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Red Scharlach speaks to the nation, when she isn't engaging in recreational otter promotion or her favourite forms of internet whimsy.
Watched Sewing Bee, then looked at BBC Sport to see how badly we lost the football. We won??? Has anyone checked the world's probability fields this week? Have all the good things been squished into this one small patch of time? In other news, I'm thinking of going on the pull this weekend, lads.
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Periodically, I like to reread my favorite Scottish poem: Batman's Aff His Nut by Robert Florence.
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It is the inalienable right of every British child to wear Hula Hoop rings and eat them off their fingers; by reducing this sacred tradition to a 'poor diet', The Guardian's picture desk has declared war on constancy, culture, humanity, God, (the Oxford comma,) & every baby born on these shores.
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Post a picture that people will hear when they see it
Post a picture that people will hear when they see it
I am against censorship on AO3 but this is one case where we can make an exception.
I’ve just seen this so now you have to too.
If you like Biscoff biscuits, I can heartily recommend the Biscoff-flavour Haagen Dazs that I somehow missed the existence of until now. 10/10 summer taste sensation, no notes #BiscoffBodyReady
Started an illegal worm-fighting ring for fun and profit. It’s hard to tell worms apart, but I’ve named the current champion Sorry, because Sorry seems to be the hardest worm.
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Pat Butcher. He’ll be the Goose to your Maverick. He’s practically made of tea. And he’ll DEFINITELY put an egg on it.
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Citronos devouring his children (2022)
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Only one more series of Ghosts left so I am doing fanarts to postpone the time I have to say goodbye to these wonderful ethereal dorks. #Ghosts
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my brain has "Punch a Nazi" to the tune of 'In the Navy' revolving constantly through the back of my thoughts and i have to admit it's not bad
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Me restraining my cat while accepting my pizza delivery.
Not a #DoctorWho spoiler: given last week's Bridgerton tribute in Who, I was rather delighted to spot what appears to be a Regency Dalek in the latest #Bridgerton.
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Watched #DoctorWho this week, and ever since then (as a wise woman once said) I can't get them out of my head.
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*Going up to any couple* So which of you is the extroverted flirtatious Dandy & which of you is the self sabotaging messy grump?
This week's #DoctorWho made me go SQUEE. I can't remember the last time that happened. ❤️❤️
Aaaaaaa, that was delightful. In love with all of it. #DoctorWho
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🧪 I have something important to share here, and it’s my first-grader’s crab haiku: Crabs Hiding behind rocks. Crabs making lot’s of babies. Pinching people hard.
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SomeBODY once warned me The place that stood forlornly Was not a great or honourable plaaace No great commemorated They just communicated The dangerous disgusting disgrace WELL The danger's thrumming & it won't stop thrumming Don't dig it up not even for plumbing
Hard to top that. Unless Smash Mouth’s long term nuclear waste warning?
I am a place but not of honour Disturb me and you'll be a goner If you say "Bah i don't care, fuckit" I zap your brains You kik the buckit
OMG I get to write a sketch about This Is Not A Place Of Honour. Next up: trying to find a way to write sketches about Pagliacci going to the doctor and some bloody poet eating the plums
🎶 I got those, can't get enough of those Smoke-alarm-battery-needs-replacing-in-the-middle-of-the-night blues 🎶 #argh
This question works in more contexts than you might think
"how wet, gooey and incomprehensible can we make Tom Hardy?"
INTERIOR DESIGNER: So, as you can see, I've maximized storage by installing these floor-to-ceiling hexagonal shelving units in every room. They're super-cute and made entirely of organic materials. HOMEOWNER: ... are you a bee? INTERIOR DESIGNER: *vomits honey on the rug* Why do you ask?
Well, it’s a weekend classic for a reason
An art gallery and cake?