
Nicholas Campiz
Nicholas Campiz
Cartographer. Florida Man. Formerly in Kyiv.

Tallahassee/Jax. 🐊
Nicholas Morning
Nicholas Morning
Father, Coder, please vote (not *only*). Would rather not lose more supreme court seats to ideologues.

Eugene, Oregon
Game developer and a gamer.
SWM, cis, He/Him, dad, husband, Chemistry, TTRPG, Jazz, amateur piano, UU, Critter, Reply guy extraordinaire, possibly the most inconsequential person in the world, and OK with it.
Pronouns he/him

This profile is funded by grants from the National Endowment for the Inanities.
Liberal mother, pharmacist, postcard writer, and Wisconsin sports fan. (her/she)
Scott Ferguson
Scott Ferguson
Associate Professor of Humanities & Cultural Studies; money, aesthetics & critical theory; film & media studies; abstraction; animation; affordance;;
Rich Cheng
Rich Cheng
Institution Remberer Joshua Vaughan
Institution Remberer Joshua Vaughan
He/Him. Nearing decade of fatherhood, working through it like everyone else, trying to be kind, hoping for the best, preparing for the worst.
No labels
No labels
Books, Cats, Politics, More Books.

Rights aren’t pie. Letting everyone have them doesn’t reduce your own.
H. P. Minecraft
H. P. Minecraft
geography student with a poor sense of direction

Likes to discuss food, the NBA, art, etc. Secretly doing important work that I won't discuss on here. I have opinions!
Ms . Penny  Oaken
Ms . Penny  Oaken
🧙🏻‍♀️| 🤫 | 🥹 | 🔞 | She/Her/Hers pronouns.

Die Himmel in dir, wie kann ich sie wissen, kann sie seh'n? Wir tanzen im Fluge, wie Sterne, die ihrer Wege zieh'n


Mayed, gruntled, and illusioned

"Vorwärts immer, rückwärts nimmer!"

Chicago/Savanna, Free State of Illinois

Tw: @CrankLawyer
[email protected]
Michael 🦃. Levy
Michael 🦃. Levy
Sunset, the Icy Maiden 🇺🇦
Sunset, the Icy Maiden 🇺🇦
Jewish trans girl (she/her), resist lib, late 30s, Blue Texan, infra engineer, inveterate stoner, burned-out FF14 veteran, Kiseki fan
He/him, 26. Furry, nature-lover, language nerd, occasionally touring hyperspace, and trying to keep you positive ^v^

SFW but people I follow may not be, so minors DNI

Taken by Vazzy, Max and Teddy 💚
Pan & Poly with AuDHD

Literal Marxist

Free Palestine
J Matonak
J Matonak
Post-mature anti-fascist. Cis. Disabled. Bespectacled. He/him. Born 197X.

Here to socialize. Possibly bad at socializing.

banner: unknown comics character, distraught, saying "wasting my life is taking forever!"
Pyrito Hedron
Pyrito Hedron
[email protected]
just trying to make streets safer for all modes of travel while waiting for Twitter to be taken over by Morgan Stanley. mRNA vaccine and Paxlovid stan. I record some ideas on

📍Berkeley, CA
Just Some Guy (he/him) in the USA. Engineer in food plant construction. Probably too Online. Medium-left politics.
John Schwartz
John Schwartz
UT Austin journalism professor; former NYT, WP. he/him.
New Leibniz
New Leibniz
Econophysicist, opera lover, traveler in time and space. The background picture shows Lorin Maazel after conducting "The Girl of The Golden West" at his farm in Castleton, Virginia in 2013.
Not an Extremist
Not an Extremist
Concerend citizen, #BrownUniversity and #Wharton alum. "The spiral light of Venus rising first and shining best"
hellshake hoppip
hellshake hoppip
only care about WWI

Machinedad ↙️↙️↙️
Machinedad ↙️↙️↙️
just a silly little guy
ellie lockhart (she/they)
ellie lockhart (she/they)
programmer living in Seattle (posts never represent my employer). Transfeminine person (she/they), liberal, autistic. RTs not endorsements. DM for contact info on Discord/etc. Literally here to make friends.
Old Union Thug
Old Union Thug
Retired IUOE & SEIU field agent and organizer.
UMass UWW '23 (Labor Studies/Advocacy).
Jay Zeffren
Jay Zeffren
This is not a passion project this is an exorcism
Foghorn Leghorn 🇺🇸
Foghorn Leghorn 🇺🇸
Economics major, civil servant, center-left, Irish-American, amateur history buff.
Mike Wasson
Mike Wasson
Pittsburgher in London.
Going through my bird phase in a big way.
Similar ETA
Similar ETA
I have takes
Martin Concagh
Martin Concagh
Brit living in Toronto. Politics, books, jazz, Doctor Who and many more
A middle-aged man fast approaching senility with children halfway around the world and a dream of one day writing for a living instead of begging for scraps.

I block bots, spam accounts, and conservative debaters.

The Aspiring Himbo ✝ 🇺🇸 🇺🇦 🕊️
The Aspiring Himbo ✝ 🇺🇸 🇺🇦 🕊️
(he/him/y'all) | 🔞NSFW | LGBTQIA/SW affirming Christian, avatar of high-octane weaponized Autism, fitness enthusiast & proud endorsee of Wallachia Wall Chicken🍗
Ed Moltzen
Ed Moltzen
Eternal optimist, journo, ex-government. I write a newsletter on Substack about America's EV transition: Long Islander. Ne'er do well. He/him.
CJ 🏳️‍🌈🤘
CJ 🏳️‍🌈🤘
Texan, shiftless layabout, wearily homosexual