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Tantrums and frustrations
It will be a catastrophe for the whole world. The brow wave will not be contained in the US.
It just shows he’s completely delusional. If he’s the candidate, there going to lose both chambers of Congress and by a lot.
This is the Democrats after all. If they manage for replace him, it would of course be with a lab grown candidate that cannot be found in the normal population that is somehow miraculously worse than the sleepwalking genocide octogenarian.
This is “not doing anything”. It’s grasping for strength, he has no way of achieving it even if he could get elected, which is at this point completely implausible.
You are delusional and I think you are starting to realize it. Stay with the uncomfortable feeling. Breathe. Feel it, it will hurt less as you start to process it.
In July 2020 Biden was 10 points up in the polls and still barely won by about 50K votes in 3-4 swing states where he is now losing badly. He’s cooked.
Trump can literally order his brownshirts to start shooting the woke on prime time TV and the dems will wait 3 weeks to see which responses poll best, before deciding to do nothing and let him win anyway.
Your point is to delude yourself that nothing bad will happen because you are not ready to accept the reality. Goodbye.
Does it matter if the positions Biden decides to take or endorse now are good if he is never going to win the presidency, and will lose the house and the senate as well, ensuring they could never happen (not that he would do them if he could, but that's another story).
Oh no, not the naked partisanship! It’s a major problem. We should be as apolitical as possible and leave the initiative entirely to the fascists. It’s how we have always done it and look at all the great results it brought us!
No, you have not done that. You have taken that graph from one Biden friendly article that picked a polling in which he consistently does better than the polling averages, which indicates that you are being manipulated into believing an alternate reality.
Furthermore, these hypothetical do not include the Kennedy creep, which inexplicably pulls about 9%. Who knows where they will go, but given that they are mostly antivaxxers and other brainless conspiracy theorists, they will probably back trump if Kennedy drops out, which seems to be in the works:
In Leaked Phone Call, Trump Tries to Coax Kennedy Into His Campwww.nytimes.com Robert F. Kennedy Jr. apologized for a leaked video of the phone call, in which Donald Trump questions the safety of childhood vaccines and says the injury to his ear “felt like the world’s largest mo...
The polls in 2020 were spot on with the actual outcome. In July 2020 Biden was up by 10.
Have you ever checked to see if this is true? Because it is not.
No he hasn’t. You were fed one poll (that has consistently overestimated Biden) and you ignored all the others that show that he’s continuing to tank.
Yes, that happens with candidates like Hillary and Biden. That’s why they have to hide them. That didn’t happen with Obama for example. The more people heard of him the ore they liked him. We are maybe getting somewhere? Can we learn something here?
Yeah, maybe Trump will say something stupid soon. That has never happened before and is bound to change everything. Hopes and prayers!
Yeah, I can’t wait to the fascists to come and load me into the unmarked van. Can you try something less obnoxious and disgusting please?
You mean the people that are NOT RUNNING are doing as good or better than him? That definitely means it’s him. Anyone else will start at a baseline level higher than Biden “doing his best”, which isn’t much at all. That’s the point, Biden is incapable of doing the job of campaigning. He’s done.
In 4 months Biden will be the guy who buried the Democratic party with the worst defeat in history and ended up installing fascist monsters in charge of all branches of government. I can’t wait to hear your deep takes then.
Don't be silly, they have given him near a billion dollars. They are absolutely not afraid of this and Biden is only proposing it because he know it will never happen. *SOME* of the oligarchs have decided that Trump is their play and have ditched Biden, but they are a minority.