
Real Name: Jon O’Hare
Stage Name: Dgar - pronounced “Jar”

Thank you for dropping by, I’m so glad you could make it.

Follow for random thoughts, bad memes, stolen jokes, Oxford commas, and original indie music.
Images That Could Be Album Covers
Images That Could Be Album Covers
None of the pictures are mine.For removal please DM me .
Peter J. Kootsookos
Peter J. Kootsookos
Need to do FUN STUFF! Oz/Irish/US engineer, currently living in the USA. Married, 1 🐶, 1 🙀, 2 kids, and 3 passports. He/him.
Brooklyn to Brazil...
Trinidad to Treme...
Venice to Veracruz...

Stephen Uitti he/him/it/they/hey-you
Stephen Uitti he/him/it/they/hey-you
Amateur astronomer - Astronomy for Everyone show since 2009
Writing a book. Have dogs.
Tell jokes - I used to tell dad jokes. Sometimes he'd laugh.
Something with computers for a living.
Robert Karl Eckhert
Robert Karl Eckhert
Strong Democrat. NAFO. #LoveIsStrong #OnlyAWeaklingBelievesThatStrengthIsTheHatredOfWeakness
Matthew McClellan
Matthew McClellan
Music Nerd, Paleontology, Weird History, Local Folklorist, Former Radio Host, Wannabe Spreader of Knowledge, fan of SpongeBob and Juan Carlos Bodoque. He/Him. Not funny, but trying.
Nature Pics
Nature Pics
Maye Musk
Maye Musk
Emad Saad ✌🇵🇸 🍉
Emad Saad ✌🇵🇸 🍉
This Emad after 3 times blocked from Blusky why because I'm Palestinian and looking for the safety for my family

Please support me and my family I feel like I lost the hope😔😞 I only have you now

Thank you for understanding
buy my book
buy my book
Pre-order 120 MURDERS (a book, not a large number of murders) now!
Elizabeth Picciuto
Elizabeth Picciuto
Writer. Philosophy PhD. Rooted cosmopolitan, gardening Jew. Mom of 3, including 1 with Cri du Chat Syndrome.
Foul-mouthed, bleeding heart, blinkered socialist scum/lefty ex-Twitter bore. Fully paid up member of the tofu eating wokerati luxury beliefs brigade blob. Proud European. Loves cats. Hates Tories.
Charles Colee
Ancient, brokedown retired libtard trucker. (Mostly unsolicited) opinions galore! Hoping to live just long enough to see this country turn itself around...
Cannabis grower
Not for sale recreation pursuit
See Telegram ⏬️
Pete Miles
Pete Miles
Ex- consultant, manager, marketer, engineer. Interested in Complexity, Systems and Collective Intelligence. GSOH
Why does this look like a face?
Why does this look like a face?
Pictures of things that are recognizable as other objects .Just for an example a picture of clouds seems to look like a dragon or Lion etc.
Emad Saad🇵🇸✌🍉Palestinian never will be spam never harm people
Emad Saad🇵🇸✌🍉Palestinian never will be spam never harm people
Please, brothers, do not forget my family
It seems that Blue Sky blocked me again and I have nothing to do
Just you now
Can you please help me by donating or sharing this link for helping my family evacuate Gaza
Cat photography
Cat photography
Post random cat contents and cat on demand ! 😺❤️
Dog love ❤️
Paul M. Cray
Paul M. Cray
"A plain, unvarnished Preston man." Living my best "Frasier" life in Seattle, Wash. Interests: AGI, APIs, books, food, futurology, historiographic metafiction, ideas, sf, technoeconomic paradigm shifts, the Technological Singularity, writing
Balzac Asimov, Irritant Ordinaire👨‍🦯
Balzac Asimov, Irritant Ordinaire👨‍🦯
Cranky, visually impaired civil servant. Pseudonymous coward. Former call-center crisis tank, current DEI hire amd Monday-morning lunatic. Comics, games, antifascism, etc (he/him)
Wife, Mom, Gram
Retired Paralegal
Ex Postie
Political Junkie
Blue Wave 2024
No DMs
I don't do lists
Dr Kat Day (she/her)
Dr Kat Day (she/her)
Science & Fiction editor/writer. Chemistry PhD ⚛️ Writer: The Crash Course Organic Chemistry 🧪 Assistant Editor PseudoPod 🦑 Short fiction 🖊️
🌸みんなさん、こんにちは🌸ビリヤード愛好家🎱と写真好きのあたし📸からだを動かすのが大好きで、週末は登山にむけて💪あたしの日本への熱い愛情と特別な触れ合いを感じてください ❤️ 日本の文化と自然が一番!#天然愛好家 #日本文化 #ビリヤード
Runner, amateur photographer, politics nerd, family man, autistic.
The Dude™
The Dude™
The Dude Abides 🕶️ - Creator of cool T-shirts, mugs & more - Visit my shop! 🛍️ I can be snarky. I have a foul mouth. Vote blue. no DMs. NO MAGA☭ - 🫎 - high!
Kelly Nii
Kelly Nii
Tech Content Creator | Cybersecurity Enthusiast | Aspiring Penetration Tester | Sharing insights on the intersection of technology, security, and innovation 🚀
Rufus Hickok
Rufus Hickok
Writer for Mashable, Bust, Ordinary Times, and others; author of "The Paris Bureau" 2020 DIO Press Inc, pathological reader, returned expat from Canada, New Yorker at the moment.
Daniel Gaddy
Daniel Gaddy
Recovering newspaperman. Anniston Star alum. ‘09/‘10 UA Knight Fellow. I yell a lot about politics.
Sock Puppet Pundit
Sock Puppet Pundit
Just your run-of-the-mill sock puppet with an opinion. All opinions are that of the human with its hand stuck up my hole. Pronoun: it/it

Disclaimer: I’m always wrong. You can ignore my replies and not waste your time telling me I’m wrong. I’m well aware.
And He Joked Again
And He Joked Again

read my most recent least bad jokes:

read my all-time least unpopular jokes:
John Sundman
John Sundman
Biodigital novelist, mover of heavy objects, volunteer firefighter (retired), national treasure.

"Sundman figures it out!" :
Aria Jade
Aria Jade
Girl in her mid-twenties who wants to be an author but does freelance copywriting and a newsletter in the meantime.
Letters from God
Letters from God
"Surely The Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His plans to His servants the prophets." ~ Amos 3:7


“For I am The Lord, I do not change..." ~ Malachi 3:6

🔍 About The Volumes of T
Tobias Wilson-Bates
Tobias Wilson-Bates
Assistant Professor of 19th century British Literature. Temporality. Ecology. Robots. Education.
Andrew S. 🇪🇺 💙 🇺🇦 🌈
Andrew S. 🇪🇺 💙 🇺🇦 🌈
Tech communicator/carer, beer, literature (sf/f/h), astronomy, homebrew, @rushtheband fan. #RejoinEU #FBPE #MaskUp @[email protected] @irr_orbit on Twitter
Jane Martin
Jane Martin
The Moodiest Beth Ever my only account
The Moodiest Beth Ever my only account
Book lover 📚 momma 💜 Friend 🤗 artist
This is a safe space 💫
Dv survivor long Covid struggler disabled kindness is everything 💕