Lori J. Williams🧋

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Lori J. Williams🧋


Ex Google SWE, neurospicy, and apparently on yet another social network.
To be clear, Trump isn't just careening wildly on abortion rights, he's lying: "Abortion should be prosecuted as homicide" and "abortion should be left up to the states" can only be reconciled if what you mean is "states can decide how to handle abortion as long as they prosecute it as homicide."
New for MSNBC: I'm not optimistic that the CNN debate moderators will pressure Trump to commit to a coherent position on repro rights. The mainstream political press loves to let Trump off the hook even though we're five months from the election and he's still careening wildly between positions.
Opinion | CNN’s debate moderators shouldn’t miss the opportunity to ask Trump thiswww.msnbc.com The former president can’t go even one measly news cycle with a consistent message on reproductive rights.
Ok, I need everybody to read Section III-A of Alito's dissent in the Idaho abortion case. He says - explicitly and specifically - that in cases where the amniotic sac breaks before the 24th week of pregnancy, abortions should be prohibited. HE SPECIFICALLY NOTES THE DANGERS. He points out that...
Why genAI answers are going to continue to fail: Graph search understands I made a swipo. Gemini doesn't.
This is really important and deeply concerning — devices that clean the air ARE in place for those working in the White House and Congress, guessing SCOTUS too, but not really anywhere else www.ineteconomics.org/perspectives...
You don't say...
A new study from the University of Washington found that ChatGPT, Open AI’s artificial intelligence chatbot, exercises bias against those with marginalized identities when scanning resumes as part of job applications.
ChatGPT is is penalizing job candidates with disabilitieswww.dailydot.com AI's biases affect its ability to fairly screen resumes.
Google isn't sending me all of my chat notifications on my desktop. Google is also sending 2 statuses to the people that send me messages that I have a little "caught up" icon at the end, but additionally by where I actually have read to. Guess c-suite shouldn't have gotten rid of 12k+ jobs.
This is why I left the Republican party decades ago: I eventually learned the actual data. I think the party at a base level does not even understand "preventative care" (guaranteed school lunches, housing, safety nets) as applied to most economic problems.
One of the political fallacies that drives me the most crazy is that the GOP is better at “the economy”. They aren’t! The economy has repeatedly grown more under Democrats! The GOP isn’t even better at growing corporate profits! It’s just better at oligarchic income!
there are a lot of ways for the state to suppress dissident speech. one particularly bad one is by having armed agents of the state stand by and do nothing while partisan-aligned thugs or paramilitary groups beat you because of your speech, and then have the DA decline to prosecute the assaulters.
LA's District Attorney George Gascon has declined to charge Edan On, the man who injured several people in an hours-long brutal attack on UCLA students' pro-Palestine encampment last month. On was featured by name in a CNN report after his mother celebrated his crimes. www.cnn.com/2024/06/21/u...
LA County declines to charge man recorded attacking pro-Palestine protesters at UCLA, refers case to city attorney’s office | CNNwww.cnn.com The case against Edan On, the 18-year-old accused of attacking pro-Palestinian protesters at UCLA in April, has been referred to the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office for misdemeanor filing considera...
The way I most recently described a mansplainer I am slowly moving out of my life: He has the confidence of ChatGPT and even less accuracy.
Further jailbreaking ChatGPT. You're not supposed to have access to today's date, right? 🥸
ChatGPT can't execute code...until it can. I asked it to write a function to count the 'r's in 'strawberry'. It gave me the wrong answer until I told it that it was wrong twice. Then it mysteriously gave me the right answer implying that it can and does run code even though it claims inability to. 🤔
Liberal person: "Perhaps this minority has been, and continues to be, persecuted." Right wing person: "That's totally untrue. By the way, it's now illegal to be, or discuss, that minority."
Eldest last night: "Could we please not discuss social inequity before bedtime?"
Happy Pride Month kiwifarms!
After years of direct intellectual combat, I have failed to solve for overcoming 24/7 fear mongering. People have to want to change out of hard-wired survival instincts (something fear-based which makes them act a certain way) or... they have to fear something else more.
Every decade or so we go through the college protest story all over again with the same results.... John Pike, the cop seen in the viral photo from UC Davis, was never charged. He either resigned or got fired, then got over $38,000 from worker's comp for "psychiatric" damage from his own actions.
This is a reminder that most of the people in the country live within areas where the federal border cops have the power to stop & search people. That power is supposed to be restricted by the Fourth Amendment, but under Trump, go tell that to the Supreme Court. www.aclu.org/know-your-ri...
You have to have your kidney function tested in a lab to be diagnosed with kidney disease. You have to have a reason for that & most people don’t because of how late symptoms show. So a lot of people don’t know they are in a stage of kidney disease.
All these people who are cool collecting multiple COVID infections could easily have kidneys as bad as mine because COVID targets kidneys & kidney disease is known as a silent killer because since we have two they can decline a far ways before symptoms show & it’s too late.
It's not just kidney disease as an often undetected condition that people are walking around with now in this pandemic, there are so many invisible disabilities people will collect after COVID & things that will be extremely not right somewhere in the body they won't know about until it's too. late.
All these people who are cool collecting multiple COVID infections could easily have kidneys as bad as mine because COVID targets kidneys & kidney disease is known as a silent killer because since we have two they can decline a far ways before symptoms show & it’s too late.
There is. “Having chronic kidney disease of any stage can make you more likely to get very sick from COVID-19” CDC “People who had severe illness with COVID-19 might experience organ damage affecting the heart, kidneys” Mayo Clinic www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-con... www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/...
if all the trans women stopped coding tomorrow the Internet would screech to a halt
source: have done protest legal support since quite literally before many posters on here were born I know many of them won’t listen and will learn the hard way, but it’s worth trying to help people avoid that anyway
I really can’t overstate how humorless the feds are. It literally doesn’t matter how obviously you think you were joking. They won’t notice or care and will put it into court discovery as if it’s the most serious thing in the world
What is it with these companies? Trash your workforce if you aren't c-suite? The US should have protections like Japan where you cannot lay someone off if you are profitable.
No notes (except to say that McSweeney’s is no longer satire, but the paper of record.)
“The school didn’t call an ambulance.” Some sentences enter the mind and will never leave. I read that in an article today and it will be with me for the rest of my days.
The story of Nex Benedict, the non-binary Native teen in Oklahoma who got murdered at school, is just so heartbreaking. The way the school reacted (they were going to suspend the teen): shocking. If your reactionary ideology turns you into an inhumane monster, re-evaluate the ideology.
I am furious that I hadn't heard about this, mostly due to Elmo's broken Twitter failing to show me posts from people I followed. Naomi Wu is an amazing tech/engineering figure, and she has been the victim of a crackdown by the Chinese government. Dreadful news. youtu.be/ei7OQDVOYDY?...
Maker Naomi Wu is Silenced by Chinese Authorities (And Why I Blame Elon Musk)youtu.be SUPPORT more videos like this at http://patreon.com/rebeccaSUBSCRIBE at http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=rkwatson+++Links + transcript ava...