
even putting aside the specifics of Italy this is a huge problem for anyone’s idea of moving out of the US in a “Trump wins” scenario how certain are you that wherever you move won’t follow the same path in short order? the far right is on the ascent everywhere we look
had to gently break it to my mom that her friends who are already planning on moving to Italy may not in fact be escaping fascism to the extent they think they are
Also, can we at least wait until after the election for this level of freakout? Especially if you are white and affluent and the only reason you think Trump is going to send death squads after you is because you post spicy political takes. Let's try to show a little steely resolve first, maybe?
right? like I’ve been yelling about how bad a second term will be as loud as anyone and nobody is going to be throwing me in jail on January 21
I’m not sure we can quite fathom just how bad it could be.
might not even take till inauguration day for the powder keg to go off tbh
We’ll send you this post on jail 😂
(Ominous music) That you know of.
It's not a freak out. Planning and executing a move takes time. We began planning in 2016, even though we knew we would stay through at least one term. My epigenetic alarms have been going off for a long time now. (I'm Ashkenazi) It just makes sense to be ready.
I’m Catholic. The klan didn’t much like us either, and that’s who we are on track to put in charge. I may have a Bible on a shelf, but it’s the wrong translation and I might listen to some guy in Rome rather than the government. Currently contemplating Sealand. Even if they are a joke.
Fair. I have friends with a trans kid who are moving to Canada next week because they don't want to be here in case Trump wins, to which: I accept this. They have to deal with school districts.
I have a Jewish SO and she asked me yesterday what our plan is if TFG wins. She (and her family) are openly wondering how close to 1934 Germany we'll be in January if Trump wins.
to be serious for a sec, i wouldn't be surprised if the massive mainstream media debate pile-on, and continued focus on that even as we are almost nazi germany (see NYT's "biden managed not to slobber when he decried the new monarchy"), is discouraging a lot of folks
of course, people are freaked out and scared and don't know what else to do... that's usually why people run out of the frying pan and into the fire
What's the point of having resolve? This isn't fixable - the people who can do something about it clearly don't want to, and there's no mechanism in existence that we can use to force their hand.
Call me naïve if you like, but I feel like that is only true after the election... until then we do have one mechanism left with which to influence the future, actually.
what, voting? please. we're all adults here.
So we all just roll over and die I guess? Look, I get this is depressing, but giving up and expecting others to save us without giving them the support is not going to make it better. You can hide under the covers, but not all of us are going to do so.
bro, Biden can do basically anything right now. far more than any of us can do. what "support" does he need?
There is, actually, but it requires putting one's own safety on the line.
oh sweet is it time to larp about being militants? alright, you have an AK 47 and some camo. i'll use a predator drone
no wait! come back! you didn't cast any spells or anything! c'mon, tell me more about how cool your character is. do you have a backstory?
It is also very cool to listen to people who have fewer barriers to moving than I do who are also in less danger than me talk in front of me about their plans to flee. Like, cool, I guess I look forward to you all abandoning people like me. Thanks!
And there are others around in even more dire situations than mine who also practically have no real way to leave. It's very fun how the people who have more power to help are the ones who are going to go, apparently.
this was the point that I really had to make as gently as possible... you're kinda making this about you, when it isn't at all, actually
If Biden 1. still statistically significantly trails Trump in the Battleground States by the August Convention,and 2. continues at that time to refuse to use any now legal #executiveactions which would protect America from the avowed Mango "dictator on Day 1", then he has to be replaced as nominee.
I got a text from supposed Dems yesterday saying that if I didn't reply saying I was voting for Biden, they assumed I was voting for Trump. If this is what polling is, it's meaningless. Most polling is terrible anyways because it only counts people who answer their phones.
Congratulations, you are in the running for the dumbest "take" on the internet today. Watch this space to see if you eke out the competition.
Sorry, could you help me understand what exactly about my take is so dumb? Is it dumb to be skeptical that Trump is going to round up affluent white folks for their brave politics posts, is that it? Or is it the refusal to believe Trump is definitely going to win? Please help me be less dumb here
A point I make regularly, regarding this whole, "move to safety abroad," bit: In addition to the global march of authoritarians, on what grounds does anyone think alternatives are actually safe from conquest-minded fascists that control the largest economy and most powerful military in history?
Absolutely chickenshit and immoral answer, but my plan to move includes just putting my head in the sand in the new location.
I'm tired. I'm ready not to know anymore.
It's certainly easier to ignore politics for a bit in a new country, especially if you don't speak the language... buuuut eventually it catches up with you
I'm already past true middle age. I've lived a good life. It's all good.
I've typed out four different versions of this comment but they all boiled down to me telling you I think you're a bad person, with varying degrees of incivility. A "good life" capped off by abandoning everyone and everything you believed in, isn't.
What you think of me is none of my business. There's plenty of room in the bag of dicks for you. Share your unsolicited opinions there.
It became my business when you called yourself chickenshit and immoral, which I 100% agree with
I have lived outside of the US for most of my life. I prefer the view on the burgeoning fascism from afar. I was convinced in the early 1970s that the fascists and oligarchs using them would eventually crash small r republicanism. Sic semper tyrannis
right, canada has been a few steps behind us on the long slide down for a while now. and europe, which invented fascism, keeps trying to vote it back into power. and without even getting into other far right ascendancies most of the “i’m moving” crowd probably hasn’t looked beyond those places
even New Zealand has moved rightward (plus you’d be moving to the same place as various big tech doomsday prepper executives)
I don't think Europe is trying to vote fascism back into power as much as it's performing a knee-jerk reaction to try to rein in EU. EU was supposed to be about the four freedoms of movement, not about wholesale meddling in domestic affairs. If EU stuck to its purpose, far-right is out of business
the reasoning does not matter to me, only the votes cast
fix the reason, fix the problem
Folks who think they can relocate away from fascism and/or climate damage and skip the whole fight… I’ve got some bad news for you
My family was full of refugees, most post-WWII. Internal conversations are based on family history of what happened to those who left versus those who stayed. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is flee. That doesn't make you safe, but it can get you to a place where you aren't on the enemy list.