pbump.com follows

Art & visual culture since 2010. https://www.thisiscolossal.com
Harry Stevens
Harry Stevens
Climate Lab columnist

Data, maps and curiosity about climate change
📩 Email me + check my work: [email protected]
John Herrman
John Herrman
posts about posts at nymag
Christopher Hooks
Christopher Hooks
Retweets are NOT endorsements.
Sarah Miller
I love heelers
George Conway
George Conway
Contributor, The Atlantic. President, Soc'y for the Rule of Law.
Brian Merchant
Brian Merchant
author of Blood in the Machine, tech writer, luddite

newsletter: https://www.bloodinthemachine.com/
Matt Grossmann
Matt Grossmann
Michigan State political scientist & @ippsr Director; @hookedlansing Co-owner; Also: @niskanencenter @fivethirtyeight; New book: How Social Science Got Better
Data Visualization Society
Data Visualization Society
We are dedicated to fostering community for data visualization professionals.
Stan Kelly
Stan Kelly
Legendary Editorial Cartoonist for The Onion for over 50 years.
"The Most Powerful Name in Cartooning" (TM)
James Fallows
James Fallows
Reporter and writer: https://fallows.substack.com/ and https://www.ourtownsfoundation.org/ One-time speechwriter, long-time pilot, longer-time husband of linguist/writer Deborah Fallows. Note same wristwatch in the two photos, more than 50 years apart.
Ryan Pequin
Ryan Pequin
Three word phrase guy. Work in animation.
Nonprofit, nonpartisan organization conducting research at the intersection of religion, values, and public life.
Joshua Green
Joshua Green
Bloomberg Businessweek correspondent, #1 NYT bestselling author of THE REBELS and DEVIL'S BARGAIN: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/586025/the-rebels-by-joshua-green/
Maggie Haberman
Maggie Haberman
NYT/CNN/"Confidence Man"
Aaron Rupar
Aaron Rupar
Independent journalist and publisher of the Public Notice newsletter
Nathan Yau
Nathan Yau
Making charts
Jason Linkins
Jason Linkins
Deputy Editor, The New Republic. Past: ThinkProgress; Huffington Post. “There’s something in the static; I think I’ve been having revelations.”
Brad Heath
Brad Heath
DC reporter for Reuters on crime, justice and investigations. Data, documents and "convoluted KGB style back-door" stuff. Lawyer, but not yours. 202-527-9709, [email protected]
Josh Putnam
Josh Putnam
Political scientist specializing in delegate selection rules, presidential campaigns and elections. Founder of FHQ Strategies, LLC.
blog: https://www.frontloadinghq.com
newsletter: https://www.fhqplus.com/
business: https://www.fhqstrategies.com/
Ryan Godfrey
Ryan Godfrey
Philadelphia, elections, baseball, databases. Dadge oak arborist. Movies from four years ago, and 104 years ago.
Rural Indexing Project
Rural Indexing Project
Buildings, signs, and symbols indexed by keyword. Original photographic documentation since 2010.
Chicago, IL — www.ruralindexingproject.com
Paul Krugman
Paul Krugman
dan sinker
dan sinker
It's me.
I’m a princess, I’m divisive
Phil Lewis
Phil Lewis
detroit native. senior editor at huffpost. subscribe to my free newsletter! --> https://linktr.ee/lewisph4
Garrett M. Graff
Garrett M. Graff
Journalist & Historian. Director, @aspencyber. Contributor, @WIRED. Fmr ed, @PoliticoMag & @washingtonian. garrett.graff AT gmail OR ProtonMail.
Joey Sims
Joey Sims
he/him. writing about theater. https://joeysims.substack.com/
Opinion Today
Opinion Today
i’m silly, reputable journalist, evil transsexual


streaming games at

host on western kabuki podcast
Catherine Rampell
Catherine Rampell
Washington Post op-ed columnist, CNN econ/politics commentator, PBS NewsHour special correspondent. Former theater critic, current theater enthusiast.
Ben Mathis-Lilley
Ben Mathis-Lilley
the cafe is open and serving hot takes
Good Authority
Good Authority
Good Authority's mission is to bring insights from political science to a broader audience. https://goodauthority.org
Joseph Galbo
Joseph Galbo
Tirelessly. In anonymity. Against all odds. For the people. All opinions my own and do not reflect the opinions of @uscpsc. Personal account for talking about animation, pop culture, injury prevention, and public health. he | him
Richard Lawson
Richard Lawson
Critic at Vanity Fair
Lachlan Markay
Lachlan Markay
A publication that covers the nuts and bolts of political change: Boltsmag.org
John Sides
John Sides
Professor of Political Science, Vanderbilt University - https://johnsides.org/
Publisher of Good Authority - https://goodauthority.org/
Jacob Harris
Jacob Harris
Former Twitter user, but I left when it became a Nazi bar. Made the nytimes Twitter bot, worked for the NYT before moving into civic technology. Living in Takoma Park, MD and fighting for a hopeful and humane future.
Dan Diamond
Dan Diamond
Washington Post reporter who’s Bluesky-curious
Reporting from the frontiers of health & medicine.
Aaron Bady
Aaron Bady
Meat blood, bees, things of that nature
Jim Roberts
Jim Roberts
Full-time student of the news & long-time follower of the Grateful Dead. This is the season of what.
Aaron Reichlin-Melnick
Aaron Reichlin-Melnick
Policy Director at the American Immigration Council. Commenting generally on immigration law and policy. Retweets =/= endorsements, views are my own.
Zach Everson
Zach Everson
Staff writer at Forbes reporting on money and politics • Ex-documentarian of Trump's DC hotel • Tip? [email protected], Signal/mobile 202.804.2744
Charles Ornstein
Charles Ornstein
Managing editor/local at ProPublica, past prez of AHCJ, Detroit Lions fan. Email: [email protected]
Just thinking out loud.
Robert Occhialini
Robert Occhialini
Maker of kids, apps, ideas and web. ATL. (Decatur)

CTO at my day job. (Sometimes night job too...)

Avid reader, sometimes writer at bump.net