Rachel Klein

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Rachel Klein


Reposted byAvatar Rachel Klein
A lot of people are choosing to look away right now in the face of something that is making Doctors Without Borders say things like this
Apparently! It had gotten out from its carrier which appeared to be under the seat. Maybe it was an emotional support cat.
I also fear that studies like this that generalize regarding the benefit of non-medical behaviors expected OF the patient take the onus off of doctors/pharmacies/etc to DELIVER care. It’s the “Have you tried losing weight?” of depression care.
What?? Having grown up in the area, they’re not THAT unusual!I’ve hidden in a basement MANY a time, seen multiple funnel clouds from a distance, etc. Ten in one night is unusual but if you grew up around Chicago you did tornado drills in school for a reason! Anyway, glad you survived the night!!!
I’ve never heard him speak, but does Vance have any charisma? I assume the answer is no? Because of *gestures vaguely all around his whole deal*.
Cat got loose on our plane.
Her owner had gone to the bathroom and everyone was passing her around u to she got back!
JD Vance at the end of his convention speech calling Trump up to the podium: “Ladies and gentlemen. America’s Hitler!” *thunderous applause* *some middle aged gun mom throws her panties onto the stage*
Reposted byAvatar Rachel Klein
This whole excerpt tells you multitudes about our current political moment.
Reposted byAvatar Rachel Klein
gotta love how contemporary publishing is 30000000 beautiful, deeply felt, finely crafted books with 7.5 readers each whose authors are just barely making a living, and like 4 books that financially support the whole apparatus, each of which has comprehensively and unforgivably destroyed society
New Girl has given Gen Z a VERY unrealistic notion of how long it takes to pack up an apartment.
Alf is real and he’s horny as fuck.
the 80s had a high density of celebrities whose authenticity was hard to figure out, as a kid. like, was Mr. T a real guy? he was like that in shows/movies but also in interviews? or pee wee, elvira, max headroom, various wrestlers. even alf was on celebrity squares. it was a confusing time.
Well it IS important to schedule those, you don’t want your threesome to fall through because of an unforeseen conflict
The grounds were absolutely gorgeous! All the outdoor chandeliers in the trees????
At my old school the admin ALWAYS used “threesome” to describe a breakout group of three teachers discussing a topic at a staff meeting and I could NEVER keep it together.
Like for the love of Yahweh just say “triad.”
This line reading changed my life.
when my mom microwaves her salmon to shit
Yes, a mighty change had come over the fish.
Truly, two sides of the same “purity” obsessed, coin, with the same (albeit often, but not always, subconscious on the part of the left) goal.
I’ve been listening to (and enjoying) Chappell Roan lately, so I mean absolutely NO disrespect when I say that something about her vibe screams “Horny Kidz Bop” to me.
Reposted byAvatar Rachel Klein
Declaring people to be vermin, enemies of the state, or un-human is the sort of language people adopt before they pursue a genocide.
“We will hold investigations to identify the neo-cultural Marxists in seats of power all across Washington,” Posobiec said. ​“We don’t negotiate with un-humans. Because that’s the stakes of this battle: humanity versus un-humanity.” inthesetimes.com/article/nati...
Onward, Christian Soldiers—To War!inthesetimes.com At this year’s National Conservatism Conference, a right-wing army prepares to rise.
Reposted byAvatar Rachel Klein
In american politics you are Unserious if you say things like "Health care should be free" and then this is what comes out of the mouths of Serious people
Reposted byAvatar Rachel Klein
I'm not smart enough to know if keeping Joe or ditching Joe is the right call when it comes to defeating Donald Trump, but I _know_ Kamala would go on Hot Ones, and I doubt either of the other guys would, so that gives her the edge, I think.