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Married to @sarah-clowder.bsky.social. Social Justice Paladin. KY born and bred. That Doubtful Gender - they/them

Profile pic: https://jazzybee.itch.io/sdvcharactercreator
Reposted byAvatar OWorthyFool
If you want some hope and a dose of excellent queer history, I recommend the newest season of the podcast Slow Burn, Gays Against Briggs. It tells the story of how queer activists successfully fought an initiative to ban gay teachers in California, and it has lots of great interviews
Reposted byAvatar OWorthyFool
I don’t have nearly the reach here that I did on Twitter, but over there I would block for the slightest reason. Being someone with a high follower count on social media means that your mentions are a firehose all day every day.
this is just my personal opinion and you may disagree with me. but i would also be cautious about ascribing too much meaning behind being blocked by someone with a lot of followers who gets a lot of replies all the time. or being blocked by anyone at all!
Reposted byAvatar OWorthyFool
The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel confirms that a Columbus, Ohio, police officer detailed to the RNC shot and killed a homeless Black man (earlier reported to be in his early 20s) more than half a mile from the RNC arena. The man was known by the nickname Jehovah and took care of a pit bull named Isis.
Ohio police officer shoots, kills person in Milwaukee outside of RNC perimeter, sources saywww.jsonline.com The man killed by Ohio officers near the RNC on Tuesday was well-known in the neighborhood, several witnesses told the Journal Sentinel.
Reposted byAvatar OWorthyFool
I am also now Team Mongolia.
This summer I will be supporting the Mongolian Olympic team because this is their uniform and it is a thousand times better than anything Nike has ever made.
Reposted byAvatar OWorthyFool
feels like an omen to bring over the PM who was outlasted by a head of lettuce
Like a harbinger of doom, Liz Truss has arrived at the RNC.
Reposted byAvatar OWorthyFool
When you hear them say (and you will hear them say) that there’s no need to worry about H5N1 in Colorado because those getting sick are all poultry workers and you are not a poultry worker remind them and remind yourself that poultry workers are people.
Reposted byAvatar OWorthyFool
In a deleted tweet, someone in attendance at a meeting regarding the NHS plan to review transgender medical care for adults quoted an official for the NHS implying the Cass review was designed to shut down access to gender affirming care for youth. We managed to get a screenshot showing the OP.
Reposted byAvatar OWorthyFool
These bodyweight-based nutrition calculations are always so funny to me, and so clearly designed for thin people. By this ratio (5 mg per kg), my fat lady maximum would be 795 mg of caffeine. Two Panera lemonades a day! Or 12 shots of espresso! www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-...
How Much Caffeine Is Too Much?www.scientificamerican.com Caffeine can help you feel energized. But is there a limit to how much your body can handle?
Reposted byAvatar OWorthyFool
Since J.D. Vance is announced as Trump's VP pick, now's a good time for me to reveal that Vance has been pictured with the Proud Boys, with members bragging about having met them.
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There's a doctor on tiktok who posts stories about fighting insurance for her patients and the hoops she has to jump through. She frequently spends extra time at the office to get the work done because she's otherwise seeing patients.
Commentary: Despite having trained for years to provide medical care, nothing could have prepared us for the burnout and stress we face from fighting health insurance companies.
Doctors speak: Inside our meeting with UnitedHealth Group • Minnesota Reformerminnesotareformer.com UnitedHealthcare refused to change any of their practices.
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Reminder to not use Sticker Mule 💅
Reposted byAvatar OWorthyFool
there's a lot of consternation over a donation the gunman made when he was 17 in January 2021 to a progressive voter turnout organization but, uh, I feel the need to point out that a Big Thing happened in January of 2021 and donating $15 to a voter focused cause is not actually that big of a deal.
They do not have the same name. His middle name is his father's first name. The donation is in the alleged gunman's name and came from his street address.
Reposted byAvatar OWorthyFool
This book is essential reading if you care about incarcerated people and want to know more about what their actual experiences are:
Reposted byAvatar OWorthyFool
Check out this, the just-announced policies from Yellen, the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, the direct pay energy tax credits, 45L, and the new HUD/USDA minimum standards for affordable housing energy efficiency. It all adds up to more safe, resilient, and affordable housing (& lower energy bills).
Primary this motherfucker.
I want Axios to give voters the fucking name of this loser
Reposted byAvatar OWorthyFool
Look, do whatever the fuck you want, but this thing is winnable. Me? I'm going to do everything I can between now and election day to defeat Trump – the guy who has clearly stated he's going to be a dictator if he wins.
Reposted byAvatar OWorthyFool
Adobe is getting so much flack for their AI features that in sponsored social media posts they’ve stopped using the term ‘AI’ & now call it ‘text to vector art’ 🙄 Don’t let them dodge pushback because of this rebrand attempt & imo they can still fuck ‘emselves for stealing work from their customers
Reposted byAvatar OWorthyFool
Will you please! Get! Your Shit! Together!
Reposted byAvatar OWorthyFool
Certain people in the center: “Our strategy to save the Supreme Court must be to win every election for the next 35 years.” The same people: “Except this one, I’m announcing we’re losing it. The clock rests to 57 years, sorry.”
Reposted byAvatar OWorthyFool
He's white and rightwing so here come the sympathetic stories about him being bullied in school
The gunman who allegedly tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump was bullied in high school and didn’t fit in with other students, former classmates told CNN. Here's what we know so far.
What we know about the Trump rally gunman so far | CNNwww.cnn.com The gunman who allegedly tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump was bullied in high school and didn’t fit in with other students, former classmates told CNN on Sunday.
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Reposted byAvatar OWorthyFool
"There's a real trauma for all the rest of us, to have to live in this world of deliberately normalized violence, a world where menace is a daily event, where violence is a campaign promise..."
absolutely brilliant. the cataloging of violent imagery from the right is incredible. i mean, we all know this, but it’s striking to see it in one paragraph.
Reposted byAvatar OWorthyFool
If it's true it was a RW extremist there's a clear takeaway: The violent, hate-fueled rhetoric of Trump's GOP has is so out of control it's even a danger to Trump himself now. We can't allow a man whose reckless, extremist rhetoric even endangers his own life to keep endangering the country.
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Reposted byAvatar OWorthyFool
Just going to note, regarding "political violence" that three and a half years ago, Trump was encouraging a mob of people who wanted to hang his own VP.
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