both Trump and Dems are attacking the other as a grave threat to democracy. But Dems base this on what Trump and his allies *say in their own words.* Trump makes shit up. Media isn't making this clear. 1/ (new piece)
Trump’s Ugly New Post-Shooting Rant Instantly Wrecks His “Unity” Donald Trump’s idea of unity: Everybody just needs to unify around putting him above the law. The media must resist getting played by his scam.
Looks like the worst of it is in the vicinity of Chicago. At least the mid-Atlantic seems okay for now.
That’s $116. Bad mental arithmetic.
I backed. ATM they need another $16 to cross the $20K threshold.
I backed. ATM they need another $16 to cross the $20K threshold.
A friend of my father’s wanted to impress the woman he was dating with the fact that he knew the bandleader at the club where they had gone dancing. Stepped up to make a suave introduction and blanked on his date’s name. (She later married him and it lasted close to 50 years.)
My daughter swam with an endangered Hawaiian monk seal a couple of months ago. Scuba guide said they might see a seal, not to bother or approach it, etc. The seal approached them and swam in circles for their entire dive, apparently hunting fish attracted by their lights.
Reposted byAvatar OtterB
Ditto. I canceled within the past 6 months and it was easy with just a couple of online steps. I had been putting it off for ages until I had the time and the spoons to deal with the hassle I’d heard others describe. But it was fine.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE SHARE, SPACE UNICORNS! The Uncanny Magazine Year 11: This One Goes to ELEVEN! Kickstarter is LIVE! Only *you* can make a 11th year of Uncanny Magazine happen! Help us make more magic, Space Unicorns!!!
Reposted byAvatar OtterB
Reminding me an awful lot of “but her emails” drumbeat.
This description sold me (mainly secret passages and otters). I just bought it.
I had not read this. Thank you.
Not yet mentioned, “The man who was not Terrence O’Grady had come quietly.” Agent of Change, Lee & Miller, first of the Liaden universe books.
BTW I recommend Tuyo by Rachel Neumeier and the rest of the series for fealty kink. Not romance. The emotional core is the deep friendship that develops between a young warrior of the winter lands and the warleader of the summer lands who takes him captive. Oaths and honor and cultural differences.
Have you read the Melissa Scott Astreiant books? Fantasy mystery with great characters and world building. The first, Point of Hopes, just re-released.
I love “In Death” and have been binge rereading. In early books I find Roarke comes off as a bit of an overbearing jerk. He learns better but my reread has been hopscotch as library had ebooks available and I decided not to go all the way back. You could start part way, maybe #16 Portrait in Death.
New Greta Helsing novella, Bitter Waters, just released this week! I am having trouble with a reading slump but no trouble with that one. I like the Jill Paton Walsh continuation of Wimsey & Vane also.
Reposted byAvatar OtterB
We got tricked by science fiction into thinking a futuristic city is all about flying cars and crystal towers and hologram billboards but what it really looks like is nice apartment blocks, good mass transit, pedestrian zones with shade trees and safe bike lanes.
In my childhood in Houston, someone shot an arrow into the shoulder of a Sinclair dino at a station we drove by regularly. It stayed there a week or two, and then the arrow was gone and a large neat bandage was taped in its place.
Reposted byAvatar OtterB
The border America needs to secure is between church and state.
My preorder of this has dropped and I am looking forward to it.
For me it’s two people intensely loyal to each other amid testing of that loyalty. Years ago I took a philosophy seminar on “ethics and the professions.” A major point I remember was that you get challenges when two of your ethical rules clash in a situation. So, where is the conflict?
I had a boss some years ago who said his job was to be a combination coach and batboy.
I find threading on Bsky difficult to follow sometimes. Some threads are multipronged and I am dropped in the mid-discussion and have trouble backtracking to the start. I think there’s a greater need to check the thread if you’re ‘splaining things than, say, offering a personal experience.
My parents always had iced tea with dinner. I joined them in my teens and never noticed a problem. In my mid to late twenties, on extended work travel where I ate dinner in a restaurant every night, I discovered that if I had tea with dinner I would be awake half the night. Permanent change.
I am impressed with the carrying capacity of my Prius. I miss the old minivan’s cargo space but kids are flown and the OtterSpouse no longer does large diy projects so good mileage, easy to park is better. We have drive our Toyotas into the ground so will see what choices are when the time comes.
My doctor’s office, who I rather liked, became a One Medical branch a few years ago. I wasn’t wild about it, but wasn’t dissatisfied enough to change doctors until Amazon bought them. I didn’t have a problem, but I feared this kind of thing. But I am not a medicare advantage captive either.