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ICU doctor. Long suffering supporter of LFC. Lapsed optimist.
Tempted to be very, very rude now, but will abstain. Glorious conclusion to a great week. Tories out, Le Pen sent packing - and a third stage win for the Tour de France! Youpi!
Depressingly but predictably apocalyptic headlines in UK media after 1st round of French elections. RN is not - yet - 'within touching distance of power', but that wouldn't suit the far from innocent agenda of 'chaos in Europe' promoted by right-wing media in this country.
What I am very grateful for is that Southgate has made the England team, however it plays, a very likeable bunch of young men.
The FT is arguably the sanest of all British dailies; but even the FT relegates the Greens and the LibDems's successes in the election (71 seats for the LD, a gain of +63) to the equivalent of a footnote. This is the Reform effect, by which extremists are given extra oxygen by the media. Why?
2. Labour held steady in total votes, but combined with the fractured vote on the right, won a historic parliamentary majority. This is in line with trends elsewhere in Europe. The far right rises and wins when the center-left atomizes (Italy, France) and falls short when it holds (Spain, Portugal).
The constituencies of Cameron, May, Johnson and Truss have all rejected the Conservative party
I have a Facebook feed that has very little toxicity. So their evil algorithm is pushing idiot star wars trolls.
Happy Tories Out day. Untold damage. 14 years.
Listen to Speak To Me on your streaming service
As you go out to vote, remember to enjoy the tap water good folk of Bramley!
Acoylte, enjoying it.
“Unless our scientific institutions are willing to step up and denounce attacks on those who risk their lives to defend principles of science and public health, the fragile fabric that is our society will begin to unravel. That unravelling is already far advanced in America.” #episky
Where some comic strips read like nothing that came before them, Bill Watterson’s “Calvin & Hobbes” can be read like everything that came before it, all at once – a work of pastiche that mines earlier comics greats for influence and inspiration. #CalvinandHobbes 1/7
He came to bury Sunak not to praise him.
High priests are laying the groundwork for a Pharaoh
His hat would make a better foreign secretary than he would.
In a theocracy, matters of science and modernity are arbitrated on by jurists who rely upon ancient Holy texts to justify their positions.
Who could ever predict the completely expected emergency department over-crowding?
WASHINGTON (AP) — Supreme Court allows cities to enforce bans on homeless people sleeping outside, even if shelter space is lacking.
Where in the "Empire Strikes Back" part of the story.
Breaking news: Federal prosecutors improperly charged hundreds of Jan. 6 defendants with obstruction, the Supreme Court ruled on Friday, upending many cases against rioters who disrupted the certification of the 2020 presidential election.
Supreme Court says prosecutors improperly charged hundreds of Jan. 6 Supreme Court’s decision on obstruction charge will impact trials of hundreds of Jan. 6 rioters and, potentially, former president Donald Trump.
I love this polling by More in Common (via @Luke Tryl on Twitter)
Government: make sure you don't fall for phishing scams from people doing fake HMRC letters. Conservatives: here's election material made to make you think it's an HMRC letter.
The Bear 💕❤️
Honestly the scary part of the report is this, because it strongly implies people are going deep down the antizionist-as-antisemitism rabbit hole. We've stepped well above the lizardman constant
Well, that's not terrifying or anything. (Source: - couldn't figure out how to get the data into the alt text legibly, so please follow the link if this impacts you)
The system is explicitly not designed to execute the guilty - it’s designed to execute black men, and if they happen to be guilty, great
Marcellus Williams was cleared by DNA evidence and the prosecutor is trying to vacate the conviction, but the state of Missouri still scheduled an execution date for him. Please sign and share this petition
Stop the Sept. 24 Execution of Marcellus Williams, an Innocent Man - Innocence DNA evidence not available at the time of trial proves his innocence but has not been considered in court. Act today.
Catching up on the football and politics podcast. Our analysts have clutched all the pearls.