Alice Sheppard

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Alice Sheppard

Citizen scientist, Brit in Sweden, Galaxy Zoo turned me into a penguin. Always looking for more galaxies
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No one should be able to spend $45 million a month to get their preferred candidate elected. Absolutely broken system.
News that should shock no one: After assassination attempt, Elon Musk claims he'll donate $45 million a month to super PAC that backs Trump; Bill Ackman officially endorses; other Silicon Valley players and venture capitalists decree the "taboo" of supporting MAGA movement is gone.
More Tech and Venture Capital Execs Are Coming Out as MAGA Elon Musk, Bill Ackman, and other tech and finance leaders used the attempted Trump assassination to declare support for his 2024 campaign.
Trying to get my old Teams app to sign me in with my non-work address (it kept wanting to use my old account from the job I left), I tried the same process about 5 times and it kept telling me I couldn't ... then suddenly for no reason changed its mind. Beat my head against a brick wall, my head won
The really silly thing is it's been sending me calendar invites all this time for several years, but never let me actually sign in and use it until now ... and it didn't give me a reason why doing the same thing several times produced different results. Oh, techbros. You and your coding!
Reposted byAvatar Alice Sheppard
7 is why there are times I haven’t stood up even though I can. Encounters range from embarrassing to frustrating to outright dangerous. Yes, dangerous. I was followed and had things thrown at me for using an accessible parking spot. Almost every ambulatory chair user I know has a story like that.
6. Because of constant pressure not to use a wheelchair, people with gradual deterioration put it off for months or years, which makes them more disabled. This can destroy lives. 7. There's a clear path from cries of, "It's a miracle!" when someone stands, to pushing us in front of a car. 3/
Haha that is likely to be more entertaining than the reality to be fair
I would mildly like to know what the heck was actually going on!
I’m still disappointed that when Penguin and Random House merged, they didn’t call themselves Random Penguin.
thank you for joining in the experiment anyway! Just what the hell, FB.
It's so disappointing! Meanwhile it lets through all kinds of utter crap ...
Facebook has removed a post I made and accused me of being misleading and a spammer. I shared a post with a link to the Zooniverse. You know, like, this amazing citizen science research platform. That's spam, apparently.
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"I'm not obliged to say anything about any subject at all" has been an extremely freeing mantra. Said this in an interview once when asked about some drama or other: "I don't know enough about that to comment." It COMPLETELY took interviewer by surprise. She didn't know how to respond 🤣
When the astronauts move out, the landlords will try to charge them for the dust that was already in there when they first stepped in.
Glad it turned up! I've probably got one but god knows if I'll ever see it again.
Knowing me? In the bottom of a big plastic box that's supposed to just contain cards, stationery, etc, and that's ended up collecting up random junk. Good luck, hope it turns up in a measured manner.
Sounds rather lovely ... Galaxy Zoo came along the year after that. Times of hope.
I'm sure I've read lately that authoritarians are careful not to train up a successor.
Eggs: fried (I believe you Americans call that sunny side up) Steak: almost never eat it. I like it to have a crispy outside at least Milk: never on its own. Just in tea, sauces, other food ingredients etc Alcohol: Dark beer or fruity cocktail or Pimms. Rare though Warm drink: Tea! Twinings is best.
that's one of the many wonderful characteristics of authoritarians, their supreme taste in friends
I wonder how the 1/6th-the-strength-of-the-Earth's gravity on the Moon would affect kitty play ...
(sorry, BlueSky notified me several hours later this didn't send at the time ...)
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Malaria cure incoming!!! My cousin, who works in malaria, told me very long ago that EVERY DAY the number of deaths in sub-Saharan Africa was the equivalent of 3 US 9/11's.
Lost in the ongoing Trumpapalooza is the excellent news that a malaria vaccination developed at Oxford Univ. over the last 30 years and costing only £3 per shot is being unrolled in malaria-prone countries. If it fulfills its promise, this will make an enormous difference to so many lives.
Where can I get one?
126) Scratchbot. Goes and finds that one little itch you just can't quite reach. #SmallRobotsRemastered
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i had an ex bf who loved to push my boundaries “as a joke” because he said i was “cute when i’m mad.” it escalated to a really ugly & scary place over the course of 2 years. if you have a partner who does this, even if it’s “a joke” rn, please leave them. it’s not a joke & it WILL get worse.
Always immediately delete men from your life who crave breaking consent. Always.
Ooooffff, I am SOOOOOOOO pleased he is now an ex.
Is this a way of ... PLUGGING your book?
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pretty much ever person I’ve ever known or read about who really did make positive change in the world also carried with them a vast sea of doubt, regrets, and pain about the compromises and choices they made to get there. sucks! that’s how it is!
making positive change in this excruciating world pretty much always involves lots of shitty compromises, the kind that keep people up at night forever. this is perhaps the #1 thing I’ve learned from history. it’s our job to get the fuck over this reality and keep fighting for better things.
There have been two loud cheers from around the streets. Husband observed in the flattest voice: "A man has kicked a ball. That's very exciting." My parents would announce us disowned for this amount of indifference 🤣