Phil Wrede

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Phil Wrede

comics and opinions here
get some comics ( and opinions (here, and own)
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Reposted byAvatar Phil Wrede
Those of us who work in higher ed, especially public schools, need to read this thread.
18/End My summary: - Make college less affordable - Make it easier to discriminate - Make it easier fraudulent universities to rip off students - Allow the President to put ideological tests that target individual institutions or whole states for funding cuts. Fun!
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If you’ve never seen Dorothea Lange’s photographs of the World War II internment camps and the Japanese-Americans who were imprisoned there, today is a good day to see them and to commit to making sure this never happens again.
This line from the immortal 'Summer of 4'2"' has, tragically, only gotten more ominous with time...
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It's good news and bad news in today's Avengers toy comic - bad news, really, for everybody except Jocasta...
It's mostly bad news in this week's installment of my toy comic (Justin Hammer's plan to cash in on A.I., Reverend Stryker makes a new friend), but seeing the X-Cutioner makes me think of X-Men '97, and that's not so bad!
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the conservative theory of law in one headline
Reposted byAvatar Phil Wrede
I am once again begging the democrats to yeet James Carville into the closest nuclear reactor if they want to have any hope of ever connecting with a single person under the age of 195 ever again
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Everyone in Busytown is trying to find the guy who did this.
Reposted byAvatar Phil Wrede
Reposted byAvatar Phil Wrede
Three days after the debate every Sunday news shows invited an avowed election-denying fascist on the air in an overt effort to legitimize them as good-faith commentators The news media is openly pro-fascist
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Reposted byAvatar Phil Wrede
The shot/chaser to end all shots/chasers
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The idea that Martha-Anne Alito, one of the more powerful and privileged people in the country, is so oppressed by the administration of Joe Freaking Biden that it justifies grabbing her imaginary musket while Appealing to Heaven is utterly deranged. But it's her truth, and we should sit with that.
Reposted byAvatar Phil Wrede
jim henson’s son looks like what if tywin lannister was Nice
It's mostly bad news in this week's installment of my toy comic (Justin Hammer's plan to cash in on A.I., Reverend Stryker makes a new friend), but seeing the X-Cutioner makes me think of X-Men '97, and that's not so bad!
Strange visitors from the Negative Zone! The Beast's ongoing crisis of conscience... goes on! Jocasta's kidnapper, revealed! All this, plus a hologram of She-Hulk, in today's toy comic!
Reposted byAvatar Phil Wrede
With the exception of Weissman and Zokaie, the candidates winning in those races were supported by… a group backed by Kent Thiry, or by a network aligned with One Main Street, a nonprofit with mostly hidden donors that said it was promoting “pragmatic” Democrats.”
Progressive Reps. Elisabeth Epps, Tim Hernández lose Democratic statehouse Progressive Denver Democratic Reps. Elisabeth Epps and Tim Hernández lost to their primary challengers Tuesday night amid a broader series of mixed results for more left-wing candidates for state l…
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Reposted byAvatar Phil Wrede
is remembering artist Mike Wieringo on his birthday.
Reposted byAvatar Phil Wrede
Republican ad voiceover: “Democrats are claiming that crime is down in the US, but in just one day in 2024, in just one state, a single man was convicted of 34 felonies. Does that sound like crime is down?”
Reposted byAvatar Phil Wrede
this is a declaration of war against creatives and it should be reported as such
In an interview, OpenAI CTO Mira Murati says "some creative jobs maybe will go away" due to AI, "but maybe they shouldn't have been there in the first place" (Kate Irwin/PCMag) Main Link | Techmeme Permalink
the thing about Sutherland (RIP, obviously) is that he was regularly the best performer onscreen, and he knew how to give his costars room to do great work themselves the same was true of PSH I guess what I'm getting at is that I still think Catching Fire is a pretty great movie
Strange visitors from the Negative Zone! The Beast's ongoing crisis of conscience... goes on! Jocasta's kidnapper, revealed! All this, plus a hologram of She-Hulk, in today's toy comic!
S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Wurmser's tragic backstory, finally revealed, today!
Reposted byAvatar Phil Wrede
Yeah, this seems worth avoiding.
Reposted byAvatar Phil Wrede
The Federal Trade Commission, of all entities, is out here writing absolute bangers about AI snake oil.
Reposted byAvatar Phil Wrede
A vision of purest hell: being forcer to pay for something youbdonnot want whichbdoes not help and in fact actively harms your quality of life, a system that lies tomyou and destroys your environment for someone else's short term profits. This is not the "AI" we dreamed of, and I want out.
“Remember that generative AI is not once and done…You’re going to continue to push compute, and build models that are larger, and so you will have to continue to upgrade devices in order to keep up with the pace of generative AI.” 😩