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Preparing for a post-carbon world.

Aspiring plant-based life form 🌱 Sustainability and long-term projects.
JD Vance is the final boss stage of "we went to an Ohio diner to once again center the feelings of white men" that the NYTimes had been selling us for decades
Report: IDF Uses US-Made Bulldozers to Hide Bodies of Dead Palestinians in Gaza. Israeli soldiers said they use the Caterpillar equipment to hide bodies from view of aid convoys. truthout.org/articles/rep...
Report: IDF Uses US-Made Bulldozers to Hide Bodies of Dead Palestinians in Gazatruthout.org Israeli soldiers said they use the Caterpillar equipment to hide bodies from view of aid convoys.
From a Biden campaign official: “The Biden campaign is pausing all outbound communications and working to pull down our television ads as quickly as possible.” — Matt Viser, WaPo
After the Supreme Court Chevron ruling, does Boeing have to fix their shitty airplanes?
yes, we boiled the planet, but it was worth it to make a machine that, instead of adding two plus two, takes the statistical average of every answer to questions containing "what" "is" "two" and "plus" from a database of illegal cell phone transcripts and returns a fake nude pic of a high schooler
The Democrats are a fundraising party that is willing to hold office. They believe they can lose this election and fundraise like never before. Maybe they are right about that, but they are undemocratically forcing voters to choose a weak candidate. The ‘democracy crisis’ is inside the party.
The deafening silence of most congressional Democrats regarding the Biden administration’s complicity in genocide is unacceptable. The dead children, the mass graves, the relentless bombing of refugee tent camps—where is your humanity?
Just making sure you’ve all seen this. Artist Chavis mármol has crushed a Tesla with a giant Olmec head sculpture and I think it is very, very beautiful
Pat Robertson died a year ago, I am seeing a lot of people on this website who are learning this for the first time today, on the anniversary. Don't be disappointed that you missed out on a year of celebrating. We can celebrate anew every year. We can pass out snacks and do some dances
I cannot get over how indifferent people are to AI's inability to deliver reliable information. Stop giving these things responsibility for telling people stuff!
remember that whole story about how ChatGPT aced the bar exam? Oops! OpenAI 100% just lied about that. It didn't happen. Oopsie! www.nytimes.com/2024/05/15/o...
Opinion | Will A.I. Ever Live Up to Its Hype?www.nytimes.com It’s looking less like an all-powerful being and more like an unreliable intern.
libraries: they're great even for non-fraud stuff!
Also if you've never been to a library or used a VPN before, prosecutors can argue that it's at least suspicious if you start doing so around the crime times Which is to say, go to your public library. It's great even for non-fraud stuff
This photo of cops attacking student protesters at UC Irvine yesterday is fucking crazy. (Robert Gauthier/Los Angeles Times) www.latimes.com/story/2024-0...
Our descent into fascism has been rapid. That it is happening under Biden…
Historian Ilan Pappe was detained in Detroit airport on Monday and asked if he was a Hamas supporter, whether he views Israeli action in Gaza as genocide, who his Arab and Muslim friends are in America, and what his solution is to the “conflict.” He is 70.
Eclipse: You shall wait for years, make careful plans, drive hundreds of miles for five miraculous minutes. Aurora: U up?
This crisis has produced the clearest possible fault lines: students and faculty (the authentic university) on one side, administration and finance capital (with an assist from the security state) on the other.
bluesky just lost a LOT of points in my book
i’m going to fuck your dad and give him a child he actually loves
New favorite photo of 2024 just dropped
If Columbia locks out student reporters, I’m not gonna say not accepting a Pulitzer is bad—maybe people have personal reasons for needing the money & media layoffs are so frequent—but that said, refusing one would be heroic. Those finalists are being declared next week.
“The university has decided to dangle my visa status and ability to stay in the country in exchange for my silence” Fuck Cornell