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Editor/Tester/Cat Herder

Partners in crime with the Snoozehund.
Okay, this place has been absolutely rancid for the past few days and doesn't really seem like it's on a path to improve any time soon. I'm gonna take a break, maybe come back later, maybe not. IDK.
Reposted byAvatar InspectorHound
You know what? I like it.
because i’ve had a few people bring it up (no harm no foul!), clyburn’s actual quote is probably worth repeating in full rather than the truncated version that tells a different story
Reposted byAvatar InspectorHound
we need to shut down england until we figure out what's going on. why do they have guys named things like "keir starmer" and "lord rees-mogg"
Reposted byAvatar InspectorHound
And for anyone who needs a pick me up
After one of the infinite shitstorms here over the past 2~ weeks, I uninstalled bsky from my mobile devices. If I want to expose myself to this place, it is at my desktop. Nowhere else. Has done absolute wonders to not see people screaming into the void while in bed/relaxing/etc.
Take a break. Take a day or two. Don't log on for a while. This place will still be here, and it will still be deranged, I promise
Reposted byAvatar InspectorHound
I like this essay and would like folks to read and share it.
"Tractor Supply Company could have just affirmed that it supports everyone who tries to live “life out here,” while making sure that “out here” is still around as we try to pull back from this era of fire and flood." I threw away my hat.
Opinion: My Tractor Supply hat was a symbol. Now it’s in the garbage | Tractor Supply Co. cut DEI and climate change commitments following conservative criticism. David M. Perry says the company’s actions show short-sighted assumptions about their customers, including hi...
Reposted byAvatar InspectorHound
timeline cleanse
Reposted byAvatar InspectorHound
2024 is for all the marbles. Get on board or get the fuck out of the way.
Fine enough speech. But holy shit the journalist who immediately tried to ask "what makes you think you're qualified to be president". What the fuck is wrong with them? Seriously?
Biden's gonna go to take his speech and say he launched the sword missiles 35min ago.
Reposted byAvatar InspectorHound
anyway, is everyone good and mad now? fucking stay that way for the next five months, there will be more aggressions and indignities and insults to come. staying mad as hell about it is how we won in 2020 and it's how we'll win in 2024.
Reposted byAvatar InspectorHound
Groundhog Day was a Soulslike
Reposted byAvatar InspectorHound
frankly, the first defeat that we can hand them, in November, is the easiest possible one we are going to be offered, and we'd be fools not to make it happen.
a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
Reposted byAvatar InspectorHound
what i gather from this opinion is biden should level mar-a-lago and simply say trump is a threat to the country
Reposted byAvatar InspectorHound
June Mini Comp - Masters of Disguise Entry 1 by Operation: Orkryn
Reposted byAvatar InspectorHound
Reposted byAvatar InspectorHound
Fuck all your doomposting. No one who has ever accomplished anything did it by giving up and whining that there was nothing to do, the bad guys won and we are all doomed. Defeatism is death.
Reposted byAvatar InspectorHound
This is the talking point to hammer. Over and over
"I don't debate as easily as I used to. I don't speak as easily as I used to. But I know how to tell the truth, and I know how to lead this country. And when I get knocked down, I know how to get back up."
Reposted byAvatar InspectorHound
"I don't debate as easily as I used to. I don't speak as easily as I used to. But I know how to tell the truth, and I know how to lead this country. And when I get knocked down, I know how to get back up."
Reposted byAvatar InspectorHound
SOAPBOX TIME I hate how many times I read things like "nobody cares about the world" and "humanity is the virus" and "our species is too inept/evil/selfish to survive" online. I almost never see anyone talking about the many, many people who are doing incredibly hard, complex, good work
Reposted byAvatar InspectorHound
New ANATOMY OF DOGS is up! Today it’s…the Boxer! ==== Get all my comics free by email:
Reposted byAvatar InspectorHound
The “Biden is a good president and he’s doing good things” small fixes to make life better thread:
Fuck yes. It’s about time for TurboTax to stop earning money by forcing the government to not do this easy ass thing.
IRS opening free online tax filing program to all 50 states for 2025 tax It could deal a massive blow to private tax filing services such as TurboTax.
Reposted byAvatar InspectorHound
Reposted byAvatar InspectorHound
Really want to underscore that Biden called Trump a dangerous child to his face last night, the minority on the Court is calling out political machinations, and Congressional leaders are equally as vocal. The timid Democrats of my lifetime are very dead. It's past time we voted like it
Kagan openly writing that this is a political project being engineered is another thing I was wrong about and people said would never happen; I thought the Liberal justices would weight their working relationships as worth more and, nope, they have come around on openly writing against their peers
Reposted byAvatar InspectorHound
Oh shit, a Todd Haynes character has broken containment.
Reposted byAvatar InspectorHound
My paint scheme for Sisters is "absolutely no repeat paint jobs". So I bring you the Sisters of Totally-Not-Heresy The Sisters of Slaughter, Sorcery, and Sodomy. All totally valid orders and not associated with any traitor legions at all. #nerdlings #warhammercommunity
Reposted byAvatar InspectorHound
It's the dreaded Vladislav the Poker!
Reposted byAvatar InspectorHound
Little dude I threw together for HeadHam22. The rules were to make a miniature with something other than a head where a head should be. Got an honourable mention as one of the runners up. #periscopehead
Reposted byAvatar InspectorHound
A developing possibility is that the very small number of undecideds gently trickle towards Biden because they’re totally uncynical while the panic from the most cynical people on earth sparks a “he needs our help” response from small dollar Dem donors.
weird dynamic shaping up where all of the focus groups i'm hearing about (caveat! i follow people who want hope! maybe they're selecting for it!) are of people deeply turned off by trump and correctly identifying him as evasive, lying, and bullying, while we all freak out about biden showing his age