
Apparently the Left(s) have the power to elect 45 AND they also have no power so need to shut up & do what the centrists want.
Much like how the president is an all-powerful dictator that's able to end democracy when it's a Republican, but when it's a Dem, they're powerless and held captive to the whims of Congress, except when it comes to fueling genocide.
But you see Biden completely constrained by The Norms. (Except when it comes to international law.)
If Biden loses, that’s totally on the left, if Biden wins, the left isn’t shit and should be shut out power. Anyway, democracy is on the line and anyone who doesn’t acquiesce is a child. This is how we save democracy...
They can't even figure out what we're supposed to acquiesce to. Is it backing Biden or dropping him? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
To be fair, only the left is expected to fix anything, so it is the left's fault if the right is in power and wielding a wrecking ball thru everything and making everyone upset.
ⵊϝ ყ໐น ƈɑɱρɑἱɠຖ ϝ໐ɾ Ᏸἱԃҽຖ'ʂ ℓ໐ʂʂ, ຖ໐ ɑƈϙนἱҽʂƈἱຖɠ ຟἱℓℓ ʂɑงҽ ყ໐นɾ ɾҽρน৳ɑ৳ἱ໐ຖ.
jesus christ quit it with the ableist special characters its not a font youre just making your shit impossible to read for disabled ppl
Step 1 to Save America: Send me $15
Somehow a large enough to cost democrats an election yet small enough our concerns HAVE to be immediately dismissed as Too Radical, Will Scare Off The Moderates
It's so funny because that argument comes FROM the moderates! Like, bro that's YOU, you're talking about yourself! It's essentially them admitting "If you go too far left, I am going to vote for Trump."
something something the enemy is simultaneously too strong too ignore and too weak to survive challenge
I’m convinced that leftists make liberals feel kind of bad personally so that’s why they they attack them 10x more than centrists, quiet conservatives, or non-voters
I was just saying this yesterday. The left is too small to cater to, but apparently also 100% necessary to win the election. If they figured out the contradiction here maybe they'd get somewhere.
Susan Sarandon holds the power to swing the electoral process of an entire country in her hands. Let’s be mean to her.
Even though they have said all year that the "double haters" might possibly be the deciding factor.
The centrists are the ones who are calling for Biden to drop out now.
It's a fetish for these people. Being wrong and humiliated gives them gratification.
Most folks in my orbit would rather scold me for criticizing Biden than actually tell the Trump voters in their life to get off the MAGA ride
I swear I've heard this story before! (and even further back if you slide 43 in there instead of 45)
I think the "shut up and do what the centrists want" is mostly just lecturing, and the 'we have no power' is the standard viewpoint of everyone left of Dick Cheney.
Have they tried nominating a real winner and not someone who loses to a bronzed markov chain or someone who squeaks a win by <60,000 votes when the bronzed markov chain has a 6 figure COVID bodycount? They keep saying “well that person is unelectable” but the track record ain’t good.
I just saw some shitty old lib white guy post a poltical cartoon depicting a rape on main, full stop. No trigger warning, just rape in my face. None of these guys think I'm a person or have an ounce of empathy or solidarity in their melting brains.
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