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I’m not nearly as blonde as the profile picture!

Actually, the profile picture is a European Bee-Eater (I’m pretty sure). There is no message behind the image; I just thought it was pretty.
Besides being tasty, chicken is fun to make. I’d rather pay for more ingredients than for convenience. A splurge of letting someone else do the cooking can be best of all, but I enjoy cooking chicken too much!
If you're worried about brevity in your writing, don't. It took Project 2025 nine hundred pages to say fourteen words.
Increasingly I find myself following the advice to not engage with people who just want to be contentious. I do the same on Reddit most of the time, too. I guess BlueSky really has become a way of life!
Hey, do it yourselfers, have you ever thought about making a BlueSky feed? Someone is sharing a guide to show exactly how to make one!
A quick and dirty guide to making custom feeds on Bluesky – Southern Fried Sciencewww.southernfriedscience.com
Drones can be nearly silent, but a show can also be choreographed to music or other sound which is simulcast over various devices. That noise should be no more intrusive than a neighbor’s usual level.
Pixis Drones’ drone shows can replace fireworks on the 4th of Julyventurebeat.com Pixis Drones is offering its drone shows as a sustainable substitute for traditional fireworks on Independence Day.
But if we all had your view of the sunset…
Skin cancer is no joke. I found small strange black specks near my hair line. Went to a dermatologist and it was basal cell carcinoma. Had to have MOHS surgery to remove it. I also had a squamous cell lesion removed from the back of my calf. People need to be aware of the dangers of sun exposure.
I was estranged from my favorite half-sister for 40 years (it’s complicated, but we had no beef—it was “just the situation”). Just as we began to rebuild a relationship Trump came along. I will never forgive him, but obviously that’s not the biggest reason. I’m sorry about your SIL situation.
I grew up when women were getting more freedoms. I am concerned the generations after me are complacent in thinking they can't lose their freedoms. Would be interesting to ask a set of around 10 questions to Gen Z and millennials-what year could women.... get a credit card, get a loan, etc.
Poetic alt text does your image justice.
After months of waiting, and extending their term, the MAGAt Majority announces their decision that “it’s not illegal if a Republican does it,” and they and their allies want to pretend that nothing has changed.
Has he tried to claim yet that it was an “official act?”
“A Supreme Court that had just declared it a crime to be poor and homeless ruled that Donald Trump, previously and perhaps soon once again the world’s most powerful man, cannot be prosecuted for anything that a president’s lawyer (or conservative jurist) might spin as an “official act.”
"All the evidence is about to come out": Legal experts say SCOTUS ruling could backfire on Trumpwww.salon.com Judge Tanya Chutkan can now hold a "mini trial" that will lay out the case against Trump ahead of election.
“When the Supreme Court shredded the rule of law on behalf of a man who tried to overturn democracy, Chief Justice John Roberts and the gang told another judge to figure out whether inciting an insurrection on Jan. 6 to upend an election is part of a president’s official duties.” ibid.
Even the strongest goose sometimes rotates back in the formation and lets someone else lead.
Imagine if instead of the Declaration of Independence a “finding” had been issued that anything associated with King George’s “official duties” was A-okay and his motives couldn’t even be questioned. The MAGAt Court sounds eager for a coronation.
It spammed all over the internet sometimes, but so fixated on doing an anthropological study of all things MAGA that I can’t muster much interest.
I think if he was elected and took those steps resistance would be vital, but as Democrats we aren’t going to embrace violence except as a direct defense.
If people who wouldn’t simply vote in 2016 thought that “once it got bad enough” Democrats would join them in acts of terrorism, they badly miscalculated. That’s not what we’re about at all.
When the NYT distorts events which one witnessed personally there is no way for them to spin themselves back into being viewed as a credible news source.
MAGAts want to pretend that President Biden was responsible for those checks—which Donald bizarrely insisted upon signing himself. My question is, why would Trump do that?