
so, to recap one Supreme Court Justice accepted millions in gifts another explicitly wants a Christian theocracy their wives are insurrectionists and they are both casting votes on a case that could declare Trump immune from prosecution seems like a pretty strong case for court reform to me
I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. The administration would rather install an insanely restrictive border policy instead of fighting for restraints on SCOTUS
political pragmatism at work. You could have had a baseline Immigration policy that included more judges to deal with the backlog and taken away a platform scare plank of the GOP. There are ZERO votes available from the GOP for judicial reform. NONE. Tell me, where are the votes in this Congress
Yeah we definitely shouldn't try to do good things. At least when we do bad things we get votes and that's the most important thing.
the Immigration bill that came out of the Sen was a Compromise, crafted by both parties that was slanted towards the GOP to get their buy-in. It also included things for Dems, but hey lets ignore that because you obviously don't give a fuck. Enjoy the histrionic hypocrisy from the GOP to follow.
Compromises for support aren't reassuring when the current administration tried that with a member of their own party and still got pantsed.
I'm not saying that I liked the compromise bill, but there were good things in it, The Afghan Interpreters exception, family member expansions, faster hearings and since it was bipartisan, it required no vote from Manchin or Sinema to pass. DJT scuttled it, it was not due to Dem perfidy.
They also didn't vote for his horrific immigration policies so idk what the fuck you are talking about.
context is what I am talking about. The GOP was holding up Ukraine aid because of their posturing about imm. reform. There were some Dem items in the bill, fast tracking asylum claims w/more judges, asylum for afghan interpreters, increase in immigration #'s. Most of it sucked but not all.
well when you put it like that
It's high time for SCOTUS term limits; ten years is good enough for anyone Make it retroactive if necessary
Per my pinned tweet, the problem is not the current occupants of this unaccountable power. It's the institution itself, and it needs to be abolished. Changing its shape (re-form) has no chance of fixing what's actually wrong here.
The tweet in question:
I regret to say there is no institutional structure that is immune to sufficiently motivated bad actors. Ultimately the only check is us.
Our federal system has a replicable issue with collapsing into dictatorship. It’s had a real bad track record in Latin America, especially. The U.S. State Department does not really on it as a model for nation building, either. The political science for why the U.S. hasn’t here is “norms.”
There are, however, institutional structures designed from the ground up to create and maintain impunity, and the Supreme Court is an excellent example of same.
Best I can do is a concerned dick durbin.
why are there no consquences anymore? Is everyone just lazy? "Well, we could do something about this but that feels like work."
We're at the point where to be effective, any reforms start to discomfort mere millionaires who are middle class smol beans and give to both parties.
It's a strong case for bulldozing the building, but let's try reform, I guess.
What no please this is how the slave owning rapists who founded our country wanted it!
The United States is not a civilized country.
“Look at me, look at me. I’m German. I’m from Germany. My heritage is German. You come after me, I’m gonna give it back to you. And there will be a way — it doesn’t have to be now — but there will be a way they will know.” Is she really saying what I think she’s saying? Is she an actual Nazi?
It’s bonkers but seems like that’s what she’s floating.
Seems like a case for impeachment but, given the Senate, well.
Charges for impeachment have to originate in the House.
Taking the House in 2024 I think is possible. Getting 2/3s of the Senate to vote to remove a Justice is not, I think, likely.
agreed, the GOP will never admit that those justices are corrupt or wrong or that any response is valid, after all, they worked very hard to get them there as a brake on our rampant liberalism. Same mofos that looked the other way during DJT Impeachment I and II. its a matter of political will
Another gift from the Electoral College: Supreme Court appointments during Bush and Trump terms. What is so hard about one person one vote in a so-called democracy?
If there was a genuine, enforceable code of ethics for SCOTUS judges, Alito & Thomas would have been forced to resign by now. Can we please vote in more Democratic senators in sufficient numbers to make court reform achievable? November's elections would be a great place to start.
I just thought this gif of this contraption was neat apropos of nothing.
1\We need a "good Behaviour" law. SCOTUS and fed. judges do not serve "for life." Article III says they serve "during good Behaviour." Impeachment isn't specified as the only mechanism to remove them. It only applies to federal Officers under Article II. Judges are under Article III.
2\So, Congress should pass a law that lays out what constitutes bad "Behaviour," and then creates an independent entity to evaluate and recommend action. If the entity finds bad Behaviour, it recommends removal to Congress, and then the Senate must vote a simple majority (51) to remove.
3\But to top it off, Congress writes the law explicitly removing it from the appellate jurisdiction of SCOTUS under Article III, Sec. 2, under the Exceptions clause. This stops SCOTUS from declaring it unconstitutional. Then we get to work.
This part. “Look at me, look at me. I’m German. I’m from Germany. My heritage is German. You come after me, I’m gonna give it back to you.”👀
Fingers crossed that the next Supreme Court photo ends with everyone getting electrocuted, like in the opening of King Ralph. Except we don't choose the grandkids of nazis
this extremely dividing kind of divisive rhetoric is why we're so divided. don't let them divide us! lets talk it out like grownups instead
Best part is that the Dems could expand Supreme Court, as well as impeach and kick out the problem children (alto, Thomas, Roberts, coney Barrett, Kavanagh). But they don't. Because it's not profitable.
They don’t because they can’t. They don’t control the House so they can’t pass a law and they couldn’t get enough Republicans to cross the aisle and convict in the senate. If, by some miracle, they take the House this fall, then we’ll see if they take this seriously.
How? What is the mechanism by which they can do so? I don’t mean in a perfect world, I mean in the current world
Sorry but that would upset the norms
I'm flying their Logo upside down! Corrupt, Bias, Bought & Paid for!!
Democrats: Don't worry, the system will correct itself. Me: YOU are the system, you dipshits! That won't happen if you don't make it happen!
Supreme Court is crap
I can't respect any ruling coming out of there until those two are gone. At least those two.
I like that we're still going along with "their wives" being the insurrectionists lol
seems like a strong argument for impeachment to me