
I would heavily discount this based on the source but FWIW *BIDEN TOLD ALLY HE IS WEIGHING WHETHER TO CONTINUE RUNNING: NYT
Heavily discount it based on the source.
I mean, that’s the guy who is telling everybody that Biden is so vigorous that the young staff can’t keep up with him
i mean there's a gap between hyping your guy up and straight up calling the newspaper a liar
Not lying, but repeating absolutely anything they hear from anyone to maintain the "story" they want to roll with.
I literally do not believe him for a second, he has been Baghdad Bob-ing for a while now
Ed do you agree that the 7 minute thing (if true) is egregious? If you don't believe this very specific claim that's fine, no real way to falsify that.
If it's not true, NYT could easily refute it by saying when they sent the request and when they published. If it's not bad, they could say it's normal. Instead, they try to cover it up. For an article about an anonymous person's claims about what Biden is thinking, as if it's an urgent fact.
If it’s true, sure!
"I cant fuck up again" sounds both true and, in the context of everything, not a particularly remarkable admission
like, yeah man, you absolutely cannot fuck up again lol
This is actually a perfectly reasonable thing for him to say. “I need to show people that I have it or I need to get out of the way, and I want to stay in so I have to show them.” I’d be annoyed if he *didn’t* think that. Now go show them.
It would be much worse if he said he’d absolutely never drop out for any reason! This is just good judgment!
If that debate was a wake up call that he needs to publicly demonstrate he’s capable of doing the job, and he *can* demonstrate that, then so much the better. But he needs to do it and if he can’t then my position on Biden staying in changes.
good im not the only one who read it that wat
also, headline framing doesn't really match the tale. (acknowledging the situation isn't the same as considering dropping out)
Wait you're saying the NYT is engaging in aggressive spin to promote a narrative it has pursued with ruthless consistency for six days now?
The WH has denied it. But, it’s no secret at all that this has been the #1 issue at the AG Sulzberger Times for going on two years now. Is scandalous journalistic malpractice.
So basically "We cannot afford to have any more big public fuckups" Which uh, true? But also like, there were several big public good performances in the days immediately after the debate so, shrug on all of that? NYT gotta NYT, I guess?
Bottom line is this messaging and puke in should have been preempted with a solid plan created by competent advisors long before the debate. The issues have been the issues since jump.
Don’t know where puke came from, but it’s not wrong
"Ally" means it was a nobody. Biden doesn't disclose this to a nobody even if he is thinking it. Which also squares with it being someone who ran to the press.
do not believe this for one second
I think PredictIt's gone overboard, down to 28 cents here. You can buy 1 Biden and sell 3 Michelle Obamas to finance it.
This is why I think he's going to drop out. All of the media companies trying to burry him, donors are panicking, and party elders are asking him to take cognitive tests on TV. This will continue through Nov., and he doesn't command enough loyalty and/or fear to bring people back into line.
He's been a great president on domestic policy, and foreign policy (excluding the middle east). But you can't win when large parts of the party and donor class are agitating against you, creating a drumbeat of negative stories about your biggest weakness (perceived to be too old) on a daily basis.