Rachamim Farnworth

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Rachamim Farnworth



Autistic disabled transsexual gay Jewish man 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍🌈 ✡️🧑🏼‍🦽
Horror, fantasy and speculative fiction writer

North West England UK
Most modern English dictionaries only report the meanings of words and phrases that are ALREADY in common use. A definition not being in the dictionary does not mean it's incorrect to use the word that way, it just means the dictionary hasn't caught up yet.
(I have very, very little faith that Starmer will do any of that, however).
And no, I don’t think they should give any thought to what the Trumpian-Putinist Reform party has to say about that.
What I’m trying to say here is if Trump wins it is essential for our new Labour government to distance the UK from the US, which Trump will attempt to turn into a fascistic dictatorship, and to move further and further towards Europe.
The “special relationship” since 1945 is in reality when a small island off the coast of Northern Europe gets to pretend to still be a world power by participating in American military misadventures. And in return the Americans try to sell us chlorinated chicken.
It's London trans pride on 27 July. If you're horrified by Streeting's avowed intent to make the puberty blocker ban permanent, please step up and show it. There are a lot more of us cis folk than trans folk; we all need to use our voices and platforms. #PubertyBlockers
I sent my new MP an email yesterday. But this is where cis allies need to step up. We need cis people emailing to tell them this is not cool. If you call yourself an Ally, and you live in the uk, put your money where your mouth is and send an email via www.theyworkforyou.com
Just wrote to my MP about Streeting's war on trans kids. You should too.
TheyWorkForYou: Hansard and Official Reports for the UK Parliament, Scottish Parliament, and Northern Ireland Assembly - done rightwww.theyworkforyou.com Making it easy to keep an eye on the UK’s parliaments. Discover who represents you, how they’ve voted and what they’ve said in debates.
These are not issues that are unique to any party or any wing. Consider for example the new Labour government in Britain, which wants to end all use of puberty blockers. When people traditionally in the margins of society are raising the alarm? You should be paying attention.
The same money and the same interests behind ending Roe v Wade, the ones who doubtless will bring a similar challenge in the UK, the ones who already openly talk about ending equal marriage and no fault divorce, they all started with well-resourced attacks on sex workers and trans people.
Even if you do not support trans rights for the very simple reason that bodily autonomy is a human right, then at least accept that once they are done monitoring particular populations they will 100% be coming for you. And act accordingly.
It is not a conspiracy to say that these things are connected, because it is demonstrably true, and the evidence has been out there for decades. Understand that they use the gender discussion as an entree for an agenda that eventually will affect everyone.
In 2012 I wrote a book revealing the deep connections between the US far right and the Swerf/Terf campaigns. I'm not the only one who has reported on this connection, of course.
For a number of years now, The Spectator has also been publishing pieces by journalists usually regarded as being left wing, feminist, or centrist in Britain. Guess what those individuals happen to have in common with the likes of the Spectator? You guessed it, their stand on trans rights
Because people are asking, I would like to make clear that this is a headline from a magazine called The Spectator in the UK. It is generally regarded as very right-wing. But here's an interesting tangent..
people always attribute the spike in autism/adhd diagnoses to more people learning about it But maybe the demands of capitalism skyrocketing over the last century made it harder for ND people to meet the definition of "functioning" & when your functioning is impaired, you get evaluated for shit
Like @daisyletourneur.bsky.social once wisely said, if socialisation worked the way transphobes put it, feminism would not exist.
so, is labour planning to hurt trans people pretty much solely because they feel like it? grim shit, friends
Fuck labour, fuck wes streeting, and fuck all the people who will turn a blind eye to this because "at least they aren't tories".
I do what I can to honor the legacy of Shirley Jackson, by being a fat spooky bitch who writes stories to freak you out.
Trans people who demand autonomy do not have a seat at the table of Big Media, so we become an amorphous cloud of social media chatter filtered through platforms that incentivize frivolity and hostility--which is then used to justify denying us that seat. It's a feedback loop of disenfranchisement.
A friendly reminder: if your therapist condescendingly dismisses your anxiety about the state of the world, you are *absolutely* allowed to sack them.
Every single trans person called it. First Wes Streeting and now Karin Smyth
Whatever about Wes, this is the new Secretary of Health for Secondary Care, she follows a clutch of *extreme* anti-trans accounts, people who are so obsessively anti-trans that they have more or less devoted their lives to hating on trans people. Maybe it should be bigger news?
Looked through who Karin Smyth MP follows on Twitter and its (1) other MPs and (2) single-issue anti-trans accounts. Fuck Labour
Here’s one disabled person who was arrested this year for wearing a mask to cover facial scars, these laws are being enforced and most often harming Asian, Black and African American people Fight anti-mask bans, even ones with “medical exemptions” — they all harm www.wdbj7.com/2024/04/04/1...
18-year-old charged with violating mask law: ‘I didn’t even know it was a law. Nobody knew it was a law’www.wdbj7.com The law prohibits anyone over the age of 16 from wearing a mask that conceals their identity in public.
Listen it’s perfectly simple. Dysphoria is an agonising state of constant anguish whereas dysmorphia is when you can’t stop thinking about this guy