Robert Atkins

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Robert Atkins

I miss Usenet. Don’t make me miss Twitter too. Also @ratkins, @[email protected]
Reposted byAvatar Robert Atkins
To the second point, this argument regarding power dynamics comes from a deeply misguided understanding of both intersectionality and Marxism. Intersectionality did not mean and has never intended to mean that the more "marginalized identities" one holds, the more claim they have over harm.
Reposted byAvatar Robert Atkins
Now that cats have to be legally microchipped it would be a great idea to give them some upgrades at the same time, like learning to drink properly without splashing it everywhere or giving them the ability to locate their own garden to shit in.
Wait a minute, I just had a thought: why do England get to play in the “European” Cup?
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If we had kept evolving the Commodore Amiga instead of switching to the PC, the human race would have transcended into omnipotent space beings by now.
Reposted byAvatar Robert Atkins
If you’ve ever dreamed of being an unpaid extra, a film crew will be here tomorrow to shoot a commercial for a new genital herpes drug.
Reposted byAvatar Robert Atkins
On Saturday a wholesome afternoon of fantasizing about concentration camps and plotting to overturn the coming election was disrupted by violence
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Senate Dems should take one of their assorted gun control bills off the shelf, rename it something like "Trump Assassination Prevention Act," and force Rs to do a talking filibuster to block it
Reposted byAvatar Robert Atkins
They’ve got the same ordering terminals at Burgermeister as they have at Goldie’s, but the Burgermeister ones don’t ask you for a bloody tip.
PSA for Berliners, especially Aussie Berliners: the sausage rolls at 19 Grams are amazing, but the tomato chutney you get to go with them is sublime.
I note Dacha, prominent Russian restaurant In Friedrichshain, has closed (and the space taken over by an Aussie-run brunch joint.) I would imagine their business had tanked over the last year or two.
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From my upcoming piece on Jack Tramiel. The man was an utterly ruthless bastard of a businessman. But he wasn't a simple man. You can read the previous articles in my tech history series here:
Reposted byAvatar Robert Atkins
Absolutely phenomenal what is happening in the battery sector. The learning rate solar was incredible, but this is something else all together. The price for battery cells in China has dropped 51% to $53 per kwh. The average global price of these batteries last year was $95/kWh.
China’s Batteries Are Now Cheap Enough to Power Huge We no longer need to model for when cell prices drop far enough to decarbonize road transport. That day is here.
Reposted byAvatar Robert Atkins
Wrote a little post about Nostr and ATProto:
What a terrible way to decide the winner of a sporting competition.
In what language does the manager of the Swiss National football team speak to them on the field?
Reposted byAvatar Robert Atkins
All US citizens should interrogate the way we are propaganzied to support militarism abroad.
Reposted byAvatar Robert Atkins
You’re not even allowed to do that in either flavour of rugby 😂
Did that guy forget what code he was playing?!
How long have Aliexpress and Temu been advertising on prime time TV? in Germany?!?! It’s actually a surprise it didn’t happen earlier, everything has been in place to make this possible for at least a decade.
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The best thing about British democracy is when the actual head of government has to stand in a leisure centre at 5 am beside a guy with a bin on his head to find out if he still has a job.
Reposted byAvatar Robert Atkins
strange women lying in ponds distributing swords actually sounds like a pretty decent alternative right now
Reposted byAvatar Robert Atkins
Also, just learned this, which is an awesome example of misnaming. Wilhoit's Law was not coined by noted political scientist Francis Wilhoit, but by an Ohio composer named Frank Wilhoit, in a blog comment. Keep posting, y'all. Sometimes comments hit it big.
The Pithiest Critique of Modern Conservatism Keeps Getting Credited to the Wrong “Wilhoit’s Law” was coined by a different Frank Wilhoit.
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Under Labour's Five Year Plan, every household in Britain will have equitable access to insulation for their buildings and windows that close all the way
starmer needs to be bold. this isn’t a time for incrementalism. within the first year there needs to be a program to deliver hot and cold water from the same faucet at minimum
Reposted byAvatar Robert Atkins
starmer needs to be bold. this isn’t a time for incrementalism. within the first year there needs to be a program to deliver hot and cold water from the same faucet at minimum
Reposted byAvatar Robert Atkins
You know what's crazy is you could easily write a historically compelling op-ed about how Trump should end his campaign because he's a convicted criminal who tried to overthrow the government and is only on the ballot/out of prison because of extremely corrupt judges he personally appointed
Reposted byAvatar Robert Atkins
People often wonder if the ball pit is indeed bottomless, and that’s usually the last time those folks are ever seen in this world.
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Reposted byAvatar Robert Atkins
Europe digesting the US presidential debate