
Leftist Posters For Tighter Monetary Policy is the most depressing thing going, it’s really rough to see.
The Virgin Political Pundit vs. The Chad Median Voter
At some point somebody is going to negatively polarize themself into raging that we aren’t on the gold standard anymore, can see this coming a mile away.
LaRouchism, like the crab, spontaneously and independently redevelops periodically
lol okay this is funny hahahahahaha
I'm old enough to remember when Lyndon LaRouche was Lyn Marcus.
Yeah, but wake me when LaRouche develops pincers and loses his tail
Can LaRouche come back now that their main enemy, the Queen of England has been killed in a dispute over drug dealing territory? (Or, maybe it was “natural causes”, if you are brainwashed by the corrupt media.)
I think tbf that person was…just completely confused as opposed to actually arguing for a gold standard.
That skeet was the gold standard of misunderstanding economics
this guy appears to be one step away from saying that a higher minimum wage is bad because it makes fast food more expensive
I swear I’ve seen this
you really do not want to see what deflation looks like lol
Leftist posters for Japanese monetary policy
look at my leftists dawg we are never getting a decent welfare state
mfw the Republican Fed Chair cares more about strong labor bargaining power than a rando red rose poster.
The tragedy of the American left is a) it’s electorally irrelevant and b) this is probably a net good
Ehhhh I will not go as far as the second.
The fact that deflation is now somehow populist coded is so fucking mental
I dont think this is even that. They are complaining about the reality of constantly rising prices, but don’t have a policy in mind to remediate - or if they do it is not monetary but something more elaborate: price controls, state production, profit caps, etc
The complaint against “constantly rising prices” has only one prescription: tighter monetary policy, higher real debt burdens, and lower employment. The fact that they do not understand this implication is just more evidence they should be made fun of and ignored.
People really don’t get the difference between deflation (bad) and disinflation (good). They also don’t get the policy levers to cause disinflation (greater output, more competition), vs deflation (causing a recession)
I thought he was confused but he's actually like "I don't want the lines on the right to keep going up" and that's far worse tried to see if this will work
“Who cares that I’m making 50% more, I remember burgers being $8 and it makes me mad they’re $10 now”
Holy fuck this is clown show level analysis, like you literally can't break your mind out of liberal economic philosophy for two microseconds to even process what point is actually being made here.
Or, now hear me out, you expand past liberal economics.
Wow these people will lose their minds if they find about the total percent change since 1900
A bougie wrapped in a red flag is still a bougie.
Is there a way to find the info in his chart on the right before 2020? Because things were going up then too. inflation was positive. Prices increased all through the 2010s. it didn't poof into existence in 0%. What did were the giant YOY increases which are moderating
Inflation was broadly weak in the 2010s, in fact so weak that the Federal Reserve kept rates near zero for almost a decade!
I grew up in the age of double-digit inflation, gas lines, and double digit unemployment, aka, the 70s, so while the current economy is the worst a lot of younger people have experienced, it would be considered utopian by those standards.
that guy is over 40, he experienced the 2008 economy he just chooses to believe this is worse
I found this & tbh price increases don't seem that bad IMO online leftists harp on this because they're largely in underpaid industries and want to live in highly desirable real estate markets so housing inflation + entertainment/eating out hits them hard.
Average price data (in U.S. dollars), selected
They're not largely buying tomatoes and staples. They're mad going to a restaurant is more expensive now (because wages have risen and workers are doing better). and feel their anger at the bill at a trendy restaurant or an apt in north Brooklyn means they understand phoenix/ATL/Milwaukee voters
I think this is making the much simpler point that, even though inflation is down, voters have still experienced years of price increases and that’s behind a lot of the negative sentiment about the economy and Biden’s woes.
There are a lot of unfortunate side effects to lefties deciding that economics is astrology for centrists.
I see inflation like blood pressure for the economy: too much isn’t good, but a deficit of it is VERY bad for all concerned
That's not what he's saying even kind of.
I don’t care what you think he’s saying. I care what he’s saying. And he’s saying we need slower growth, lower employment, and higher debt burdens so inflation is weaker. There is no “lower inflation” wand to wave, sorry if this shocks and offends.
Does that have some sort of larger significance or is it just this one weirdo.
It’s in reference to those little targeting carrots the Qassam Brigades video teams put over IDF guys in their combat propaganda
lol oh man that’s…wow.
There is a magic anti inflation wand. It's called price controls, a strong welfare state, and prosecution of price gouging. Yet again, you GOTTA think beyond liberal economics.