
Yes, maybe there's some clever version of hardball Biden's team can come up with, something that doesn't involve ordering assassinations. But one thing he *should* be able to say is "I reject the idea that the president is above the law, and I vow never to use this illegitimate 'immunity' defense."
"This Court has an expansive view of Executive Authority that is at odds with the system of government this country has always had. We are a nation with no need of Kings, and this opinion is there to bring them back for one man who has already vowed to be a dictator. I reject it wholesale"
"We are a Republic. A country that chooses its leaders by election, and whose leaders are not above the law. No president who is accountable to you needs this immunity. I do not need it. But make no mistake: this Court is about enabling a future dictatorship under Mr Trump. That is outrageous"
"In recent weeks and months, the Court has gone plainly past the mandate the Constitution provides for it. This country needs a strong Court, but a Court that operates in the best interests of justice, and which makes decisions by law; not by preference. For this reason it must change."
(then insert your big idea of how to change it, e.g.) "The Court has decided to become a political, partisan organization. That is a gross distortion of its role in the constitutional structure, and it is both sad and infuriating that they have chosen to do so. America needs to repair the Court"
"If elected back to the Presidency, and if we together retake the House and hold the Senate, I pledge to you this: we will pass a comprehensive Court Reform Bill. We will correct its ethics, and expand the Court to correct its anti-constitutional mistakes, and get this country back on course."
"The future of this Country is up to you, not them. We reject their anti-constitutional activism. We will restore the Constitution. This country needs no kings or dictators. It has no need of judges who would end our democracy. It is a Republic if we can keep it. In November, that choice is yours."
I would write in your name for president if I knew it.
Wait let’s not split the anti-Satan vote. But I second your deep appreciation for every word of this.
He’s going to say he respects the Court at some point in the speech, and I’m going to have an aneurysm, right? Dear God, I hope this moves him past that
Biden need to announce he’s pulling Secret Service protection for Trump and refuse to provide any classified briefings.
could you please pwn the WH teleprompter?
I hope the speech is as on point as this thread.
just needs to keep it short, narrowly focused and centered on values, driving home the difference between himself and the dangers of Trump, and anchored on one big idea to correct the Court. Then say "thanks, god bless America, the best days of the Republic are yet to come" and then leave the podium
Yep. I already wanted him to do a 4th of July message bc defending America is when he's at his best & it could help erase the debate issues. SCOTUS just gave him an opportunity to put that message in the history books. Hopefully his speech writers are familiar w/ the Gettysburg address's brevity.
Said it before & I'll say it again, I'd vote for you pwn
If you're going that far, why not just expand the Court now as an emergency measure to immediately overturn this inexcusable decision?
because he doesn't have the House
I mean, he could order DOJ to lock up the six conservative Justices and according to them he’s immune from any consequences.
AFAICT he does not need the House to appoint new justices? He might not have 51 in the Senate due to Manchinema-- but it'd still be worth putting them on record. But AIUI you do not need a new statute to expand the Court.
He does. Its size is set by legislation.
He doesn’t need the House to accept the resignations of six of the justices. Accepting their resignations is an official act, so the fact that the resignations are fraudulent is irrelevant. They would be out and, assuming a compliant Senate, six 30 something Dem staffers could be in. [Not good]
yes, you do, it has always been expanded by statute throughout US history
But SCOTUS blatantly don't care about precedence
But he has immunity /s I saw AOC is pledging to file impeachment cases, not looking good without a majority but is there a chance it could work?
You need the House, and the House is controlled by the party that wants to be ruled by a King.
Do you though? What statute stops the Senate from just confirming new justices?
The one that sets the number of Justices at 9?
Using the president's emergency "court expansion" power? At least having them justices assassinated by the DoJ is technically legal.
Would love it if Biden says this. Not getting my hopes up.
Don’t wait for reelection, do it NOW.