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I should probably delete that.🤔

Philosophically facetious contemplations
🇨🇦 Calgary/ Alberta/ yyc
Alt: mstdn.social/@dabertime

My contemplations:
Hi, I just read the message you sent me on LinkedIn last year.
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Feeling bad that I missed the era where people left their homes to rent video tapes from a video store, it appears to be the peak of human evolution
I'm going to Edmonton this month and trying to plan my itinerary. Do I want to visit places or people, or a plan a mix of experiences? Oh, and food and beverages of course.. very important. 🤔
Reposted byAvatar DB
A top five fear is that, in a mass hostage situation, I'd be the first person who has to pee.
Reposted byAvatar DB
One way to tell if someone is done speaking and wants you to respond is when they wave their hand in front of your face.
"DB.. Is that supposed to be a nickname that's easier than calling you by your full name?" dB is the symbol for Decibel, a logarithmic unit of sound intensity; 10 times the logarithm of the ratio of the sound intensity to some reference intensity... So in answer to your question, yes.
"Now is the [nuclear] winter of our discontent Made glorious summer by this son of [New] York;"
Often, the people who tell us not to worry, it's going to be fine, are those with little risk that it'll be anything else.
Each survival, while exhausting, demonstrates our strength and resilience, and can improve our confidence in doing so again.
If you get invited for drinks at a #CalgaryStampede party that starts at 8, you should confirm AM or PM. It could be a breakfast event.
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When someone asks u to describe urself
Understanding cats, the basics: • Cat rubs up against you and purrs = Cat wants food. • Stitches needed after attempting to pet cat = Cat isn't hungry.
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Please enjoy this photo collection of bees snoozing on blooms around our yard.
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Remember when 44 people in Toronto ☠️ of SARS in 2003 and it was a big deal? Remember H1N1 in 2009? I do. It sucked. Over 500 confirmed ☠️ . Flu shots became big after that. COVID-not over-continues to ☠️50 to 100 people a week. Officially 59k ☠️ & counting. Excess mortality estimates double this.
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Look for the helpers and find one that looks really tired, and take over so they can tap out for a minute
Reminder from a Pittsburgher who was at one point Mr. Rogers neighbor: “Look for the helpers” was intended to be advice for his usual audience, children. We’re grown ups now. We’re supposed to be the helpers.
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so great that Europe's doing this again with the diseases
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Pretty soon the only usable way to browse the Internet will be the Internet Archive.
You want your MTV? ⬇️
[Throws a rock with a note tied to it, at your window].. "Hey, did you get my subskeet?"
I want to whine about your post, but that would validate it. What to do. 🤔
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When I die I don't want anyone to talk about what killed me. Please list all the incredibly stupid things that I survived
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Just had the single greatest meeting of my life and members of the international leadership were there and I'm going to ride this high straight into the weekend .
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Just because a person has a gorgeous heart & gentle nature doesn't mean they're naive or fragile. You never know what kind of chaos it took for someone to become that calm. Don't mistake kindness for weakness...those ppl have survived the hardest battles—they're smart & strong af
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Waiting for those checks and balances... Any time now...
100 MW/200 MWh sodium-ion energy storage project in Qianjiang, Hubei Province, was connected to the grid. The technology has less energy density than lithium ion (less important for stationary grid-scale applications) and avoids use of critical minerals. www.pv-magazine.com/2024/07/02/w...
World’s largest sodium-ion battery goes into operationwww.pv-magazine.com The first phase of Datang Group’s 100 MW/200 MWh sodium-ion energy storage project in Qianjiang, Hubei Province, was connected to the grid.
Reminder that chaos and collapse has been their plan all along.
Fiscally conservative does not mean fiscally responsible.
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I’ve been thinking lately and that’s been a terrible decision