Pelafina H Lievre

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Pelafina H Lievre

@lievre_pelafina from the hellsite
also PETA types, come to think of it
we need a new word for this cheesecake : beefcake :: honeypot : ???
Justice Sotomayor, welcome to the "that lib who has the gall to be simultaneously old, a woman, less radical than me, and beloved by my mom, should STFU and go away forever" club! Hillary & Pelosi are at the bar - turn left at the memorial wall, we just put Feinstein's portrait up next to RBG's
I get that sometimes on my 'droid too seems to only happen for me when the last line is very short, I think the part that figures out how much vertical space the post needs is calculating the line wrapping ever-so-slightly differently from the part that actually displays the text
yeah and if we didn't have The Cloud then all those customers would have to run their own servers, all separately overprovisioned most of the time to be ready for spikes instead of having access to a shared pool of scaling capacity, and there would be *more* total emissions
my hungry ass thought this was a burrito
*the Crab Rave video except they're all Ferris The Crab*
one thing's for sure, John Carpenter's Life Aquatic would have a lot more tentacles
oh did they finally get to the bottom of that question? last I heard the wikipedians had only managed to narrow her age down to a several-year range
I can't find it now, but I swear I saw something earlier about how the polls for the primaries so far have been consistently overestimating him by about 8% I don't think there's any good reason to expect that to hold thru to the general, but if it does... lol, lmao
that airplane diagram, except all the little red dots are measles
also people you've blocked don't appear on following/followers lists at all, which ruins another very effective vetting method (on twitter they showed up with a big red "blocked" badge - loved to check someone's follows & find a sea of red, like "oh all your friends are in the hole? join them.")
I see your question already got answered, but as it happens, here's another Mongolian band to check out:
Awakening from Dukkha, by Nine 12 track album
I already did my getting mad at him back in his "Nancy Pelosi is gangstalking me" days, I don't need to spend time on it now I'm not going to spend any time un-getting-mad at him either, mind, I'd much rather not think about him at all
it's real! bonus fun little detail: look at the timestamps - he sent it less than 10 minutes after he received the email it's in reply to
IMO, if you factor out circumstances, trump works out significantly worse - ie: if dubya had been president for the 2016-2020 term, I suspect he would have handled the Events therein better than trump did and, if trump had been president in 2001, I think he'd have dropped nukes on the middle east
yeah, like, when you can find ETers casually yucking it up with some guy who's memed himself into going by, idk, "KariLakeStan" w/ a laser eyes PFP to match… all I can think of is "we are what we pretend to be" and "if 9 people sit down with a nazi…" and… let's just throw the whole subculture away
this little nonsequitur outburst is literally the first time that account has posted, other than reskeeting the NYT once 4mo ago I swear the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (real) succeeded beyond their wildest dreams, it's like a mass Pavlovian response - see the word "Clinton", say "Hillary bad!!1"
one thing that bugs me about that crowd is, they seem to treat politics like it... isn't real? like it's just a game no regard for policy, just hooting & hollering about winners & losers - the energy you'd bring to a fantasy football league, not to something that can seriously affect people's lives
the Clintons have been political non-entities for 8 years now! but these people still just can't let go of That Time It Was Cool To Hate A Lib Woman it's got "grown-ass adult who still brings up his high school football wins at every opportunity" energy
reskeets caitlin johnstone, what a surprise
in a just world that'd be three manslaughter charges for alex jones et al