The future producer of “Himbo Heist”

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The future producer of “Himbo Heist”

No longer head lawyer for Bungie. Kinda retired. Have entered my super villain era. Ex-Chief Legal Officer of Pokémon. Produced Detective Pikachu. Entertainment Law prof (University of Washington). Supporter of trans kids.
Having spent time among some of the loudest proponents of it, and thereby having learned that their DEI commitment was just marketing, I’m not surprised.
News that should shock no one: After assassination attempt, Elon Musk claims he'll donate $45 million a month to super PAC that backs Trump; Bill Ackman officially endorses; other Silicon Valley players and venture capitalists decree the "taboo" of supporting MAGA movement is gone.
More Tech and Venture Capital Execs Are Coming Out as MAGA Elon Musk, Bill Ackman, and other tech and finance leaders used the attempted Trump assassination to declare support for his 2024 campaign.
It strikes me that under CJ Roberts' definition of separation of powers (nobody gets to ask another branch of government to justify its decisions ever), Congress doesn't get to tell the Department of Justice how to run its operations.
1/ Today, Judge Aileen Cannon ruled that Congress never passed a law that said the Attorney General may appoint a special counsel (such as Jack Smith) to detect and prosecute crimes against the United States (such as those committed by Donald Trump).
As always, is correct.
A lesson from an old boxer, AND a guy whose been in politics, AND an attorney: If you think you're gonna lose, you're probably right. A lot of good can happen if you take a breath, put your mouthguard in, and fight.
My 2c: 2016 broke a lot of brains. Clinton was ahead in the polls and lost. But nobody considered the great likelihood that the divergence was because people didn’t want to say out loud that they were going to vote for Trump. Today that reticence is gone, and in red states it may go the other way.
the absolute most bearish you can be on Biden from the polls is that, if the election were held today, he'd be an underdog
Well, good think my Canadian passport still has a few years on it, in case I’m on vacation and can’t get back into the USA.
The number of people Trump says he'll deport keeps going up. It's now 20 million, 50% higher than the largest estimates of the undocumented population. It's clear sign that distinguishing legal from illegal won't be a priority. They're just going to round up people they don't want to be here.
I believe this so strongly that when I was at Pokémon in my team meetings I would describe a situation and end my discussion with “what am I not thinking of?” and invite everyone to give me their thoughts either right there or to me afterward if they didn’t want to do it in front of the room.
A good lawyer is constantly red-teaming their own work.
Thread. Dr Starbird knows her shit.
My colleagues & I have studied the social media aftermath of mass shooting events for a decade. We’re still processing the horrifying, abhorrent, and tragic event yesterday, which appears to be an assassination attempt on former President Trump. In case they're useful, here are some first thoughts:
This right here is why the UK needs more immigration: genetic diversity.
brace yourselves. the dear leader dick-riding has begun.
No, Donald Trump is not the World Trade Center.
I think I'm gonna need a bigger hashtag.
But that's the only stuff I ever say.
reminder that this is a public network, don't say anything stupid
I shit on the New York Times on the regular. But all those people who yelled about Jamelle Bouie writing there, and who are yelling at this morning, I bet exactly zero of them will yell at Senator B. Sanders (I-VT) for choosing the New York Times for this piece.
In Opinion “I will do all that I can to see that President Biden is re-elected,” Senator Bernie Sanders writes in a guest essay, adding: ”With an effective campaign that speaks to the needs of working families, he will not only defeat Mr. Trump but beat him badly.”
Opinion | Bernie Sanders: Joe Biden for Enough! It’s time for Democrats to stop the bickering and nit-picking.
I think some people On Here are drunk with “power” from “chasing off the site” and every now and then decide to do it again to see if it still works.
The anger at Jamelle Bouie is because much of what the NYTimes publishes about trans people and related issues is bad, and Bouie wrote a column advocating defense of trans equality and got it published in NYT rather than dramatically quitting the paper instead? Please tell me I’ve missed something.
See also: the #Kony2012 energy about “I won’t vote for Joe Biden because I care SO MUCH about Palestine, which I couldn’t find on a map.”
I'll repeat what I wrote in my book. People going after others should ask themselves: Am I going after the appropriate entity or the *available target*? A LOT of latter goes on. But cruelty laterally/downward does nothing to the entity that created a situation &ensures creation of a truly awful vibe
There’s power in a factory! Power in the land! Power in the hand of the worker!
NEW: 748 professional staff at the University of Washington, including those working in advising, student aid, and enrollment, are forming a union with SEIU local 925.
On someone else’s thread I’m going off on lobbyist speak. This is in the thread but isn’t the top; Bluesky doesn’t handle threading well so I’m just grabbing one that makes a big part of my point and quoting that one. If you’re curious, here’s the bread crumb.
And please, so I’m saying it clearly, I’m not suggesting this is admirable behavior. We shouldn’t emulate it, we shouldn’t feel a need to do this at all. A lot of people On Here yell about corporate influence in politics but very few people have seen it from the inside. I have, so I share.
I’m not familiar with the Chomsky quote, mostly because I find his political writing to be crap. When I was at Pokémon and Bungie and would teach my class I had a Mandatory Weasel Words slide over which I would say a version of the “this is a personal account” disclaimer.
where are we at on how bad overall Chomsky was this week? can we forgive him enough to reuse that "if you didnt earnestly believe the things you did, your candor wouldn't have been rewarded with the seat you occupy, they would have found someone else with candor they could use" type shit
I’d like to thank whichever of my neighbors has had an alarm beeping 3x per second since 5:30 am. Sleep is overrated.
Another reason why I’m focusing my book on Pokémon: this level of global popularity and how it got there is entirely a black box because nobody from the inside has ever talked.
I knew there was a big gap but I don’t realize how dominant Pokémon is
Noting that the “shared day of rest” is another “opportunity” for the Judeo portion of Judeo-Christian to “fulfill their destiny” and become Christian. They never seem to propose that the day everything has to be closed should be Saturday, do they.
Tired: Project 2025 wants to bring back the Sabbath. Wired: Project 2025 will ban Sunday sportsball games and forget about getting beer.
The short answer is: yes. Longer: yes, they would have, as we can see from the fact that they are willing to do it today.
Did the electorate abandon him in this crucial moment when the US could snuff out Hitler's Third Reich? No, they did not. If you're talking "replace Biden" now, I have a question: why are you so much weaker than voters in 1944? Would you have handed over the White House to the America Firsters?
Don’t fall for an imposter Stuttering Craig. This is the official one!
If there’s one thing that’s got to be true about America, it’s the way the deck is stacked against employers.
Project 2025, page 592: make it harder for employees to be paid at overtime rates by allowing employers to average the number of hours worked over 2-4 weeks
The 47th President of the United States out there dropping BANGERS.
Just dropped: Forthcoming remarks from VP Kamala Harris on Project 2025 and Trump in Vegas
If the TikTok algorithm is giving the Chinese government such an insight into people’s minds, why do I spend half my time blocking Trump idiots on my FYP?
I had hope that maybe Biden would stop hiring the same consultants who are willing to work for both sides depending on who pays them, so they don’t want to ruin their reputation with Republicans by saying the truth about them. Apparently not.
I think one major factor in the exhaustion/disappointment around the Biden campaign is the same as what happened with the Clinton campaign in '16, namely that both candidates should be absolutely murdering Trump, stunting on him 24/7 for being a stupid asshole who hates everyone, and they're not
Considering that I paid my way through Bar School narrating romance novel audiobooks, I’m mortified that I didn’t know about this until now.
For Business Insider, a story I spent four months on: Joe Arden is the romance audiobook world’s biggest narrator, a bestseller maker and a bona fide star. Now, his sexting scandal is having a huge fallout that almost no one outside the industry knows about:
Joe Arden's voice made him the hottest narrator in romance. Then, a sexting scandal turned BookTok against Arden's reign as the "king of fuck" was threatened after multiple women posted online about his inappropriate and manipulative behavior.
Notably, if you can’t “ace” the MOCA, that’s evidence of significant cognitive impairment. I do believe that doctors who only deal with Trump have never seen anyone pass the MOCA, but that’s not really a flex.
I was looking for something else in the debate transcript and lol, lmfao
Buy Ana’s books.
Can’t remember if I shared the character sketch for Sen. Turtlebottom. As you can imagine he has everything under control, I am so excited to share Oh Noes! (a picture book for execs) with you all. On Kickstarter soon!