Chad Denton

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Chad Denton

Struggling writer, renegade historian, trash culture archaeologist. Check out my work:
Whatever stress the coming months bring and whatever happens in the dreaded month of November, at least I never spent my life aspiring to become a respected part of New York City's high society and had the education, family wealth, and opportunity to fairly easily do so, only to turn into...this.
The turn to doing shirt-ripping videos on YouTube begins.
There is a poetic irony in that he spent his entire life wanting to be accepted into New York high society and instead he'll be forever associated with the "second time as farce" reiteration of the Barry Goldwater Far Right.
The fact he's suffering more than I am from the stress of this deadlocked nightmare election is a little comforting.
He already has nothing but contempt for his own MAGA followers, so the shooter being at least MAGA-adjacent has probably at least given him some very unwelcome self-awareness.
I might be wrong but I don't think anyone saw Poland voting out its far-right pro-Orban government last year coming either.
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This week's newsletter: It's time to call BS on generative AI and demand that companies like OpenAI actually provide useful, helpful software, and actively reject the growing coterie of hucksters using AI as a marketing tool to get media headlines.
Put Up Or Shut I feel like the tech industry is currently in the midst of the most bizarre cognitive dissonance I've ever seen — more so than the metaverse, even — as company after company simply lies about their in...
That's this whole election. The fact Trump seems so feared and hated even among "normies" yet he's still deadlocked or slightly ahead of Biden might drive me mad.
Personally I wouldn't want to become President of a country where at least half the population didn't care that I nearly died and even suburban, moderate "wine moms" are making and sharing memes joking about their disappointment, but that's just me.
I think that's part of it, but also a lot of people seemed to genuinely not care or didn't want to share their schadenfreude. (It's what's driving me crazy about the election. The feeling I get all over the place is that Trump should be despised, and yet...).
Either Twitter's down or my account was nuked even though I haven't posted there in a couple of weeks.
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Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
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This is good news. There are so many signs pointing to a disconnect between the polls and reality. People are energized to defend democracy and to defend abortion rights. Normal people don't like that Trump is a rapist and convicted felon, and they think Project 2025 is fucked up and unAmerican.
Oh this is interesting: Postcards to Swing States has received so many orders in the past 2 weeks that they've temporarily paused sign-ups. The sign-up form seems to have been replaced with a message to email them.
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Reposted byAvatar Chad Denton
What if, for a change of pace, literally anything good happened?
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my mom put this in my whole family group chat last night
At least the odds Musk is at least half-lying about this too is about 90%.
My mom, whose family on both sides is from West Virginia, *loathed* it and J.D. Vance. Since she's a Trump supporter, I'm tempted to break our no-politics rule and ask her how she feels about Vance getting chosen as the running mate...
I do agree, but these days it's so easy to doubt your own optimism, however rational it may be. But that said, especially after the Vance pick, it really does feel like Trump is just in it to milk the campaign for as much money for legal fees and propping up his business as he can.
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Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
His choice is so bad it's giving me hope.
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"On every single policy issue, Trump and the Star Wars cantina of crooks, grifters, and true-believing fascists he has around him are vastly, vastly worse than the Biden administration has been."
The Case Against In politics sometimes you’re in government, sometimes you’re in the opposition, and sometimes you’re a dissident.
Also from Trump's POV it feels like the equivalent of naming Richard III as your successor.
One of the things giving me hope is that the vibes are a lot like 2016 but in reverse.
We worked out a no-politics-talk concordant, but I am very curious what my pro-Trump mom thinks of Vance as the VP choice given that she's from Appalachia and for that reason she *loathes* him for HILLBILLY EULOGY.
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I get that he’s taken it all back, including when he said he feared Trump would be America’s Hitler, but I guess my position is… I have never gone to work for someone I’ve ever in any point in my life compared directly to Adolf Hitler… and it’s a fair question…
Trump Taps J.D. Vance as Running Donald Trump announced on Truth Social that he has selected Ohio Senator J.D. Vance as his 2024 running mate.
I agree, but it's especially funny because I think most people would agree Vance is way more likely to stab Trump in the back at the first chance than Pence ever was.
Like I have no doubt he'd do to Trump what Beltway weirdos keep hoping Kamala will do to Biden if the situation got reversed.