Rage Against The Miami Sound Machine

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Rage Against The Miami Sound Machine


Nonbinary guy (?) in their mid-30s who collects music and loves horror movies. Fuck the police, abolish prisons. Send me your spiritual & free jazz recs. AR/VR/XR/3D software dev. He/they.

Portland OR
I know people who still swear by the Neo Geo Pocket
He thinks if Trump wins he can get all NASA’s funding for himself, and he’s probably mostly right.
I remember people saying they had to play it because it was the Game of the Year…in February. Looking back on all the great games that came out last year it’s a laughable statement. Not even a blip on the radar.
These guys were all fucking monsters and even they didn’t make the cut
It should have happened when he almost died of Covid but instead his takeaway was that the steroids were right when they told him he was invincible
Outlast 2 is a masterpiece of folk horror and environmental storytelling and they followed it up with Outlast Trials which seems like it was designed to be streamed on Twitch.
He got to play his idea of what a boss was on tv and it broke his brain
He clearly hated the job the first time around outside of the public attention it got him. That’s why he just kept on doing campaign rallies, it was all he had.
We already have a pretty good example of free migration in the US, which is 50 states with their own local governments and policies and cultures that people can freely move between, and it doesn’t seem to cause any problems.
I dunno if it goes much further than “what if helter skelter but glam”
Longlegs was great but it was full of T Rex & Marc Bolan references and I’m not sure if it was thematically relevant or just flavor
Also some cool visuals directly inspired by Twin Peaks: The Return
I admire that a guy whose name already sounds like a sci fi villain chose an even worse one to push his sci fi villainy
There’s enough shit going on right now that I am on an internet drama break. Sometimes not engaging is all I can manage.
The most amoral, Randian libertarian assholes I’ve ever known have all been dentists, and I really don’t think I should have to trust that kind of person with my mouth bones.
“Trans women have male privilege” is the oldest line in the faux-progressive book and it holds up just as poorly to a minute of thought now as it always has.
It’s rare that someone who looks that stupid also wrote a book to prove it
Can we get an official statement from JD on this
First they came for Crazy Frog’s tiny cock and balls…
Trump’s response to almost dying from Covid was to tweet mad shit while hopped up on steroids and I’m pretty sure his takeaway was that he’s invincible.
It was trending as like an endurance challenge, not sure how many people actually did it. Learning to dissociate basically.
Just watched an amazing Ancient Aliens episode where Giorgio shows up at a military base and marvels at the barbed wire and hangs out at the entrance until he’s asked to leave and that means they’re hiding aliens
Lol I saw him perform this in 2005 for Gigantour after relearning how to play guitar and before he became a right wing weirdo
All their actions are couched in the defense of pushing back. They already play themselves as aggrieved by public gay, black, & multi-racial marriages, and pretend their definition of “ordinary people” is omitted from public life because it’s no longer the only type.
I think that if we’re gonna have a real national conversation about this we need to accept that if anyone else in any other country / at any other point in time did what Trump did in Jan 2021 and similarly failed they would be, at best, publicly executed.
I’ve seen it used as an explanation of how rich white trans women, or rich black men, can ally with transphobic or racist causes, but that’s class by motivation, not class by culpability.
We all know Trump has never painted any of his opponents as existential threats to western civilization or whatever
Or, you know, claimed he would act as a dictator