
Once again, I just want to say that lavish gifts to Supreme Court justices shouldn’t just be “disclosed.” They should be banned, outright. This should not be a radical position.
The only way out of this that I can see is 4 Dems 2 win the trifecta in Nov. & 2 then expand the court, impose ethics rules w/some bite to them, and impose term limits. Investigations into Thomas and Alito as well. But it all starts on Election Day. So, no matter what you do, vote blue. Up & down.
Plus expand the high court to include all circuits (13), and a new law that if a law is in effect for over 20 years it would require a unanimous court to overturn.
I hadn’t heard the second suggestion before, but it’s a great one! 🙌🏻
Yep. #voteblue Federal/State/local to school boards. VoteDemocrat even if we 🤮 during & after voting💙. Vote to make a 💙Tsunami Federal/State/local to school boards #voteblue2024
TikTok - Make Your
Couldn’t agree more, and we need to imagine this is a possible outcome (because it is). But beyond voting, consider volunteering and using your time to get people registered and to the polls!
Looking for a way to save our democracy from home this election season? Postcarding, texting, phone banking - you can do more than just vote!
@getup_GOTV2024 | Linktree. Make your link do more.
Now that bribes are actually just "gratuities" I suspect SCOTUS will rule next that they are not taxable, and - wait for it - they don't really have to disclose them anymore. #SCOTUScorruption
#SCOTUS is absolutely corrupt - except for three.
If Joe wins, he will have only his Legacy to leave. It will be Open Season on the fools that did this. McCain grand gesture will be nothing.
They should only be allowed to receive a gift if it's something small enough to shove up their ass.
seems like a good plan initially but you know clarence thomas going to take his free motor home apart and put each piece up his ass separately and re-assemble at home to get around your law
I think they deserve an asbestos butt plug
Maybe we need to change the nomenclature. It’s a bribe. And because it’s a bribe, there is a real incentive to continue to not disclose them.
Agree completely. And while we're at it, no appointments for life...
well all you can do is present your case to the supreme court and hope they agree.
Speaking of..., did taxes get paid on these lavish gifts??? If taxes were good enough to take down Capone
Disclosing lavish gifts is just a way of advertising their prices.
like c'mon, as a cashier at a goddamn walgreens i was explicitly told i could not accept gifts from customers. USPS guidelines are like... you can leave a gift for your mail carrier but not more than like $10 i think
To any politician, really. And to be clear, the justices are politicians.
They are following John Roberts code! You know the code from the welsh guy.
There's a really simple way they could prove that all those gifts didn't buy favorable decisions. Thomas and Alito should resign, and show us that they still have all the same rich friends tripping over each other to pay for private jets and buy their properties.
Not merely should it not be a radical position, it should be, no wait, it unquestionably IS, COMPLETELY FUCKING OBVIOUS. Sorry about the yelling and cursing but COME THE FUCK ON. Sorry about the yelling and cursing again but GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK. Okay, this could go on for a while...
Corruption is the sacred core of the US theatrical "democracy". You are obviously a communist. (/s don't correct me, I know who he is)
Especially if the one giving the gift(s) has business before the court. It’s crazy that this is even debatable.
Good thing the Dems in power, like Durbin, and Biden himself, are talking about the out of control SCOTUS. I mean, it would be political malpractice to ignore an issue that is both crucial and powerful politics.
But they just legalized bribery, so long as it’s ex post facto and called “gratuity”…
Amen, and roger that! Banned with very harsh repercussions for any and all violations of the ban! 😠
I think the general public was led to believe that this was the case. It was never meant to be knowledge for the public.
It's only a radical position to people who accrue more money in a day than I make in a year. And I make a good living! Pretty sure the hundreds of millions of us who can't afford to purchase a SCOTUS judge are in general agreement that bribery is bad.