
The "blitz primary" idea is so dumb that you almost have to wonder if the Biden camp planted it as a threat
That would be an encouraging sign they were doing anything creative.
It’s the kind of thing someone comes up with in a college dorm at 4AM, high as a fucking kite.
My head and soul hurt reading that nonsense.
The TV aspect with Taylor Swift almost seems like a Trump idea.
Biden isn’t dropping out. Amazing how many democrats that’s triggered lol. He should keep at it.
I have a process to select a replacement candidate that is sure to draw an audience of tens of millions: a week of virtual speed dating. Let undecided voters choose who they want a date with. Fun for the whole family. Zoom is unpopular now so maybe have Xitter host it. I am not a crakn.
I've seen online folks panning this idea, but can anyone explain why this would actually be bad? Maybe I'm just a dum dum (I definitely am) but it actually sounds exciting and likely to build enthusiasm for the eventual nominee
Enthusiasm among whom? The voters are cut out entirely in this plan. It's just elites who decide.
I think that's got a decent chance of being true. The early debate is kind of obnoxious, but it seems to be working out for them; flush the other side's attack strategies out into the open, then deal with them further from the actual election.
What’s great about “blitz primary” is that their timeline is six weeks. I think, if I started tomorrow, I could come up with a blitz project plan and socialize it to main stakeholders in six weeks. But I’ll build some slack in the system so we should have a plan a couple weeks after DNC lol
But the mid-season mini-primary gives LeBron a chance at another ring, as well as the July Primary MVP award.
What would you suggest instead?
There are exactly two options, Biden and Harris
Ok says you I guess. But is that really a reasoned argument?
Yes. At this point, absolutely reasoned
This is who I think would have won the primaries if Biden had said he wasn’t running again. She would win MI and WI easily. It honestly really sucks that it’s a very long shot for her to be the nominee. But if you’re a political junkie you will enjoy this interview:
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer: "That woman from Michigan" In her first term, Michigan's Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer weathered the ire of MAGA Republicans and the former president, as well as a foiled kidnap...
Fan of Whitmer! Maybe go for US Senate when her term expires then get on the ticket for 2028! Or replacement VP of Biden doesnt make it 4 years. Imagine a black woman prez and white woman VP!!
Yes it is, because Harris can get Biden's campaign money, and nobody else can