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Information Pro trying to go sane in a crazy world. All my tweets are MY thoughts, so blame me; everyone else does. War Eagle!!! [He/Him]
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
The core problem is that people, whether accidentally, deliberately, or through misunderstanding, conflate "generative large language models" such as ChatGPT and the like with all forms of machine learning and call them all "AI", and it makes people transfer their animus for the former to it all.
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
Generations of records managers are screaming at the skys today, and for good cause.
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
This is in a reply thread but I'm taking it here to say: it's easy to forget when things seem dire that many of us have lived through miracles. As a fourteen-year-old I thought I wouldn't live to see thirty. I was certain the world would blow itself up long before then. It didn't happen.
It's sometimes hard to get across to people who weren't kids in the 1980s just how immediate that fear of nuclear holocaust was at times. I thought about it every day for a few years and felt a genuine sense of relief and joy as that threat eased when I was a young adult.
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
It just occurred to me "carbonated soda" is redundant
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
Reps. Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush and AOC have all put out "Biden is the nominee, support him" statements. The left-most part of the Democratic Party fighting to keep him while the right-most part—centrists, swing district Reps, NeverTrumpers, etc.—push for him to drop out was not on many Bingo cards.
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
The cat is not watching the movie He is staring at me
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
turns out my state is having a contest on "I Voted" sticker designs, and I would like to show you the most metal one by a middle schooler:
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
WTF. The electric company in Texas doesn't have a map of outages so people have been using the Whataburger App to figure out who lost power. This is like when Homer was using the Krusty Burger map when they got lost at sea.
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
Hello world! It's my birthday and I'm fundraising for the port-a-potties at George Floyd Square! Because everyone needs a place to go 💛🤎 CA: $ iancoldwater V: @ Ian-Coldwater PP dot me /coldwater Please help support if you can and boost for reach! Thank you! 🤗
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
Happy 7/9 day to all my blue sky space friends. (& h/t to for inspiration)
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
"A weird thing happened," I said. "An old man appeared from nowhere, shouted 'Stop being an ass!', slapped me, and disappeared." "An old woman for me," said my brother. "She said 'You'll figure it out' and hugged me." "What does it mean?" "I think... we'll invent a time machine." #MicroFiction
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
WE INTERRUPT THIS INSTANCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA TO BRING YOU THIS VERY IMPORTANT FROG thank you for your attention more updates as events warrant
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
“Oh they’ll never do that.” Yeah just like every current Republican Supreme Court justice lied about overturning Roe.
Sorry to be talking about menstruation in polite company but if these assholes are gonna ban contraception and start tracking our periods we are gonna have to normalize talking about this!
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
iPad question two: has anyone purchased a wall-mount for an iPad before? I want to use my old 2017 iPad as a digital wall-mounted to-do list in my home office.
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
Great white sharks can jump higher than the average house. This is because of powerful muscles, a sleek fusiform shape, and the fact that most houses cannot jump. 📷 Sergey Uryadniko
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
AOC has got good political instincts and she can pretty clearly see where this is going.
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
I just got the Ticketmaster email about the “data security incident”. I’m in privacy so I understand the need for most of it. But it’s time to retire the line “we take the protection of your personal information very seriously.” They mean they take the monetization of my personal data seriously.
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
THE SNOW QUEEN (1988) Acrylic on Panel - 36" x 24" Joan Vinge provided plenty of inspiration in the pages of this book, and in fact, my first response was that there was way too much epic quality to capture in one illustration. 1/3
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
Four is eating nachos for the first time. BIL: So, do you like your nachos? Four: I dooooooo buuuuuut... why am I eating the chips too? hops down from her chair & procures a spoon this is some galaxy-brain god-tier shit
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
I should add actually (as I just mentioned in the Discord) that it's plenty hot outside but actually I just checked the bedroom and the office and it's... NOT that bad? Like, it's warm but not killing, and part of that (I suspect) is the big old trees in this neighbourhood THANK U BIG OLD TREES
Reposted byAvatar Laurence
We would all prefer the structural engineer who would make the building fireproof, but I’m still going to vote for the fireman over the fire.
Look, I've voted in every midterm and presidential election since 1990, the first year I was eligible. I wish there was a president I wanted to vote for this year, but I sure as hell want to vote against Project 2025.