
People do not seem to think that understanding history deeply helps with understanding present problems, and it’s fascinating to see how the erosion of the humanities has contributed to this.
Fascists always attack education for a reason
I read a comment on LinkedIn a while back about how useless history is if you are destined to be a great entrepreneur. Without any trace or irony. Disheartening.
LinkedIn? Is there anything useful in Linkedin?
It depends on how much you enjoy reading blowhards congratulating other blowhards for their alleged accomplishments
Checking CVs for ways to suck up to someone through flattery
My history teacher once said; history is a manual for life, if you know the past, you may understand the present and sometimes even foresee the future.
Klinkt alsof hij/zij Van 0 tot Nu heel goed gelezen heeft. 😂
I realized last night while hearing an ad for a STEAM program again that STEAM builds technicians (who are valuable!) but fails to build generalists, especially the intricate, multi-discipline, layered thinkers that challenge those in power.
I trust the blue check chud brigade tho what could go wrong
Not sure fascinating is the word I would use, but yes. The erosion of the humanities is deliberate, because understanding history and literature lets you understand the past and link it to the present, and literature gives you empathy for other kinds of humans - neither of which fascists want.
Darkly fascinating lol. Living through history, if you will.
It is so similar to education under say Stalinism. Stalin loved STEM!
(Didn’t love inconvenient scientific theories - his true educational love was engineering.)
Darkly fascinating is a good phrase. Like watching a train wreck. 🫂
Living the zombie life. Fascists reduce you to a consumption/production unit, with no past or future. That this is the capitalist end run is no accident. That economics acts as if this was true reinforces the ahistorical mindset. I could go on...
We are where we are today because of what happened yesterday and what we do today will shape what happens tomorrow.
One thing that surprises me is how many folks my age (60), who lived through the radicalization of the GOP, pretend to not understand what’s happening now.
Unfortunately, including many senior biblical scholars who ask for unwavering support and “in unambiguous terms, without recourse to complex historical realities”
Without… recourse… to… *passes out*
400+ signatures, our field is collapsing in on itself
Well, to be fair, with Bible Studies that was bound to happen eventually. Let me know when the exiles have ingathered, the battle commenced, and the age of renewal drawn near, would you?
There is talk between some Israeli, German, and US scholars of forming a new pro-Israel biblical studies society sooooo…
*eats popcorn while contemplating whether the MESA-ASMEA hydra is about to grow another head*
Any chance Kratz would want to include a "right for Palestinians not to be genocided by Israel" in the charter as well?
Is this online in some corner? Id be curious who signed so I can avoid them like the plague.
Thank you! Not as many as that first one but still a few that sadden me.
That’s so sad. History explains how we got here
Some get annoyed when I point out how a lot of what is going on is not as “unprecedented” as they think it is. That and what followed such events and what could stop such things. It’s like talking to a brick wall. The denial is frustrating.
Ugh. I have been having exactly this argument. No the current level of disinformation is not unprecedented. People were not better informed when their sole source of knowledge was a 13th century religious institution. Unprecedented this and unprecedented that. It's maddening.
Just developing a generic feel for how institutions operate, and how they're constrained by their internal procedures, would make people less likely to believe that a cabal of "globalists" or the like regularly call up all the major press outlets to give them their talking points.
There is no greater truism in the filed than the only lesson we learn from history is that people do not learn the lessons of history
Those who study history are cursed to watch others repeat it while we look on in horror. Not dissimilar to the curse of Cassandra.
We’ve been talking about this for some time in secondary ed. most ss—even high achievers—are blank slates when they come to us ( I teach APUSH). The thought is that there’s been such emphasis on reading comprehension that content knowledge has been squeezed out in k-8.
Yes. My third grader's homework is just multiple choice "which detail supports the idea that X?" "What is the main idea of section 3?" The idea that reading might give you something to think ABOUT seems far-fetched.
There is enough of it now that I feel safe saying “history is the study of man’s inability to learn from history.”
As Santayana put it, "Those who cannot remember the past are, umm, you know, probably gonna be fine."
It is part of a more or less deliberate effort to keep people from actually understanding the structur=re & history of current issues. The whole attack on the humanities is part of this.
I agree completely. I have a highly technical education with very little background in the humanities. Yet I find that the writers, thinkers, the people I respect, all have deep roots in the humanities. It is critical to our future that we stop thinking that STEM is the path to a good life.
who controls the past controls the future. who controls the present controls the past.
This is partly why our society has devolved into this current hellscape.
Society has always been a hellscape. Technology just facilitates it, and at greater speed.
Oh yes. That's so true, and everywhere in the world.
"History repeats itself because no one was listening the first time."
The working title of a book I’m writing about five straight years of camping in rural America in all of the Lower 48 is “Dumbass.” The level of ignorance in America is its most frightening feature—and it *is* a feature, not a bug. The right wing war on education guarantees them a base.
Yes. I love the idea that history rhymes (rather than repeats). The book 'The Fourth Turning is Here' by Neil Howe explores that point in an interesting way.