
I told someone that Trump is still a unique threat, not only to the nation as a whole, but to our ability as leftists to organize, and they reacted like I had just donned a pussy hat. Let’s try, if we can, to not be such myopic fuckups.
The left needs to be as utilitarian about cringe libs as fascists are about meemaws who own Precious Moments figurines
cringe wine moms have been the single most effective political organizers in the country since Trump was elected and I will die on this hill they are Good, Actually
Cringe wine moms delivered all those abortion referendum victories and the Senate
that's because they care more about the threat than seeming cringe instead of caring more about seeming sophisticated and above-the-fray
Also they are good at identifying the big thing. While I know the man left hates white ladies who only care that their abortions are in trouble that’s enough voters to destroy the GOP if they’re kept
They understand the stakes because their lives could get much worse, that’s basic materialism
It’s a full press on against women’s rights and reproductive health at every stage of life so they are not wrong.
They aren’t! I take any fellow Dem voters. But I gently wish they’d listened to Dem voting white women in 2016, too
Yep, we might be in the midst of some weird Republican admin right now but we would not be HERE yet.
Myrna Loy (the actress in my avi) wrote this about working on behalf of the government after WWII doing appearances and panels around the country to support and promote the newly-formed United Nations.
Liberal winemoms have always had the Mandate of Heaven. Here's Myrna again, talking about her tour giving talks to promote the brand-new UN.
She was a great believer in the power of government to bring positive change and materially improve people's lives. She was a Democrat down to the atomic level, loathed Ronald Reagan all the way back to their SAG days, and was a champion for civil rights and civic engagement til the very end.
I've always had a theory that many of the most toxic very online left dudes are bitter sons of wine moms who are salty because the moms are actually doing stuff rather than complaining endlessly on Twitter.
We are! (I’m not a wine mom—I drink cocktails—but I claim the title.)
as a Brunch Gay I feel so much solidarity with Wine Moms that I feel people are talking about me when the term comes up
I'm a bourbon and scotch mom and I'll be honored to stand by the wine moms and defend their right to wine hand in hand with y'all
G&T moms represent! ✊🏻
Honestly I don’t even think of myself as a “mom” but objectively I am one so 🤷🏻‍♀️
If your initial read of holding earnest values is that it’s cringe, you’re gonna have a bad time in politics.
Not you (hopefully obviously), Micah, specifically of course
Winemom-ism or barbarism. (It's in my bio on the other site.)
Id share a glass with them
The most powerful one in my family traveled interstate to do a bunch of street-level organizing for Jared Golden, of all people
While I definitely agree - we may be fighting the last war here, is anyone still going after them?