
Oh, *we're* not ignoring it, the national *media* is ignoring it.
Some days it's all we talk about.
He is so generally offensive that I can't stand to hear his voice for a second, but this made me miss his steady decline to what I would have to describe as incomprehensible gibberish. If he were a normal angry old man, he would be involuntarily committed.
Or wouldnt be running for president of the USA.
This is why I don't agree with the people saying not to show him at his rallies, etc. It horrifies normal people when they see and hear him.
There are still enough people who stand at high temperatures in the desert in order to listen to this bullshit. It's a cult. That's the problem.
Amazing to hear Donny Deutsch say a friend of his still says he might choose Trump because "he's funny". WTF is wrong with Americans that they constantly insist on being entertained?? Damn that Mark Burnett.
Yes. The whole Trump package needs to be represented to America: the crazy, the corrupt, the authoritarian, the racist, the rapist. It would make quite a story if US media could be bothered to tell it.
When the fuck was he ever normal? The GOP isn't hiring normal, they are hiring MAGA.
What scares me is that this warning has been going on for at least two decades, to no avail. How do we urge our country away from a pied piper?
Getting the press to quote him rather than paraphrase has been a long standing problem. It's far worse now, but they seem genuinely afraid to lay out what he actually says, because he looks deranged, and the RW howler monkeys will blame the media, not the speaker.
Tho' to be honest, the crazy is less concerning than his corruption, sexism, rapist tendencies, and putting the interests of Vladimir Putin ahead of the interests of the United States (and NATO).
It’s not independent of eachother.
THIS is the topic for discussion, not felony convictions for years’ old trumpy cons, none being threats to the future of the country. Trump may have a screw loose, but those who want to work with him have all their marbles, and they mean business.
Another doozy
Donald Trump: “We want all remaining Bitcoin to be made in the USA” I think it may be time to move this man into hospice care
Interesting note: he’s been talking about shark electrocutions for months.
this was established in 2016, the talk has already been thoroughly had
The problem is that his fans at the rallies and the folks back home watching on Fox are just as addled.
This is the result of the endless “working the refs” that you guys played for years. We’ve reached the point where the media must treat every insanity as normal has created the present environment. The media is brow beaten into both siding everything their crazy Candidate says.
😳🤬 Trump's #MAGA #voters are motivated by NOT what Trump will do FOR them (or worried about how "crazy" he gets) but revel in what he will do AGAINST the people and institutions they 🔥HATE. Trump gives them permission to be their worst possible selves in a 🔴💀🔴 cult of worst possible selves.
he's bragged umpteen times on how well he did on the Montreal Cognitive Test - a post-head injury test. no one in the media has responded to his brag: "hey Donny, that's a head injury test."
He’s doing a routine. It’s a MAGAfied version of Garrison Keillor’s “stories from lake Woebegone.” People who thinks it’s dementia are mostly just not getting the genre conventions.
I sincerely hope that it’s just the loud crazy people that still back him and that the sane people realize how terrible a 2nd Trump term will be. I have to believe that the loud people are the minority.
Sometimes "batshit" isn't strong enough
Trump is Putin's best weapon against freedom and the USA and revenge for the fact that the USA drove the USSR into bankruptcy with its military armaments. Millions of Russian fake accounts on the internet will write Trump for president