Kathleen Lenihan

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Kathleen Lenihan


member of the Lexington MA School Committee, family historian, lover of all dog and cat related content.
Bro if France resists the tide of fascism and we don’t it will be so fucking embarrassing
JUST IN: Polls closed in France. Exit polls show surprise: —Left coalition (New Popular Front) projected first. (!) —Far-right (RN) has lost its bid to take power. Anti-RN front appears to have worked very well. —No bloc close to majority. Follow this 🧵 for results and more:
Will voting fix the problem? Sometimes, yes. . Will not voting fix the problem? Absolutely never. . The math isn't particularly hard.
The Biden situation is not doing anything helpful for my anxiety, so I decided to switch things up with some light reading about the Famine. My daughter’s response- well the Famine’s over, so yeah that works.
White American tourists demonstrating their ability to understand things:
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
The only reason republican states are trying to add further restrictions is to prevent poorer people without access to the additional documentation from voting. This has nothing to do with preventing non-citizens from voting.
This is particularly important to understand because Trumpist authoritarianism is the descendent of Jim Crow far more than say Hitler or Pinochet or Orban, and it's going to look a lot more like 1930s Mississippi than 1930s Berlin.
For most of its history, America hasn’t been a democracy, by any meaningful definition of the term! This isn’t some It Can’t Happen Here shit, in a way, it’s already happened. It just may not have directly affected you.
"Independence from Britain" is the world's most celebrated holiday.
"you're not American why do you care about the 4th of July" mate I'm Indian, any day someone got the Brits to fuck off back to their country is a national holiday for me
"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"
This is your annual advance reminder that you will never look at a photograph or video of fireworks again, nor will it be of any real interest to your social media contacts. Just look with your own gelatinous human eyes.
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) — Google falling short of important climate target, cites electricity needs of AI.
The ‘long arc of history’ is a deeply pernicious myth. History doesn’t have an ‘arc’ it’s just a bunch of shit that happened
Honestly, I don't know how doomerism has survived the long arc of history. We used to grovel under kings. Slavery was the law of the land. Fascist authoritarians conquered a democracy and declared war on a continent and a people. And, all of that was overcome. It ceased. History didn't end.
Some people in the Boston area could have been exposed to #measles on June 22 when an infected international traveler used public transit to get to Logan Airport (Terminal E), traveling from there to Amsterdam. This could well lead to local cases. www.mass.gov/news/state-p...
So what books can we use to just break this thing? Finnegans Wake obviously, but I reckon Henry James would give it indigestion too.
I can’t think of a clever caption for this. It just breaks my fucking heart.
perhaps I missed the recent New York Times editorial calling for Donald Trump to step aside in the wake of his 34 felony convictions for the good of the country
Quietly, maybe the shittiest, most despair inducing moment of the debate was Dana Bash asking Biden "Do you support any legal limits on how late a woman should be able to terminate a pregnancy?"
This certainly paints a picture.
I’ve decided that I’m going to watch Philadelphia on Pluto TV instead of the debate because watching Tom Hanks die of AIDS is more fun than this.
The requirement forces Oklahoma teachers to "reference" the role of the Ten Commandments in America's founding, so as a historian & teacher, let me offer this suggestion: "Although some idiots today insist that the Founding Fathers were inspired by the Ten Commandments, they absolutely were not."
Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters issued this memo today requiring teachers in all schools to keep a Bible in their classroom and teach from it as a historical document. (Via KOCO 5 News)
Interesting how for all the white papers and political propaganda devoted to convincing you that homeless people and others in poverty are just lazy, irresponsible, and/or drug addled and that they are to be dealt with like you would the brain dead hordes in 28 Weeks Later…
Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. Results showed that close to half of the participants secured housing, and nearly $600K saved in public service costs due to fewer ER visits & jail stays. They also saw improved mental health.
Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. A year later, nearly half of participants had housing.www.yahoo.com Participants in Denver's basic income program received up to $1,000 a month. They became more housing secure and landed full-time jobs.
This would be like the Irish government deciding yer man who wrote The Boy in the Striped Pajamas had meaningful things to say about LGBTQ+ policy. Utter madness.
JK Rowling agrees to meeting with Labour about gender transition policywww.theguardian.com Author responds after shadow chancellor says party would be ‘really happy’ to ‘give her assurances’
www.nytimes.com/2024/06/21/b... This NYT article about how pharmacy benefit managers (P.B.M.s) are a major contributor to high drug costs was infuriating, and that was before I got to the Wall Street part. The obsession with “growth” is not healthy.
PrEP is one of the great miracles in the history of medicine and moving it to a twice a year shot will make it so much easier for people to use it's hard to articulate just how amazing it is that we moved HIV from a guaranteed death sentence to something people no longer have to experience at all
Am sure this will get all sorts of dunks for seeming inconsistency, but important to stress what this makes clear. “Back the Blue” backers aren’t (have never) backed police per se. They back authoritarian social control, and see police as way to do that. Police who don’t back that aren’t covered.
Twenty-four states tell Judge Cannon that they want to file an amicus brief opposing the special counsel's request to modify Trump's conditions of release to stop him from inciting threats against law enforcement. storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.us...
I love this explanation for Far and Away.
Colm Meany is in this which canonically means this movie is one of Chief O’Briens holodeck adventures
Coming up tomorrow afternoon (2:00 ET). Please join us if you're able! #genealogy #DNA www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0al...
Ask the Experts with Megan Smolenyak Smolenyakwww.youtube.com Join us, on Tuesday, June 18th at 2 pm ET for my conversation with renowned genealogist, Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak. To get a reminder, click the link below and we'll see you in June. You won't want to miss it! https://click.yourdnaguide.com/u73yOm Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak is a genealogist, author, and speaker renowned for her pioneering work in the field of family history research. With a passion for uncovering the past and connecting individuals to their ancestral roots, Megan has delved into countless genealogical puzzles, unraveling mysteries and revealing forgotten stories. Her journey into genealogy began as a hobby, but soon evolved into a career, fueled by her insatiable curiosity and dedication to preserving history. Megan's expertise has been sought after by numerous high-profile clients, including celebrities and dignitaries, as well as by major media outlets seeking her insights into genealogical discoveries and historical revelations. Beyond her individual research projects, Megan has made significant contributions to the genealogical community through her books, articles, and lectures. She is the author of several acclaimed books, including "Who Do You Think You Are?: The Essential Guide to Tracing Your Family History," which has empowered countless individuals to embark on their own genealogical journeys. A dynamic and engaging speaker, Megan has traveled the world sharing her expertise and inspiring others to explore their own family trees. Through her work, Megan Smolenyak has not only unearthed hidden family legacies but also ignited a widespread interest in genealogy, leaving an indelible mark on the field and enriching countless lives with the stories of our collective past. Want to learn more about your DNA ethnicity results? Click here to get your FREE guide! https://www.yourdnaguide.com/ethnicity-estimate?sessionId=e48f4eb5-c75e-41e0-bfcb-328502d936c3&trigger_link=xeP8NpEx2Ei4nft8X0RL Want to learn more about Finding Birth Family with DNA? Click here to get your FREE guide! https://www.yourdnaguide.com/dna-birth-family?sessionId=e48f4eb5-c75e-41e0-bfcb-328502d936c3&trigger_link=HBUGx7yCItgJ4XxhSENg We're here to help! Come ask us questions or explore our many guides to find answers yourself. Find us at: http://click.yourdnaguide.com/AN1efZ Don't stop your DNA learning at just this channel, make sure to check out our other resources! Track your progress, document your findings and unlock the full potential of your DNA journey with Your DNA Guide - the Book & Your DNA Guide - the Workbook. http://click.yourdnaguide.com/Bz8o47 Need more reading material? Subscribe to our free monthly newsletter for more DNA resources: http://click.yourdnaguide.com/QQuoFj Follow us on Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YourDNAGuide Twitter: https://twitter.com/dnadiahan Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/diahansouthard
Among majors cut: English, History, Math. All the non-elite SLACs are cutting the liberal arts. Message: only the rich, privileged kids at Swarthmore, Haverford, etc., deserve a liberal arts education. For everyone else, Business Administration.
Alverno College declares financial emergency, plans to cut majors and graduate programswww.jsonline.com As part of the restructuring, the south-side Milwaukee college will cut 25 full-time faculty positions and 12 full-time staff positions.
I agree with this. I don’t see where the alarm came from. The fall boosters appear to me to be on the normal track for approval (and I hope everybody gets one)