Henning Tveit

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Henning Tveit


Ser etter noe fascinerende.
Når VAR gjør om mål pga skostørrelser, men ikke tar klare straffer og pinlig filming er det bare å avskaffe hele greia.
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In normal times, the Supreme Court would've smacked down claims of presidential immunity almost immediately, but we're not in normal times, and there's a reason why the conservative majority of Federalist Society bagmen waited until the last possible moment to provide this insane ruling.
USA har plutselig fått en konge ja. Hva kan slå feil med det?
Hver tredje franskmann stemmer på Nasjonal Samling. Hver tredje. Nasjonal Samling.
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Dropp vanlige fotballkommentatorer: Kommentarene burde vært gitt av en trio med seriøse fotballfans. Type Alexander Schau og slikt. Som sitter i en sofa og drikker øl og peker mot skjermen. Bare send lyden av den skitpraten der.
Has anyone seen Gustav Graves and Jordan Pickford in the same room?
Reposted byAvatar Henning Tveit
Reposted byAvatar Henning Tveit
Reposted byAvatar Henning Tveit
(clears throat) Let me be very clear and direct here: FUCK every single ghoul who has spread #vaccine misinformation over the past few years. Watch a child suffering from pertussis just once and it will change you. This is fucking preventable and these babies have no choice. They rely on us.
UK whooping cough death toll rises to 8, people urged to get vaccinesapple.news Since January there have been 4,793 confirmed cases of whooping cough, compared with 858 in the whole of 2023, with one academic describing the size of the current outbreak as 'alarming'.
Reposted byAvatar Henning Tveit
Kjære Trondheim og omegn-Bluesky! @skystein.bsky.social og jeg arrangerer historiens første #trondheimsfleff (ustrukturert sosialt samvær) torsdag 30. mai kl. 19 på Work-Work i Munkegata. Program: intet! Antrekk: helst! Bli med! Spre ordet! Gi gjerne lyd om du kommer!
Reposted byAvatar Henning Tveit
Tråd. NRK sin dekning av Russlands angrepskrig mot Ukraina er helt hårreisende. Nok en gang. Denne de la ut i går kveld var så ille at vedkommende som har skrevet den burde fått sparken. Alt er galt her. NRK påstår her at Luhansk er russisk.
Reposted byAvatar Henning Tveit
RFK is the only candidate who believes in lobal worming
Reposted byAvatar Henning Tveit
Good and Bad Ideas xkcd.com/2929
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Fallout-premieredag. Benk dere, folkens.
I have the sads.
Sad news: Professor Peter Higgs died on Monday 8 April. He passed away peacefully at home following a short illness. 🧪🔭⚛️ He was a true gentleman and utter gem in the world of Physics.
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Chandra, the space-based observatory that brings us incredible x-ray images of the most extreme environments in the cosmos, is at risk of cancellation. It’ll be a huge loss to astronomy if the mission ends prematurely for budget reasons. Go to www.savechandra.org to find out how to help #SaveChandra
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Hvor mange rispakker må man ha i skapet før man kan trygt si til seg selv på butikken: «ja, vi har nok ris til middag»? (Spør for en venn. Med mye ris.)
Reposted byAvatar Henning Tveit
This would have been enough on its own not too long ago to kill someone’s campaign. Fuck all of this.
Post 10 bands/musicians you’ve been obsessed with at some point in your life. No particulat order: (Well ok, I ended up pretty chronological) Abba The Monroes De fire store norske.(De Lillos, Raga, Jokke, Dum Dum) Pearl Jam Nirvana RATM Motorpsycho Nick Cave Sigur Rós Radiohead
Post 10 bands/musicians you’ve been obsessed with at some point in your life. No particular order: • Visvas • Knutsen & Ludvigsen • A-HA • The September When • The Cure • Pearl Jam • Massive Attack • Radiohead • Bob Marley • Asian Dub Foundation
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Reposted byAvatar Henning Tveit