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Notice how once against it is tech money that drives this campaign? Moritz did a high profile departure from Sequoia Capital after they lost like $300m on FTX. It’s crypto gunning for Biden, really impressive (horrifying) power play by the least accountable jerks in our society.
Michael Moritz, the billionaire Silicon Valley venture capitalist and a top Democratic donor, is calling for President Biden to step aside, becoming one of the party’s largest contributors to go public with his concerns about the president’s candidacy.
Michael Moritz, Democratic Megadonor, Urges Biden Exit: ‘Clock Has Run Out’ Mr. Moritz became one of the party’s top contributors to go public with his fears about the president’s candidacy, saying that Mr. Biden had a choice: “vanity or virtue.”
seems like citizens united felled democracy
Uh, not exactly. Content moderation is enforcing agreements/contracts users agreed to when they join a platform. That's not a free speech issue. Plus, "free speech" (1st Amendment) is a restriction on government control, not private companies.
Besides, fascism (whatever coinage you exactly have on that term) is not the only thing to worry about. I would be worried much more about anti-humane immorality, of which I can see enough in American politics at home and abroad.
I think I’m going to practice a little Karl Popper.
Popper: “the paradox of tolerance is that tolerance of intolerance can only result in the victory of intolerance, and so—“ Masnick: “blocked”
Pardon, I’m really missing something. “Wiki seems…” Now i am really confused. Would you please tell me why you find it objectionable?
Wiki seems to fundamentally disagree with you. “Karl Popper describes the paradox as arising from the fact that, in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance.”
Paradox of tolerance -
At least 63 billionaires have now publicly endorsed Trump, hosted a fundraiser for him, or contributed to Trump aligned PACs. Why are they rallying behind him? Tax cuts, mostly. But there's more. The more Trump tears down democracy, the safer the oligarchy becomes. Be warned.
Dumbest idea I keep hearing is that if the Dems oust Biden, the press will stop criticizing them because it satisfies the "old/mental acuity" criticism. They'll just pick whatever is wrong with the next Democrat and make THAT the Most Important Issue In The Campaign like with EMAILS.
It’s the middle aged dudes yelling at you convention.
They misspelled the guy's name. It's Comperatore not Compertore.
"The late great Hannibal Lector" was neither great nor late, because he was a fictional villain from a fucking movie.
The cult is going to turn out for Trump, but that's like 47 percent of voters tops. The question of the election is whether Dems can reassemble their 2020 coalition. Trump taking a dump on stage tonight might help a little bit, but it's up to Dems to get their act together.
Me, guy who watches every Trump rally, seeing normies realize he’s completely unhinged
Well report that "The president talks incomprehensible gibberish" Takes all of three seconds
This was an issue some folks often talked about when he was president. The media is set up to inject the coherence he lacks into his speeches. The texts themselves are incomprehensible to anyone, let alone anyone not plugged into the Fox cinematic universe.
The GOP Convention made clear that when they talk about "unity" they mean united MAGA control over everyone and everything.
We've reached the "Trump praising dictators because dictators praise Trump" part of the speech
odd, I thought Mark Halperin had been explicitly barred from jerking off in front of people
I don’t know how much you can trust the anonymous sources of an asshole like Mark Halperin but I’ll just say that if Biden drops out and doesn’t endorse Harris that’s a very very very bad move.
it still somehow doesn't get communicated often enough by the press that the U.S. is literally too corrupt to pass even a baseline privacy law for the Internet era
For all the talk this week that onerous regulations are holding back AI in America, a quick spin around the globe finds that it's still the Wild West here compared to anywhere else:
Republicans, it’s not too late to replace Trump on the ticket. He will be your downfall.
It's just incredibly fucked up that one of the two major parties is demanding the largest forced migration in human history -- the sort that historically result in mass death -- yet since Saturday, the arbitrators of civility have told us that to call this what it is would be fomenting violence.
As I noted in yesterday’s CAMPAIGN TRAILS, Project 2025 is the key to this election:
On Chris Hayes podcast with Jamelle Bouie they talked about a possible reason for optimism: Project 2025 seems to have deeply penetrated TikTok. Anecdotally, my 15 yr old mentioned to me all the counselors she works with at camp have been talking about it and what rights they’re worried about losing
Conventional Wisdom In my last post, I argued that the people who were claiming that the assassination attempt against Donald Trump meant the election was suddenly all wrapped up for the Republican Party were panicking w...
Lol the RNC is DDOSing grindr
New York Times sending out a "don't print lies in the newspaper" memo
lolll NYT standards desk asks reporters to please not call J.D. Vance a “son of Appalachia” (via Justin Baragona)