
Mike Pence is still the funniest character in all of this. They were literally chanting “hang Mike Pence” and he tries to play it off as a distraction from the real issue of whether the Yale cafeteria is too woke or some shit
Dance like nobody’s watching, pence like nobody’s hanging
I don't wish death on people (this is not true) but sometimes I wonder if more people died if they would have taken things more seriously
Wishing death on people is underrated
I used to think it was wrong but no it's great
Death is probably the greatest single force for social change
Ashli Babbitt says nah, they’d just pretend they were all innocent martyrs.
I meant like Pense, but then they would have just rolled with "antifa did it"
Or the famously liberal FBI.
I feel like there's a good chance that, had more people died, the media would have said idiotic things like "it was bad when it happened at Kent State and it was bad when it happened on Jan 6, too" and made things even worse
I agree. I know the name of the 1 person killed. If there were 3+, I wouldn't know any dead insurrectionists' name. Law enforcement, afraid of another Waco or Ruby Ridge, showed more restraint that anyone could have expected.
Law Enforcement was afraid of hurting so many of their own ranks.
There were at least 4 killed. One was trampled to death by the crowd.
One fell off a chair and tasered himself until he had a heart attack.
I should have clarified that I meant killed by law enforcement. My bad. This kinda supports that idea, in that I don't know the names of the other 4. Ball taser guy and at least one trampled. I wonder how the other two died? The article didn't elaborate.
Nah. The body count would never be enough, because they'd always deflect to some other event (natural or not) where more people died. See any amount of death is fine as long as there's something else worse to point to.
appropriate counterpart for Dems like Pelosi saying "we need a strong Republican party" after a caucus of 147 R's literally tried to get them killed
Nacy was correct. We need to be able to shift policy and our more conservative neighbors deserve good representation.
No, no. Our conservative neighbors need to go fuck themselves until they’re bloody.
I think the United States has had quite enough of conservative governance and representation at this point
It’s not the fun answer we want but things would be much better if had a in good faith conservative party in the USA.
We already have a "good faith Conservative party in the USA"- they're called Democrats. We do NOT need a fascist party, in the form of Republicans, strong or otherwise.
I don’t except the conservative label for the Democratic Party not after the work and victories Joe had this year working for labor. Joe is not conservative on Labor.
No the Democratic Party is now a really big tent that needs to mobilize a huge coalition of very different people to prevent the end of the republic. But the Democratic Party is supposed to serve center left and the Republican Party should serve center right. Progressives should be left of D.
and people accuse me, as a socialist, of indulging naive pipe dreams!
you see the issue there is that conservatives, by definition, are not in good faith LOL thats kind of like, their whole thing
I live in Vermont we have Governor Phil Scott. He is a good model for America’s conservative political party.
What do they want that deserves more representation?
Say something like low taxes and poor government services -minus the treason. It is almost impossible to make a vote for this policy path without getting Trump lumped on top.
Also it is really hard to feel sorry for US conservative because they tried to destroy our democracy and supported a violent fascist.
low taxes for whom? we already have historically low taxes for most groups.
One group of Americans poorly represented is conservatives. Trump is very not conservative and very not small r republican It is hard to vote r republican in the USA because the Republican Party wants to end the Republic.
Small r republican is interested in republic as in Roman Republic as opposed to a King or emperor. The republic has to be strong and legitimate. This leads to democratic processes as the best tools for legitimacy. Not Republican Party
No they don't! The world would be immensely better if tomorrow the Republican Party ceased to exist
Agreed. The GOP is done. Irredeemable. That does not mean we should not have good options for more conservative and more progressive options and a voting system that does not rewards the opposite views to what you want if vote outside the mainstream.
A vote for Ralph Nader should not count as a vote for Bush.
A vote for Nader was not a vote for Bush, it was a vote for Nader. There were plenty of Ds that would've given Gore the presidency if they didn't go Bush. And to be clear, we would be better off if conservatives had 0 voice in politics, no matter what party is representing them.
“Joe Biden is unhealthily obsessed with that time the current frontrunner for the Republican nomination tried to get a horde of treasonous hooligans to murder me”